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Pressable Review: Managed Hosting for WordPress Users

It’s a common concern for bloggers and website owners – website uptime. We all want a reliable hosting provider. What if your hosting provider also powers WordPress and WooCommerce? That’s where Pressable hosting comes in. For a comprehensive Pressable review, continue reading!

Pressable Review

Managed WordPress Hosting, Redefined

  • Powerful WordPress Cloud Platform
  • 100% Uptime Guarantee
  • Free Automatic Failover & CDN
  • Performance Monitoring And Optimization
  • Optimized WooCommerce Hosting
  • 24/7 WordPress Support
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Are you looking for an honest Pressable hosting review?

You’re in the right place!

Let’s face it, every blogger and website owner worries about their site’s uptime.

We all want a hosting provider we can trust.

What if your hosting provider also powers WordPress and WooCommerce?

That’s where Pressable comes in.

It may not be the most famous name, but it’s been a reliable hosting service for a while.

WordPress is the most popular platform for creating a website nowadays, whether it’s a personal blog or a thriving business online. When you’re taking your business online, it’s crucial to find a web hosting provider that understands your needs and ensures top-notch security.

Pressable hosting plans come with a range of valuable features, including offline staging and robust Jetpack security tools. Pressable proudly bears the tagline “WordPress Hosting for WordPress Professionals,” offering you a reliable partner for your online journey.

Considering Pressable for your hosting needs? This comprehensive Pressable review covers features, pricing, what sets them apart, pros, cons, and our final verdict.

What is Pressable Hosting?

Pressable Landing Page

Pressable is a managed hosting service for WordPress and WooCommerce. It started back in 2010 under the name ZippyKid with the goal of supporting bloggers, freelancers, developers, and website owners.

If you’re tech-savvy, here’s an exciting news: Pressable offers lightning-fast NVMe servers. But even if tech talk isn’t your thing, most hosting providers use SSDs for storage, which are great, but NVMe servers take speed to the next level. Your website will load lightning fast!

Now, let’s talk about Pressable’s journey. It started with a bang and, along the way, got cozy with a company called Automattic. Those folks are big shots in the WordPress world. With their expertise, they’ve fine-tuned and revamped Pressable’s setup, making it not just reliable but also cutting-edge.

What makes this even more awesome is that Automattic is the mastermind behind all the major WordPress-related projects – think, WooCommerce, and Jetpack.

So, when you choose Pressable as your hosting service, you’re not just getting a dependable platform; you’re also getting top-notch support for every WordPress update and issue.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, rest assured that their friendly and knowledgeable customer support team will have your back, making sure your website runs smoothly and stays up-to-date with all the latest in the world of WordPress.

Pressable Hosting Features

Pressable is among the world’s top hosting platforms. They proudly hold this position because they offer something truly unique, distinguishing them from the competition.

At Pressable, they live by the 3S philosophy: Speed, Security, and Support.

Let’s explore Pressable’s standout features one by one.

User-Friendly Experience

Pressable offers you a hosting experience that’s easy and welcoming. Their dashboard is designed to be user-friendly, making it a breath of fresh air compared to the complexities you might encounter elsewhere. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, you’ll find the platform a breeze to navigate.

Handling tasks like adjusting settings, creating new WordPress sites, duplicating existing ones, and migrating sites is a breeze – just a few simple clicks, and you’re all set!

100% Uptime Guarantee

We all want our websites to run seamlessly 24/7.

But let’s face it – technical issues can sometimes cause problems, right? That’s why many hosting providers shy away from promising a 100% uptime guarantee.

However, Pressable takes the challenge and boldly offers just that. They believe in their ability to keep your website up and running. But, don’t take their word for it. It was put to the test by monitoring the uptime with the UptimeRobot tool, and the results were truly impressive.

Their confidence in their service is evident in their impressive guarantee, more than just a promise, it’s a friendly assurance of their dedication to your satisfaction.

For every 30 minutes of unexpected downtime, users are in for a pleasant surprise: a generous 5% credit, a tangible way of showing that they truly value your time. It’s important to note that this guarantee excludes scheduled maintenance, ensuring fairness in compensation.

But wait, there’s even more good news.

In the rare event of extended downtime, you’re not left high and dry.

Pressable offers the option of a 100% cashback.

It makes it pretty clear that they stand by their commitment to provide you with a hosting experience that’s not just reliable but also incredibly user-friendly.

Seamless Automatic Failover

In web hosting, DNS failover fees are typical, but Pressable offers Automatic Failover in all plans at no cost, showing their dedication to your seamless hosting experience.

Automatic Failover means simplicity and effectiveness. If your server takes a break, Pressable steps in, smoothly shifting your website servers to keep your service running smoothly. Plus, their dedicated monitoring team watches your website 24/7, providing peace of mind and assistance when you need it. It’s not just web hosting; it’s hosting with a personal touch.

