Weebly vs WordPress

Weebly and WordPress are both awesome tools for creating websites.

But they’re pretty different.

Let’s break it down so you can see which one might work best for you.

Weebly is the easy button for building websites. It’s a simple, affordable drag-and-drop builder. You don’t need to know any code to use it.

Even though you can peek at the HTML/CSS, it’s not fully open-source, so you’re a bit limited in how much you can change things compared to WordPress.

On the other hand, WordPress is a huge deal.

It’s an open-source CMS, which means lots of people use it, and you’ve got tons of freedom to customize your site.

You’re in the driver’s seat for designing, managing, and promoting your site.

WordPress doesn’t have drag-and-drop by default. But, there are tons of plugins to help you add whatever functionality you need.

So, both platforms have their own tools and ways of doing things.

They offer different levels of flexibility.

But at the heart of it, Weebly and WordPress both aim to help you build and launch your own professional website.

It’s about what works for you. Do you want the straightforward, easy route with Weebly, or do you want the vast customization options of WordPress? Your choice should fit your needs and your comfort with technology.

In this article, we’ll compare Weebly vs WordPress, looking at every aspect to make sure you can choose the best website builder.

So, let’s figure it out together!

Weebly vs WordPress: Overview

What Is Weebly?


Weebly’s really made a name for itself as a modern, do-it-yourself website builder.

It’s got this nifty drag-and-drop feature that makes setting up all kinds of websites, whether for business or just for fun, pretty easy.

Also, you don’t need to know any coding to use it, which is great news for beginners. But if you’re more experienced and want to dig into the code, Weebly lets you do that too.

Since kicking off in 2006, it’s become super popular, now powering over 1.5 million websites!

Plus, it teamed up with Square, a big name in eCommerce, making it even better for creating online stores.

What Is WordPress?

WordPress Dashboard Landing Page
WordPress Dashboard Landing Page

WordPress is like the champion of Content Management Systems. It’s perfect for all sorts of projects, big or small, personal or professional.

What’s really cool is its plugin system, giving you tons of options to add to your site. It’s been around since 2003, starting as a simple tool to create a blog or any website using WordPress.

But wow, has it grown a lot now!

Now it’s this powerful platform that’s behind millions of websites. You don’t need to know how to code to use WordPress.

But, a bit of web design knowledge can help.

So, both Weebly and WordPress are top choices for creating websites, each with its own set of tools and features. WordPress offers more in terms of adding extra functions and tweaking designs, and its user numbers are pretty impressive. It’s about what you need and what feels right for your project.

Weebly vs WordPress: Blogging

How Is Blogging with Weebly?

Weebly really shines when it comes to blogging.

Originally built with bloggers in mind, Weebly is packed with features like post scheduling, comments, and social media sharing.

I found it user-friendly too, especially since you don’t need to know coding to set up a blog. They offer a bunch of free templates that are mobile-responsive, so your blog will look great on any device.

Once you’ve picked a template, customizing your blog’s design is a breeze with Weebly’s built-in editor. You don’t need any programming skills, which makes the whole process smooth.

Planning your posts is essential for keeping your blog fresh, and Weebly’s scheduling feature lets you organize content ahead of time for automatic publishing.

Multimedia support is another big plus.

You can add images, audio, and videos to your posts, making them more engaging. The built-in commenting system is great for interaction, allowing readers to discuss and give feedback on your content.

You can also keep conversations healthy by moderating comments.

Weebly’s Stories Overview feature is a standout, letting you create dynamic blog pages with links to stories across your site. Usually, you can get your blog up and running in about half an hour, and it’s worth the effort.

WordPress, on the other hand, was made for bloggers too.

How Is Blogging with WordPress?

WordPress has got everything to make editing and optimizing content easy.

With a powerful engine ideal for content-based sites, WordPress offers tons of free, customizable blog templates. Whatever your style, you’ll find something that fits.

Plugins are a game-changer with WordPress. They extend your blog’s functionality, covering everything from SEO to social media integration. If you’re thinking about making money from your blog, WordPress has you covered with options like Google AdSense and eCommerce plugins like WooCommerce.

One thing to note about WordPress is its scalability.

Your blog can grow with you, handling more traffic as you expand. It’s a robust platform, but it does take more time to learn.

So, if you’re deciding between Weebly and WordPress for blogging, both have a lot to offer. Weebly is more straightforward, while WordPress gives you more control and options but requires a bit more technical know-how. Think about what you need for your blog and choose accordingly.

