
Showit vs WordPress [2023] — Which One is Absolutely Right?

Struggling to decide between Showit and WordPress for your website? In the realm of web design, the battle of Showit vs WordPress continues to captivate online entrepreneurs. In this blog post, we unravel the intricacies of these two popular platforms and help you choose the perfect fit.

Showit vs WordPress

Looking for a comparison of Showit vs WordPress? You’re at the right place!

If you’re looking to create a website, you’ve probably come across Showit and WordPress. Both of these platforms are popular choices for building websites, but they have different features and target audiences.

While WordPress is a complex content management system (CMS) used by over a third of the internet, Showit is a drag-and-drop builder with a focus on visual editing.

While WordPress is a free open-source software program, Showit is not.

WordPress is a powerful and highly popular content management system (CMS) that runs about one-third of all websites on the internet. It provides a large range of themes and plugins, as well as the ability to develop complex websites with dynamic content. WordPress is extremely adaptable, making it suited for a wide range of website types such as blogs, portfolios, e-commerce sites, and more. Also, WordPress also has a large community.

Showit, on the other hand, adopts a different strategy. It is a drag-and-drop website builder that focuses heavily on visual editing. Showit allows users to create websites by visually arranging components on the page, with no coding experience required. As a result, it is an excellent WordPress alternative for individuals or small enterprises who value design and user experience. However, there’s a cost of using it unlike free WordPress.

Additionally, Showit integrates seamlessly with the WordPress blogging platform, allowing users to combine Showit’s visual design skills with WordPress’s sophisticated blogging functions.

Well, I’ve probably explained a lot about these two platforms already. But, there’s more…

In this blog post, we’ll compare Showit vs WordPress and explore the key differences between the two platforms to help you make an informed decision. Eventually, you’ll be able to choose one for your needs.

By the end, you will know which platform best suits your needs for setting up your online presence!

Showit vs WordPress: Key Takeaways

  • Showit and WordPress are popular website builders with different features and target audiences.
  • Showit is a drag-and-drop builder with a focus on visual editing, while WordPress is a complex content management system used by over a third of the internet.
  • Showit’s key benefits include an intuitive interface, custom coding options, built-in SEO tools, pre-designed templates, and reliable customer support.
  • On the other hand, WordPress offers more advanced customization abilities through themes and plugins, multi-user capability, e-commerce functionality, and extensive security features among others. The choice between them ultimately depends on your specific needs for building an online presence.

Start a WordPress Site at $2.95/mo + Free Domain

Bluehost Get Started Button


Bluehost is one of the most popular WordPress hosting sites powering over 2+ million domains.

  • It is incredibly easy to use for beginners.
  • Bluehost is extremely affordable.
  • FREE domain name.
  • FREE one-click WordPress installation.
  • FREE website builders.
  • FREE 24/7 customer support if you need any help.
  • 30-day money-back guarantee

Showit Vs WordPress: Quick Overview

Diving into the world of website building can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to choosing the right platform for your needs. In this quick overview, we’ll compare two popular options: Showit vs WordPress.

Showit is a drag-and-drop website builder that boasts over 40,000 customer websites under its belt, making it an excellent choice for those who prefer a visual editing environment without needing any coding knowledge.

On the other hand, WordPress—used by one-third of the internet—is a robust content management system (CMS) known for its flexibility and extensibility through plugins, themes, and customizations.

Showit Overview

Showit Landing Page

Showit is a website building and design tool that helps you create beautiful websites easily. It has a visual drag-and-drop interface that allows users to construct webpages by arranging objects on a canvas.

Showit focuses on giving creative professionals, photographers, and small businesses a flexible and easy website development experience. You can design their websites using a combination of pre-designed templates, customizable layouts, and a wide range of design elements.

As a new user, you might be interested in Showit, a powerful and versatile drag-and-drop website-building platform designed with your needs in mind. With over 50,000 customer websites built using Showit in the last 13 years, it has emerged as an intuitive platform for photographers and small businesses alike.

Showit offers built-in tools for SEO optimization such as SEO Page Title, SEO Meta Description, and Share Image to help improve your online presence. Additionally, custom coding options including Javascript, CSS, and HTML can be added to individual pages or site-wide for those who need more advanced customization.