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Let’s explore the world of Content Delivery Networks, or CDNs, and why your website needs a CDN. CDNs have a big impact on your site’s speed and SEO, making them a must-have.

CDNs take your website’s content and store it on servers close to your visitors.

It makes your site load super fast and ensures returning visitors get what they need quickly. It’s all about speed and a great user experience, boosting your SEO.

Every website hosted on Pressable has the ability to harness the power of our Content Delivery Network (CDN). With a widespread network of PoPs across the globe, their CDN is designed to ensure that your site’s content always reaches your visitors from the nearest server location.

High Speed NVMe Servers

In the fast-paced world of technology, NVMe isn’t just quick – it’s like a high-speed race track, leaving regular SSD storage behind. And Pressable? They’re like your expert support team, here to boost your website’s performance and help you take the lead.

NVMe, short for non-volatile memory express, isn’t just about speed. It offers a host of hosting benefits – quicker responses, enhanced queuing, and superior security.

It’s the all-in-one upgrade that takes your hosting to the next level.

SSL Security Certificates

In the vast online world, security is essential.

Also, Google recommends and likes websites that have SSL certificates for extra protection.

Pressable goes the extra mile by offering a free SSL certificate with all their plans. While many other web hosts tack on extra fees, Pressable provides this security at no additional cost.

Round-the-Clock Support

At Pressable, their goal is simple: to keep your website running smoothly, no matter what. Their team of experts is here 24/7 to assist with hosting and technical questions. Your website’s success is their top priority, and they’re dedicated to making it happen.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Pressable, like many other hosting providers, extends a comforting 30-day money-back guarantee to its users, ensuring that your satisfaction is a top priority.

While this guarantee might appear standard, there’s more to the story that makes Pressable stand out. Picture this: if your website suddenly gets a lot more visitors, your hosting plan, no matter how good, might need a little extra power to keep up.

Pressable excels in its dedication to offering a smooth hosting experience. You’re not stuck with your initial plan here. Pressable offers flexibility, making plan upgrades easy. You can do it through the user-friendly Control Panel or get help from their support team – it’s up to you.

It’s about giving you the tools to take control of your website’s destiny. With Pressable, you’re not just getting hosting; you’re getting a reliable partner dedicated to your success.

Free WP101 Training

WP101 is a valuable resource for mastering WordPress, and here’s the exciting part – it’s not just any training source; it’s the official WordPress training platform.

It covers everything, from the basics to advanced strategies for WordPress development. With WP101 in your toolbox, you’re ready to tackle any WordPress project with confidence.

Beyond top-notch hosting, Pressable offers free access to WP101.

With this powerful combination, you don’t only get a great hosting service but also the knowledge and training to make the most of it. It’s a partnership that elevates your WordPress journey, offering the tools, help, and know-how to overcome any web development challenge.

Customizable Managed Hosting Solution

Pressable offers customizable and scalable hosting plans.

Here’s the deal:

If your website deals with lots of traffic and has specific needs, you’re in the right place.

With Pressable, you can create a hosting plan that matches your requirements. Need more storage? You got it. Want better performance? It’s at your fingertips. It’s hosting that’s all about you.

Pressable isn’t just about hosting; it’s about making your website shine in the digital world.

Effortless Daily Backups

When it comes to keeping your website safe, daily backups are like an insurance policy.

Normally, getting the JetPack daily backup plan would cost you $24.95 every month.

But here’s the cool part.

Pressable and JetPack are like family because they’re under the same company.

And here’s the gift: The JetPack Security Daily service is now included in all plans except the Entry-level Plan, and it’s a game-changer, promising enhanced security and peace of mind.

So, what does this service do?

It’s not just about making backups; it’s a full security package. It doesn’t just create daily backups, it also keeps a close watch on all the changes happening on your site. This keeps your site super secure, and it performs really well thanks to the JetPack Security Daily Plugin.

In a world where website security and performance really matter, Pressable and JetPack have your back. They’ve made daily backups a breeze, ensuring your site stays in top shape.

In short, it’s complete peace of mind for website owners who want the best.

Hassle-Free WordPress Updates

Typically, handling WordPress updates with regular hosting means manual work. You need to watch for potential issues and flaws when installing new updates.

But Pressable? They’re different. They’ve made it super simple.

When new WordPress-related stuff hits the scene, they take care of the updates automatically. And don’t worry, they only apply them once they’ve double-checked that everything is 100% secure. So you can relax, knowing your site stays up to date without any fuss.

Complete WordPress Security

In today’s fast-paced digital world, online protection is a must.

Pressable’s hosting plans make it easy.

They have a built-in Web Application Firewall (WAF) that protects your site from common attacks, especially those targeting WordPress. It’s like a strong shield for your website.