Weebly vs WordPress: eCommerce

Weebly for eCommerce

Since teaming up with Square in 2017, Weebly’s become a top-notch choice for building all kinds of online shops, from tiny boutiques to huge markets. They’ve got this special eCommerce package that’s super easy to use.

Imagine getting a free SSL and ready-to-go shopping cart features with just a few clicks. Plus, Weebly’s inventory tools are a big help.

You can keep track of stock, get alerts when items are low, and even have your inventory update automatically.

Setting up payments is a breeze because Weebly works with big names like Stripe, Square, and PayPal. This means your customers can pay safely and easily right on your site. You’ll also find everything you need to make your product pages shine, like editing tools, video options, and even built-in shipping and tax calculators.

If you’re selling stuff with different choices, like sizes or colors, Weebly’s got you covered. It’s easy for your customers to pick what they want when they order. And with an integrated shopping cart, flexible shipping, and coupon codes, your shop will run smoothly.

Want to reach a bigger audience?

Weebly’s online stores look great on phones and tablets too.

One cool feature I like is the abandoned cart recovery.

If someone leaves anything in their cart, Weebly automatically reminds them to come back and finish buying.

And if you want to keep customers coming back, there are plenty of options for loyalty rewards.

Now, let’s talk about WordPress.

WordPress for eCommerce

It’s also great for setting up a web store, but it might take a bit more time. You’ll need some extra plugins, like WooCommerce, which is perfect for any size shop. It’s free, but you can add more features if you need them.

WooCommerce lets you create awesome product catalogs, manage your inventory, set up discounts, and more. It also works with many payment methods and lets you sort out shipping rates and labels.

WooCommerce comes with tools to help you keep an eye on how your store is doing. You can see what’s selling, how customers shop, and use that info to make your store even better.

Plus, it’s flexible.

You can add plugins to do just about anything you want with your store.

Both Weebly and WordPress are great for creating your online shop.

Weebly’s easy to use with lots of built-in tools, while WordPress, with WooCommerce, offers more customization and options. So, think about what you need for your shop and go from there.

Weebly vs WordPress: Marketing

Weebly for Marketing

Weebly’s got your back with plenty of ways to boost your website.

It has a powerful feature called Weebly Promote, which is all about email marketing. You’ll need to pay a bit extra for it, but it’s worth it if you’re serious about growing your business.

You can choose a plan that fits your goals and budget.

This tool lets you build a mailing list, create catchy newsletters, and track how well they’re doing.

Plus, if you’re already using Mailchimp, you can easily link it with Weebly to manage your emails and send out updates to your followers.

I love how easy Weebly makes it to connect with your social media. You can add icons, share buttons, and even show off your social media feeds right on your website. This encourages visitors to follow and share your content.

If you’ve got special deals or news to share, Weebly’s got tools for making eye-catching pop-ups and banners. They’re perfect for grabbing attention, collecting emails, or telling the world about your latest offers. These tricks can really help you draw more people in and get them interested in what you’re doing.

And when it comes to ads, Weebly’s on it.

You can use Google AdSense to put ads on your site and make some money when people click on them. You get to decide where the ads go and how they look, so they fit with your style and don’t annoy your visitors.

WordPress for Marketing

Now, WordPress takes a different approach.

It’s all about plugins, which are like little tools you can add to do all sorts of things. You can find plugins for promoting your site, boosting your search engine ranking, gathering contacts, and more. The only catch is that you need to manage these plugins yoursel.

There are tons of plugins out there, some free and some not.

Free plugins are great for getting started, but if you’re really looking to step up your game, you might want to consider paying for the extra features.

In the end, WordPress gives you loads of choices.

If you’re just starting out, you can find some great tools without spending a dime.

But as your business grows, you might want to invest in more advanced options. While Weebly offers a solid email marketing tool, WordPress gives you the freedom to mix and match to find the perfect combination for your needs.

Weebly vs WordPress: SEO

Weebly SEO

Weebly’s quite friendly when it comes to SEO optimization. You can tweak basic things like meta tags, titles, and descriptions for each page.

It even lets you change URLs, set up redirects, and add alt texts to images to make them more search-friendly.

Plus, if your site isn’t ready to be found yet, you can keep it hidden from search engines. It’s a simple setup but can really help you climb higher in search rankings. 

And if you want more help, Weebly has its own SEO pros who can tailor a plan just for you.

On the other hand, WordPress offers more control over SEO.