By providing an SSL certificate upon publishing your website along with browser compatibility through Google Chrome usage recommendations, you can rest assured that visitors will have a smooth browsing experience on your site.

Aspiring designers can also take advantage of pre-designed templates provided by Showit which make it possible to launch their website in just one day. It’s a pretty cool feature too, I believe.

WordPress Overview

WordPress Dashboard Landing Page
WordPress Dashboard Landing Page

WordPress is a highly popular content management system (CMS) that allows users to create and manage websites easily. It is an open-source software, which means it is free to use and has a large community of developers actively contributing to its development and maintenance.

Originally launched as a blogging platform in 2003, WordPress has evolved into a versatile CMS that powers millions of websites worldwide. It provides a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features that make it suitable for various types of websites, from simple blogs to complex e-commerce stores and corporate websites.

As a new user, you’ll appreciate that WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in the world, powering roughly one-third of all websites on the internet.

In fact, I personally like WordPress, and the website you are on right now is built on WordPress.

With WordPress, you can customize your web presence using various themes and plugins designed specifically to enhance website functionality. Additionally, responsive web design is at your fingertips with thousands of templates available right out of the box. After all, there’s a reason why over 40% of the web depends on it.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is not an issue with plenty of SEO plugins and their features.

In terms of analytics, WordPress seamlessly integrates with tools such as Google Analytics for data-driven decision-making. You can start a WordPress blog or website for less than $50 a year with hosting like Bluehost.

Comparison Table of Showit vs WordPress

To provide a clear understanding of the similarities and differences between Showit and WordPress, let’s take a look at this comparison table that breaks down the key aspects of each platform.

User InterfaceDrag-and-drop visual builderGutenberg Editor and Classic WordPress experience
PricingSubscription-based plansFree (but requires hosting and domain)
Customization abilitiesWide variety of styling options, supports custom Javascript, CSS, and HTMLThousands of themes and plugins available for customization
SEO ToolsBuilt-in SEO tools for on-page editingRange of free and premium plugins available for advanced SEO features
Site Monetization and E-commerceLimited e-commerce featuresVarious e-commerce plugins, including WooCommerce, Surecart and others
Blogging FeaturesVarious e-commerce plugins, including WooCommerce, Surecart, and othersHighly optimized for blogging
Comparison Table of Showit vs WordPress

This table offers a quick comparison of the 2 platforms, showcasing their strengths and weaknesses. It can help you in making an informed decision on which platform may be best suited for their specific needs.

Showit Vs WordPress: Key Features

Showit offers a visual drag-and-drop editor with a range of pre-designed elements, while WordPress allows for complex customization of the entire website through themes and plugins.

Showit Key Features

As a new user, it’s important to know the key features of Showit before deciding if it’s right for you.

Here are some notable Showit features:

  • Website builder: Showit is a drag-and-drop website builder that allows you to create a custom website.
  • User-friendly: Showit has an intuitive interface and is easy to use, making it perfect for beginners.
  • Default themes: Showit comes with pre-designed templates that users can customize or start from scratch.
  • Visual editing environment: With its visual editing environment, users can see real-time changes as they make them, ensuring a smooth and efficient design process.
  • Built-in SEO tools: Showit has built-in tools for SEO, including SEO Page Title, SEO Meta Description, and Share Image, which help improve your website’s search engine rankings.
  • Customization options: Showit allows users to add custom Javascript, CSS, and HTML to individual pages.
  • Predesigned templates: Showit offers the best website templates out there that are pre-designed and ready for users to launch their website in one day.
  • Reliable customer support: The support team has received high ratings for their helpfulness and patience, ensuring you have all the help you need along the way.

Overall, these key features make Showit an excellent choice for photographers or small businesses looking for a simple yet powerful website builder that offers enough customization options without coding!

WordPress Key Features

WordPress is a powerful CMS with a wide range of features that make it popular worldwide.