And guess what? The awesome team at Pressable is always keeping an eye out for trouble. They regularly scan your site to ensure no sneaky malware or threats are lurking. With Pressable by your side, you can focus on developing and customizing your site worry-free.

And in case the unexpected occurs and your site faces an attack, rest assured that Pressable has a dedicated team all set to assist you in a speedy recovery.

In short, Pressable ensures your website’s security so you can focus on your strengths.

Pressable Data Centers

Pressable provides an extensive network of data centers strategically situated in multiple geographical locations to enhance your web hosting experience.

Each place has two servers – a primary and a secondary.

Here are the locations:

  • AMS: Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • DCA: Ashburn, VA
  • BUR: Los Angeles, CA
  • DFW: Dallas, Texas

You select the data center during WordPress installation for your website. Keep in mind, this choice is permanent, and it’s where your website starts with Pressable.

Pressable Hosting Plans and Prices

Pressable offers a variety of managed WordPress hosting plans. These plans are suitable for both managed WooCommerce hosting and managed WordPress hosting.

1. Entry Plan – $19/month

  • 1 WordPress installation
  • Up to 5,000 monthly visitors
  • 10GB of storage per month
  • Around-the-clock WordPress hosting support
  • Powered by the WP cloud platform
  • Free website migrations
  • Includes professional email
Pressable Entry Pricing

2. Personal Plan – $25/month

  • 1 WordPress installation
  • Up to 30,000 monthly visitors
  • 20GB storage per month
  • Round-the-clock WordPress hosting support
  • Powered by the WP cloud platform
  • Includes Jetpack’s daily security
  • Free website migrations
  • Professional email services

3. Starter Plan – $45/month

  • 3 WordPress installations
  • Up to 50,000 monthly visitors
  • 30GB storage per month
  • 24/7 WordPress hosting support
  • Powered by the WP cloud platform
  • Includes Jetpack’s daily security
  • Free website migrations
  • Professional email services

4. Advanced Plan – $60/month

  • 5 WordPress installations
  • Up to 75,000 monthly visitors
  • 35GB storage per month
  • 24/7 WordPress hosting support
  • Powered by the WP cloud platform
  • Includes Jetpack’s daily security
  • Free website migrations
  • Professional email services

4. Pro Plan – $90/month

  • 10 WordPress installations
  • Up to 150,000 monthly visitors
  • 50GB storage per month
  • 24/7 WordPress hosting support
  • Powered by the WP cloud platform
  • Includes Jetpack’s daily security
  • Free website migrations
  • Professional email services

5. Premium Plan – $155/month

  • 20 WordPress installations
  • Up to 400,000 monthly visitors
  • 80GB storage per month
  • 24/7 WordPress hosting support
  • Powered by the WP cloud platform
  • Includes Jetpack’s daily security
  • Free website migrations
  • Professional email services

6. Business Plan – $350/month

  • 50 WordPress installations
  • Up to 1000,000 monthly visitors
  • 200GB storage per month
  • 24/7 WordPress hosting support
  • Powered by the WP cloud platform
  • Includes Jetpack’s daily security
  • Free website migrations
  • Professional email services

7. Business 80 Plan – $545/month

  • 80 WordPress installations
  • Up to 1600,000 monthly visitors
  • 275GB storage per month
  • 24/7 WordPress hosting support
  • Powered by the WP cloud platform
  • Includes Jetpack’s daily security
  • Free website migrations
  • Professional email services

8. Business 100 Plan – $675/month

  • 100 WordPress installations
  • Up to 2000,000 monthly visitors
  • 325GB storage per month
  • 24/7 WordPress hosting support
  • Powered by the WP cloud platform
  • Includes Jetpack’s daily security
  • Free website migrations
  • Professional email services

For additional features and customization options, you can go with the “Custom Plan”.

9. Custom Plan

  • Custom plan offers maximum flexibility for users to tailor their hosting to their unique needs.
  • Pay only for the features you use
  • Pricing is available through consultation with Pressable
  • Custom plans are ideal for those with 150+ WordPress installations

On the official website, you can filter plans by the number of WordPress installations and expected traffic, making it easy to choose the right plan for your website’s needs.

All Pressable plans offer a 30-day money-back guarantee and 2 free months with annual billing.

Pros of Pressable Hosting

Let’s explore the benefits of choosing Pressable hosting.

1. Access to Expertise

The Pressable support team knows hosting and WordPress inside out. You can rely on their highly trained professionals to help with any technical problems.

Whether your concerns revolve around WordPress, Pressable hosting, WooCommerce, or Jetpack, rest assured that their extensive knowledge is readily available.

2. Exceptional Performance

Pressable uses super-fast NVMe storage on their servers for excellent hosting performance.