WordPress SEO

It’s great for websites that have a lot of content and need fine-tuning.

Being open-source means you can do a lot more with it, like using SEO plugins to make your content stand out and even tweaking the site’s code to speed things up. 

But to get all this going, you’ll probably want to use a SEO plugin. These plugins help you manage all the SEO basics for each page. Just know, if you want to dive into the code, you’ll need some web design skills.

When it comes down to SEO, WordPress gives you more tools and options to really fine-tune your site through specialized plugins. Weebly, while simpler, offers the basics to get you started. So, whether you’re looking for easy and straightforward or more detailed and hands-on, there’s something for you.

Weebly vs WordPress: Usability

Weebly Ease of Use

Weebly’s really loved worldwide for its simple, user-friendly design tools. It’s perfect for beginners with its easy drag-and-drop editor and great features for all kinds of websites. Since joining with Square, it’s become even better for online stores.

Weebly also has tools like Weebly Promote, a mobile editor, and the ability to move templates around. Plus, its website editor and dashboard are super straightforward, with cool things like image galleries, custom HTML, and maps.

It’s also got this neat “box model” where you just stack content blocks to build your site, which I think is great for starters.

Their customer support is really there for you.

More than many other website builders, Weebly gives you lots of help options like live chat, phone support, and an email ticketing system. They’re available all the time, and lots of people have said good things about them online. You can even check out their official support page for real-time help.

Now, WordPress feels a bit more complex but offers more features.

WordPress Ease of Use

As open-source software, you’ll need to download and set it up, which might take some extra effort and web design skills.

But you get a lot of freedom with plugin integration and customization, letting you make your site exactly how you want it. Although you’re in charge of every step, which some might find daunting, it also means you can plan your budget and bring unique ideas to life with full HTML/CSS access.

WordPress doesn’t have official customer support like Weebly. Instead, you’ll rely on the wealth of information available online.

As one of the oldest platforms out there, you’ll find answers to almost any question, plus tons of videos and articles on setting things up.

Both Weebly and WordPress are great for kicking off various projects, but they approach web design differently.

Weebly is an all-in-one solution that’s really simple and straightforward, while WordPress is open-source and gives you total control but requires a bit more from you in terms of setup and customization.

Weebly vs WordPress: Pricing

Weebly Pricing

At first, Weebly might look like the budget-friendly option with its $10/mo plan. But when you dive deeper, you’ll see it’s pretty basic, just letting you connect a domain name. If you want all the useful features, you’ll need to step up to a premium plan. 

Here’s the breakdown of the plans:

  • The Personal plan is $10/mo and gives you a custom domain, pop-up notifications, and tools like a shipping/tax calculator.
  • The Professional plan at $12/mo is great for a professional-looking site or small business. It removes ads, offers password protection, and includes advanced analytics
  • For big-time business needs, the Performance Plan at $26/mo gives you top-notch eCommerce tools, priority support, and more.

Weebly also has a free plan, perfect for trying things out and sharpening your web design skills. But to really launch your site, you’ll need to pick a paid plan.

On the flip side, WordPress itself is free.

WordPress Pricing

You can download and set it up without spending a dime. But, if you want a cool design or special features, you might buy premium themes or plugins. Remember, you’ll need to sort out your own hosting and domain.

When it comes to costs, WordPress offers more flexibility. You can pick cheaper plugins or hosting options that fit your budget.

Weebly, being an all-in-one platform, means you’re kind of locked into what your chosen plan offers.

Weebly vs WordPress: Verdict

Choosing between Weebly and WordPress can be tricky at first.

If you’re new to this and don’t have much tech knowledge, you’ll probably love how quick and easy it is to make a site with Weebly.

But if you’re more experienced and like making things your own way, WordPress’s customization options are a big win.

I think WordPress is the top choice for creating, customizing, and promoting websites. It gives you more control over editing your site, and the number of plugins you can add is pretty impressive.

In wrapping up, I hope this exploration of Weebly and WordPress has shed some light on your path. Choosing the right tool is a big decision, and it’s all about what fits your needs and comfort level.

If you’re leaning towards ease and quick setup, Weebly is great. Love customization and have a bit of tech savvy? Go for WordPress.

Tamal Kr. Chandra

I am Tamal, a passionate blogger and the creative mind behind Digital Millions. From blogging and affiliate marketing to e-commerce and SEO, I write easy-to-follow guides and give honest advice about the best tools to build a business online and get financially free.