Here are some key features of WordPress:

  • Themes and templates: WordPress offers a vast collection of pre-designed themes and templates. No matter what your needs are, you will certainly find something that suits your needs.
  • Customization: Using the WordPress platform, users can create custom designs with full site editing. It’s a new feature of WordPress that lets you fully customize every part of a website or blog.
  • Plugins: With over 60,000 plugins available, WordPress users can enhance their site’s functionality easily.
  • Mobile-responsive: WordPress automatically generates mobile and iPad versions.
  • SEO-friendly: Optimized for SEO to ensure that users can rank better on search engines.
  • Multi-user capability: Multiple users can work together on the same website project or account.
  • E-commerce functionality: WordPress offers multiple e-commerce plugins that allow businesses to sell their products online. In fact, you should not have any issues creating an online store on WordPress.
  • Security features: Regular updates and advanced security controls make WordPress websites safe.

Overall, WordPress is a fantastic CMS platform for businesses and individuals who want a robust website with customized features and great SEO tools.

Winner Based On Key Features: WordPress

When it comes to key features, Showit and WordPress both offer excellent options; however, they differ in their approach. Showit is a drag-and-drop editing platform that’s perfect for beginners or those who want to focus on visual design. On the other hand, WordPress provides more advanced customization abilities via its page builders and themes. It suits all types of website owners from bloggers to businesses.

The winner here depends largely on your needs – if you’re after simplicity and ease of use for visual design purposes only- then Showit is your winner. Well, I personally like and recommend WordPress.

Showit Vs WordPress: Pricing

In terms of pricing, Showit offers three plans ranging from $19 to $39 per month while WordPress is free but requires domain and hosting costs, making it more affordable for long-term use.

Showit Pricing Plans

Showit offers 3 different pricing plans to cater to the needs of its users, with each plan offering various features and benefits. Here’s an overview of their pricing structure to help you decide which plan is right for you:

PlanPrice (Billed Annually)Key Features
Showit$19/monthShowit website builder, HTTPS connection, 20 GB storage, 7 days of backup
Showit & Basic Starter Blog$24/monthAll Showit plan features, 10k blog visits, WP Engine WordPress hosting, 30 days backup, Support for Showit blog design and pre-installed plugins
Showit & Advanced Blog$34/monthAll Showit & Basic Starter Blog plan features, 25k blog visits, Unlimited users, Free blog migration, FTP and database access
Showit Pricing Plan Details

Quick note: While Showit’s pricing plans include hosting for your website, they do not include the cost of purchasing a domain name. Additionally, premium templates and third-party integrations may incur extra costs.

WordPress Pricing

WordPress pricing can vary greatly depending on your choice of theme and additional features, such as premium plugins or premium support. WordPress itself is free, but you will need to invest in hosting and a domain. Here’s a breakdown of the possible costs associated with WordPress:

WordPress SoftwareFree
WordPress Hosting$3-$50/month
WordPress Theme (optional)Free – $200 (one-time)
Premium Plugins (optional)$19-$100+ (one-time or annual)
Premium SupportVaries (optional)
possible costs associated with WordPress

Please understand that although these are general costs, there is a wide range of options for each item. This means you can create a WordPress site that fits within your budget and still get the functionality you need.

Start a WordPress Site at $2.95/mo + Free Domain

Bluehost Get Started Button


Bluehost is one of the most popular WordPress hosting sites powering over 2+ million domains.

  • It is incredibly easy to use for beginners.
  • Bluehost is extremely affordable.
  • FREE domain name.
  • FREE one-click WordPress installation.
  • FREE website builders.
  • FREE 24/7 customer support if you need any help.
  • 30-day money-back guarantee

WordPress Is Free, But You Need Hosting And Domain

As already mentioned before, one important fact to note for new users interested in using WordPress is that while it’s free to use, you’ll need to pay for hosting and a domain name. This means that you’ll have to find a web host to store your website files and purchase a unique domain name for your site.

However, although there are additional costs associated with using WordPress, many users still prefer this platform because of its extensive customization options and wide range of plugins available.

With thousands of free plugins available through the WordPress repository, users can easily add features like social sharing buttons or contact forms without having to do any coding themselves.

And if you’re looking for even more functionality beyond what’s offered by free plugins, there are also plenty of premium plugin options available at reasonable prices, usually from $49-$200/year with support.

Ultimately, whether you choose Showit or WordPress will depend on your specific needs as a website owner.

If budget is a primary concern and you want an all-in-one solution where everything is included in one monthly fee (including hosting), then Showit might be the better choice for you.