Moreover, they’ve integrated a pre-built CDN to efficiently distribute traffic to various servers, significantly boosting overall performance and providing a top-notch hosting experience for users.

Should any server encounter issues, the Automatic Failover feature seamlessly shifts the load to alternative servers, ensuring your website maintains top-notch performance.

3. Money-Back Guarantee

The presence of a money-back guarantee is crucial as it provides peace of mind in case the hosting service doesn’t meet your expectations after a purchase.

Pressable stands out by offering a generous 30-day money-back guarantee for all hosting plans. The best part is, they don’t ask questions when you request a refund.

Moreover, Pressable grants you the flexibility to upgrade or modify your plan as needed.

4. Value for Your Investment

While there are cheaper hosting options out there, Pressable distinguishes itself as a value-for-money hosting service provider, offering an excellent balance of cost and quality.

With Pressable, you receive round-the-clock customer support from experts, unlimited bandwidth, a 100% uptime guarantee, a 30-day money-back guarantee, user-friendly plan upgrade options, complimentary premium features of Jetpack, and much more. Basically, it offers a comprehensive package that represents excellent value for your investment.

Cons of Pressable Hosting

While Pressable offers excellent hosting with many advantages, it’s important to remember that no platform is perfect. Here, we’ll highlight some things to keep in mind about Pressable hosting:

1. Higher Costs

Pressable’s pricing is slightly higher than some competitors, and we understand that budget-conscious businesses may have some concerns. However, it’s essential to highlight that, despite the slightly higher prices, Pressable’s services come with valuable features. This makes Pressable an excellent choice for those who prioritize quality and are willing to invest a bit more in their hosting solution.

2. No Free Premium WordPress Themes

This limitation is a standard practice among hosting service providers.

And, Pressable is no exception.

However, it’s worth knowing that some of Pressable competitors sweeten the deal by including premium WordPress themes with their hosting plans like Cloudways, which can be a significant bonus.

While it’s not a direct downside of Pressable’s service, it’s a factor to consider.

After all, a little extra can greatly enhance the hosting experience.

3. Limited Storage

Pressable offers limited storage options, and this might not be the best fit for businesses with substantial storage needs, especially those running large websites with extensive data. Therefore, it’s crucial to carefully evaluate your storage needs and consider if it aligns with what Pressable offers.

4. Restricted Website Allocation

Pressable’s hosting plans have a limit on the number of websites you can accommodate, which may not be sufficient for many businesses. If your business handles multiple websites or aims to grow online, remember this limitation when considering about Pressable hosting services.

Best Pressable Alternative

If you’re not completely happy with Pressable, here’s another option to consider:

1. Cloudways

Cloudways Landing Page

Cloudways is a popular managed cloud hosting provider. They work with five major cloud providers: Google Cloud, Digital Ocean, AWS, Vultr, and Linode.

The great thing about Cloudways is that their plans are quite affordable, starting at just $10 per month. Plus, they offer a free trial, allowing you to test their services before making any financial commitments. If you like what you see, you can easily upgrade to a premium plan.

Cloudways offers a ton of valuable features to enhance your web hosting experience:

  • Automatic server-level backups and on-demand single-site backups for peace of mind.
  • Seamlessly create staging sites for hassle-free testing and development.
  • Effortlessly clone your site whenever needed.
  • Benefit from the built-in content delivery network (CDN).
  • Secure your website with free SSL certificates.
  • Safeguard your website from malicious bots with our advanced bot protection.
  • Server monitoring tools, pay as you go payment model and more.

Cloudways costs depend on your chosen cloud hosting and server resources. The $10 entry-level DigitalOcean server offers great performance, and the free Cloudways trial can help you test the platform without paying a penny. You don’t even need to give your credit card details.

Overall, Cloudways is very affordable when compared to the quality it offers.

Cloudways also offers exceptional speed and delivers outstanding performance. For optimal performance without breaking the bank, it’s recommended to try Vultr High Frequency servers.

Remember that Cloudways free trial is for three days.

After that, you’ll need to choose a plan if you want to continue with Cloudways.

Pressable Review: Final Verdict

After reading this Pressable hosting review, you should have a clear understanding of their offerings.

So, the important question is: Is Pressable hosting right for you?

With its close ties to WordPress’s parent company and a starting price of only $15 per month (with annual billing), Pressable is a cost-effective choice for beginners and experienced users. Although $15 may appear high initially, the range of features justifies this investment.

In short, the clear answer to whether you should consider Pressable hosting plans is yes.

However, the final decision is up to you!

About the author

I am Tamal Kr. Chandra, a passionate blogger and the creative mind behind Digital Millions. From blogging and affiliate marketing to e-commerce and SEO, I write easy-to-follow guides and give honest advice about the best tools to build a business online, grow your business, and get financially free.