But, you can still get your website fully set up for less than $50 per year using WordPress.

Winner Based On Pricing

When it comes to pricing, there are some key differences between Showit and WordPress.

While WordPress itself is free, you will need to pay for hosting and a domain name. On the other hand, Showit requires a monthly subscription fee that ranges from $19 to $34 per month when paid annually.

Additionally, WordPress offers thousands of free themes.

Meanwhile, Showit templates are used solely for page design and average well over $100 each. That being said, while Showit may be more expensive upfront, it does offer more value with features like custom coding and niche-specific website designs tailored specifically for photographers.

Showit Vs WordPress: User Interface

Both Showit and WordPress have user-friendly interfaces that cater to different levels of technical expertise.

Showit User Interface

As a new user, it’s important to consider when choosing between Showit vs WordPress user interface. Showit’s interface is known for being extremely easy to use, thanks to its drag-and-drop website builder.

On the other hand, WordPress makes complex customization simple.

On the WordPress platform, you can easily find plenty of options for advanced users. If you don’t mind spending some time learning how to use it, WordPress could be a great choice for your site.

Regardless of which platform you choose, both offer powerful features that can help take your website to the next level – so don’t worry too much about making the “Right” choice!

WordPress User Interface

The WordPress user interface is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, making it a popular choice for website owners of all levels. The dashboard provides a centralized location where you can manage your content, customize your site’s appearance, and access various options on your website.

WordPress dashboard image

WordPress offers default themes that are pre-installed with basic functions like menus, widgets, and page templates. These themes can be customized to match your brand’s look and feel using the customizer tool or through dedicated theme options panels. You can also add functionality to your website through thousands of plugins from the WordPress plugin repository or third-party developers.

Winner Based On The User Interface

As a new user, the look and feel of your website’s interface are crucial to your experience. When it comes to Showit vs WordPress, I believe both options have a clear advantage in terms of user-friendliness.

The interface makes designing websites an intuitive process without requiring any coding knowledge. It’s easy to get started with pre-designed templates that you can customize according to your liking.

Quick note: While WordPress offers more advanced customization options than Showit, its interface can sometimes be overwhelming for beginners in website building.

Showit Vs WordPress: Customization

Showit provides a range of styling options for text, images, galleries, shapes, icons, videos, and custom code.

Showit Customization Options

As a new user, you’ll be happy to know that Showit offers exceptional customization abilities that let you create visually stunning websites with ease. Here are some of the ways Showit makes customization easy:

  1. Drag-and-Drop Website Builder – Showit’s drag-and-drop website builder lets you place elements wherever you want them on your site, making it simple to customize your website.
  2. Creative Freedom – With Showit, you have the creative freedom to design your website however you like it.
  3. SEO Tools – Showit has built-in SEO tools that help optimize your website for search engines.
  4. Customization Options – You can customize everything from fonts and colors to page layouts and more.
  5. Integration Capabilities – If there’s a feature or functionality you need that isn’t available in Showit, you can easily integrate it from WordPress. Yes, Showit actually integrates with WordPress.
  6. Design Templates – Showit templates offer a head start in design so that you can easily customize them.
  7. Visual Builder – The visual builder lets you see exactly how your website will look as you build it.
  8. Coding Knowledge Not Required – You don’t need any coding knowledge to use Showit’s customization tools, making it accessible even for beginners.
  9. Responsive Design – Every template and site made with Showit is automatically optimized for mobile devices without requiring additional work on your part.
  10. Pricing Options – Showit offers pricing options starting at just $19 per month.

WordPress Customization Options

As a new user, understanding the customization abilities of WordPress is essential to deciding whether it’s the right website builder for you. Here are some key points to consider:

  • With thousands of free themes available, you can choose a design that suits your needs and customize it further using drag-and-drop page builders like Elementor or Beaver Builder.
  • You can add custom CSS and HTML to pages and site-wide, allowing for more advanced customization if needed.
  • WordPress has an extensive repository of over 60,000 free plugins. These allow you to add functionality to your site such as e-commerce features, analytics tools, contact forms, and much more.
  • If you have coding skills or access to developers, you can also create your own custom plugins.
  • While WordPress may offer more complex customization options than Showit, it does require some technical knowledge to use effectively. However, coding knowledge is totally optional.

Overall, if you’re comfortable with some level of technical expertise or are willing to learn, WordPress can provide extensive customization abilities for your website.

Winner Based On Customization Features

When it comes to website customization, WordPress and Showit have different approaches.

WordPress offers a wide variety of themes and plugins that provide complex customization options, including access to over 60,000 free plugins in their repository.

Showit provides templates that give you a head start in the design process while allowing for more flexibility through customizable elements like fonts and colors.

In contrast, WordPress has numerous paid themes ranging from $49 to $200 with diverse customization options.

Showit Vs WordPress: Monetization and E-commerce

Both Showit and WordPress offer e-commerce features, but which one is better for site monetization?

Read on to find out how they compare in this critical regard.

Showit Monetization and E-commerce Features

As a new user looking at Showit and WordPress, it’s important to consider the site monetization and e-commerce features of each platform. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Showit offers website monetization through external payment solutions like Gumroad, Payhip, and Shoprocket.
  • While Showit doesn’t have built-in e-commerce integration, it does allow for custom code and third-party solutions to be added to individual pages or site-wide.
  • Showit provides SEO optimization tools like SEO Page Title, SEO Meta Description, and Share Image to help with website visibility.
  • Responsive design is built into the platform so your website looks great on mobile devices.
  • WordPress offers integration with popular e-commerce services like Shopify and WooCommerce for more complex online stores.
  • WordPress also has many plugins specifically designed for site monetization that can be easily installed on your website.
  • Customization options are more advanced with WordPress than with Showit.

Keep these differences in mind when deciding which platform will work best for your needs!

WordPress Monetization and E-commerce Features

If you’re looking to monetize your website or sell products online, both Showit and WordPress have features that can help. Here are some of the e-commerce and site monetization features available on WordPress:

  • Ecommerce Plugins – WooCommerce is a popular e-commerce plugin for WordPress, allowing you to easily create an online store on your website. Easy Digital Downloads are another popular option for selling digital products.
  • Payment Gateways: You can integrate payment gateways like Stripe, PayPal, and Square into your WordPress site.
  • Membership sites– You can use plugins like MemberPress and Restrict Content Pro to restrict access to content behind a membership barrier on your WordPress site.
  • Ad Management– If you want to make money through ads on your website, plugins such as AdSense Manager and WP Quads can be used for ad management in WordPress.
  • Affiliate marketing – AffiliateWP plugin is intended specifically for affiliate marketing offering commission payouts and tracking and more.

So if you’re focused mainly on e-commerce functionality or website monetization, there’s no doubt that WordPress with its wide array of plugins has the edge over Showit in this regard.

Winner Based on Monetization and E-commerce

As someone new to website building, it’s crucial to consider the site monetization and e-commerce features offered by different platforms like Showit and WordPress.

While both offer solutions for website monetization and selling products online, there are key differences between them. For example, WordPress offers more advanced eCommerce capabilities out of the box with plugins like Surecart or WooCommerce, making it an excellent choice for those looking to start a full-fledged online store.

On the other hand, Showit provides third-party integration options like Gumroad or Payhip that allow you to sell digital downloads without relying on external services.

When considering which platform suits you better in terms of site monetization and eCommerce features, it is essential not just to focus on what they have now but also their potential for growth as well as that of your business.

Showit Vs WordPress: Blogging Features

Both Showit and WordPress offer blogging features, but which platform is the best choice for bloggers? Find out in our detailed comparison of their blogging capabilities.

Showit Blogging Features

As a new user, you’ll be pleased to know that Showit offers impressive blogging features.

Here are some of the key features:

  • Editing environment: Showit has a drag-and-drop editing environment.
  • SEO tools: Showit’s built-in SEO tools help optimize your blog posts for search engines.
  • Customization options: You can customize your blog layout and design using Showit’s templates.
  • Blogging infrastructure: Showit uses WordPress for its blogging infrastructure, meaning you have access to all the CMS benefits of WordPress without sacrificing the ease of use of Showit.
  • E-commerce solutions: While you will need a third-party solution for e-commerce, Showit integrates with various e-commerce solutions such as Shopify and Ecwid to help sell products from your blog.
  • Design features: Showit templates come with pre-designed blog layouts and typography.
  • Third-party integrations: You can use various third-party apps and plugins in addition to Showit’s built-in features for enhanced functionality on your blog.
  • Plan features: Showit’s plans include unlimited branded sub-domains and global content delivery networks to ensure fast loading times and seamless performance across the globe.

WordPress Blogging Features

As a new user looking to choose between Showit vs WordPress, it’s essential to consider each platform’s blogging capabilities. Here are some of the top WordPress blogging features:

  1. Post Formats: WordPress supports multiple post formats such as video, audio, quote, image, and standard.
  2. Categories and Tags: You can easily categorize your blog posts using categories and tags.
  3. Gutenberg Editor: Gutenberg editor lets you create rich multimedia content using blocks like images, videos, galleries, and so much more. You can try Gutenberg from here for free.
  4. Commenting System: WordPress has a built-in commenting system that allows visitors to leave comments.
  5. Scheduling: You can schedule your blog posts for publishing at specific dates and times.
  6. Revision History: WordPress automatically saves revisions of your blog posts as you make changes so that you can go back to previous versions if required.
  7. Social Sharing Integration: WordPress makes it easy to share your blog posts on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., using various plugins.
  8. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): With WordPress’s SEO plugins like Yoast or All in One SEO Pack, you can optimize your blog posts for search engine ranking by adding meta descriptions and optimizing headlines.
  9. Mobile Responsive: All themes used in WordPress are mobile responsive by default with no extra effort.
  10. Subscription: It is possible to add subscriptions on WordPress where subscribers receive a notification upon publishing of new content and offers among other things.

Overall, WordPress offers excellent blogging features that any blogger will appreciate because they’re designed for ease of use yet highly customizable options with advanced SEO functionalities.

Quick fact: WordPress is the number 1 most-used blogging platform in the world powering millions of blogs.

Winner Based On Blogging Features: WordPress

As a new blogger, it’s important to consider the blogging features when choosing between Showit and WordPress. Both platforms offer options for creating blog posts and custom post types, but there are some key differences.

WordPress has long been known as a powerful platform for bloggers with advanced SEO plugins that can potentially boost your website’s visibility on search engines. On the other hand, Showit offers basic SEO tools such as page titles, meta descriptions, and share images.

However, Showit is great for those who prefer simplicity over complexity in their website design process with its drag-and-drop builder that makes designing pages easy even without coding skills.

Why Choose Showit Over WordPress?

If you’re looking for a website builder that offers an easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface, Showit is definitely a great option to consider. Unlike WordPress, which can be overwhelming for new users who are not tech-savvy, Showit makes it simple to create and manage your website without any coding experience.

Showit also offers excellent SEO optimization tools with an SEO-oriented workflow that enables your site to rank better in search engine results pages (SERPs).

It integrates seamlessly with other services like Google Analytics and Mailchimp so you can track visitor behavior and email marketing campaigns effectively.

In addition to these benefits, one of the main advantages of using Showit over WordPress is the range of designs available specifically created for different niches within the photography industry.

This means that if you’re a photographer or run a photography-related business such as wedding planning or videography, you’ll find templates designed just for your needs on the platform at an affordable price point compared to custom design themes on WordPress.

Why Choose WordPress Over Showit?

As a new user, you may be wondering why WordPress is a better option for your website than Showit. Well, one of the main reasons to choose WordPress over Showit is in terms of customization abilities.

While Showit offers an easy-to-use visual builder, it only allows for simple customization options and lacks the complexity and range that WordPress provides with its more advanced tools and plugins.

Another advantage of choosing WordPress over Showit is budget-friendly pricing options. Although Showit has different pricing plans to suit various needs and budgets, they are generally higher compared to what you would pay for hosting your website on WordPress.

Last but not least important factor in favor of selecting WordPress over Showit is customer support availability– despite offering great design templates Showit lacks extensive technical assistance from their platform while wordpress provides exceptional all-round-support through their constantly updated knowledgebase center/forum groups/and community-based dedicated technician team ready to solve any problem at any time.

Showit vs WordPress: FAQs

What is the difference between Showit and WordPress?

Showit is a website builder that uses a drag-and-drop interface, while WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that requires some knowledge of coding in rare cases. Showit also offers more built-in design options, whereas with WordPress you need to install themes or hire a developer to create a custom layout, which is optional.

Which platform offers better SEO capabilities – Showit or WordPress?

Both platforms offer good SEO capabilities, but WordPress has an edge over Showit due to its flexibility in terms of customization, plugins, and other features that aid in search engine optimization.

Is it easy to migrate from one platform to another?

Migrating from one platform to another can be challenging and time-consuming but it’s doable if done carefully step-by-step which includes transferring content such as text files & media assets along with design settings for consistency; however, this task needs professional assistance If not experienced enough.

Which platform is more suitable for beginners- Showit or WordPress?

For those who have no experience using website builders or CMS systems before, ShowIt would be preferable due to its user-friendly drag-and-drop interface compared with WordPress which may sometimes require basic knowledge of web development skills like HTML/CSS/PHP, etc. However, if you have budget constraints then WordPress could be the better long-term choice since its flexible open-source software can scale up according to your business growth.

Conclusion on Showit vs WordPress

In conclusion, while both platforms have their strengths and weaknesses, it ultimately comes down to your specific needs as a user. So whether you’re looking for a more affordable, traditional CMS or a visually stunning drag-and-drop builder, be sure to weigh the pros and cons of each platform before making your decision.

Consider Showit If…

If you’re new to website building and looking for a platform that’s easy to use, visually driven, and offers creative freedom, Showit might be the perfect solution for you. Here are some specific reasons to consider Showit:

  • You want a drag-and-drop website builder that doesn’t require coding skills.
  • You’re a photographer or small business owner looking for a platform with templates optimized for your industry.
  • You need a website that looks great on both desktop and mobile devices.
  • On-page SEO is important to you but you’d rather not have to install plugins.
  • Your brand requires unique styling options beyond what many other website builders offer.
  • eCommerce features aren’t a top priority for your site, but you intend to incorporate them in the future.
  • Customization is crucial for your website’s success.

Overall, if visual editing, ease-of-use, and customization abilities are priorities for you as a new user, Showit might be worth considering over WordPress.

Consider WordPress If…

Here are some reasons why you might want to consider using WordPress:

  • You need to save moneyWordPress is free to use, making it an excellent option.
  • You want access to thousands of themes and pluginsWordPress offers numerous themes and plugins.
  • You value SEO optimization: With advanced tools like readability scores and keyword density, WordPress allows you to optimize your content for search engines better.
  • You want powerful eCommerce solutionsWordPress can turn your site into a full-fledged online store.
  • You prefer a content management system (CMS): As a CMS, WordPress makes it easy to manage your site’s content without having coding skills or relying on web developers.
  • You want more control over security: With custom security solutions and security plugins, WordPress gives you the power to protect your website from potential threats.
  • You’re interested in website design: While Showit focuses solely on page design, WordPress has built-in features for creating a professional-looking website.
  • You need flexibility in customization options: With thousands of themes and plugins available, WordPress offers unparalleled customization options suited for both simple and complex websites.
  • You appreciate user-friendly interfaces: Although there may be some learning curve when using new software, once familiarized with the interface, most users find that WordPress is intuitive and user-friendly.

Finally, if you’ve liked what you’ve read so far and find that WordPress aligns with your specific needs and preferences, it is likely the right platform for you. Its extensive customization options, a vast library of themes and plugins, and powerful SEO tools make it a popular choice for users across various industries.

With WordPress, you have the advantage of a mature and widely adopted platform.

WordPress has been continuously developed and improved over the years.

The vast community of WordPress users and developers provides a wealth of resources, tutorials, and support, making it easier to find assistance and solutions to any challenges you may encounter.

Furthermore, if you’re conscious of your budget, WordPress is a cost-effective option.

Being an open-source platform, WordPress itself is free to use, although you may incur costs for hosting, premium themes, plugins, and additional services as per your requirements.

Also, hosting costs shouldn’t affect you as you can start with less than $3 a month with Bluehost.

About the author

I am Tamal Kr. Chandra, a passionate blogger and the creative mind behind Digital Millions. From blogging and affiliate marketing to e-commerce and SEO, I write easy-to-follow guides and give honest advice about the best tools to build a business online, grow your business, and get financially free.