
Cloudways vs DigitalOcean: Which Is Better and Why?

In this article, we’ll compare Cloudways vs DigitalOcean, two popular services for hosting websites and applications on the internet. While Cloudways acts as a middleman, making it simpler to manage websites on various cloud platforms including DigitalOcean, DigitalOcean provides direct cloud services with more control but a bit more complexity. When it comes to choosing…

Cloudways vs DigitalOcean

In this article, we’ll compare Cloudways vs DigitalOcean, two popular services for hosting websites and applications on the internet.

While Cloudways acts as a middleman, making it simpler to manage websites on various cloud platforms including DigitalOcean, DigitalOcean provides direct cloud services with more control but a bit more complexity.

When it comes to choosing the right hosting platform for your website, it’s important to understand what each service offers.

In this comparison of Cloudways vs DigitalOcean, we’ll explore both of the services to help you decide which is better for your needs. We’ll look at how each service works, their features, and the pros and cons.

By the end, you’ll have a clearer idea of which platform to choose. So, let’s start this comparison with a quick overview of these platforms.

Cloudways vs DigitalOcean: Overview

About Cloudways

cloudways homepage

Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting platform launched in 2012. It’s not just any hosting service; it partners with top cloud providers like Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud. It’s a great choice for businesses of all sizes. You get access to powerful and reliable hosting for your website.

What makes Cloudways stand out is its focus on cloud-based hosting. This gives you flexibility and reliability, which is important for your website to run smoothly. And, the best part is that you can try Cloudways for free.

Cloudways is known for its strong performance and security. They offer 24/7 support and have a 99.99% uptime guarantee. This means your website is almost always up and running. They have different plans, starting at $11 monthly. This is great because you can pick a plan that fits your budget.

Key features and benefits that makes Cloudways stand out:

  • Scalability: Upgrade hosting resouces easily.
  • Strong Security: Free SSL, dedicated firewalls, and more.
  • 24/7 Support: Live chat and technical assistance anytime you need.
  • Performance: Fast loading with SSD-based hosting and built-in caches.
  • User-Friendly: Easy installations and free site migration.
  • Pay-As-You-Go: Only pay for what you use.
  • Free 3-day Trial: Try Cloudways free with no credit card.

Now, Cloudways really shines in making things easy for you. They have a cool feature where you can move your site to Cloudways without any downtime – that means your website won’t go offline while moving.

You can also host multiple apps and sites, which is awesome if you’re handling more than one project. And if you’re into WordPress, Cloudways is perfect as they offer specialized WordPress hosting.


  • You can adjust your resources as your site grows.
  • Top-notch security features keep your site safe from hackers.
  • Solid 99.99% uptime helps your site become always available.
  • Optimized for WordPress websites.


  • You’ll need a separate service for email.
  • Might be tricky for beginners with zero website building experience.
  • A little bit of hosting knowledge is needed.

Starting Price: Plans begin at $11 per month. Cloudways also offers 3-day free trials, and you do not need to share your credit card details.

About DigitalOcean

digitalocean homepage

DigitalOcean is a cloud computing platform known for its simplicity and effectiveness in web hosting. Since its inception in 2011, it has grown significantly, becoming a top choice for developers and businesses. It stands out for its clear pricing and high-quality services.

This platform is ideal for those with some technical know-how, offering services such as virtual machines, storage, and databases. Its transparent pricing model is a major plus, starting at just $4 per month.

DigitalOcean operates 12 data centers globally, ensuring reliable and fast service worldwide. Their uptime guarantee of 99.99% shows their commitment to keeping your websites and applications running smoothly.

What’s more, they focus on strong security measures.

Key features and benefits that makes DigitalOcean stand out:

  • Transparent Pay-as-you-go Pricing: Starts at $4/month.
  • Variety of Hosting Plans: Tailored to different needs and budgets.
  • Global Data Centers: Ensures reduced latency and faster content delivery.
  • High Uptime Guarantee: 99.99% uptime for reliability.
  • Comprehensive Feature Suite: Includes Kubernetes cluster management and one-click apps like WordPress, and a lot more.
  • Advanced Security: 2-factor authentication and SSL/TLS secure connections.
  • Robust Backup Options: Automated and manual snapshots available.
  • User-Friendly Control Panel: For easy management of resources.
  • Extensive Support and Documentation for Beginners: Includes tutorials, guides, and community forums.

DigitalOcean’s focus on providing high-performance infrastructure is evident in their use of scalable SSD storage and quality hardware. The platform is particularly appealing for its ease of setting up servers, with the ‘Droplets‘ feature allowing for quick deployment of virtual machines.

They also offer a variety of one-click applications and advanced networking options, making it a versatile choice for different hosting needs.


  • Clear, affordable pricing structure.
  • Wide range of features for various technical levels.
  • Global data centers for consistent performance.
  • Strong focus on security and reliable backups.


  • Not the best option for complete beginners.
  • Some advanced features require technical knowledge to set up.

Starting Price: Basic plans begin at $4 per month, with various options available for different requirements and budgets.

Cloudways vs DigitalOcean: Differences

Key PointsCloudwaysDigitalOcean
Launch Year20122011
User BaseThousands of users (100K+ active users)Thousands of users
Special FeaturesMultiple (e.g., automated backups, built-in caching, free SSL, CDN)Multiple (e.g., load balancers, managed databases, object storage)
Trial Period3-day free trialOccasional free trial with $100-200 free credit
Pricing StructurePay-as-you-go pricing modelFixed monthly costs based on selected resources
ScalabilityEasy scalability with plan adjustmentsHigh scalability with customizable Droplets
PerformanceOptimized stack for fast performanceDirect access to resources for efficient scaling
Ease of UseUser-friendly interface for simplicityEasy interface, suitable for tech-savvy users
Customer Support24/7 support via live chat and ticketing systemCommunity-driven Q&A platform and documentation
Security FeaturesAutomatic backups, free SSL certificates, regular security patchesFirewall rules, private networking, encrypted storage
User DemographicNon-tech savvy users, businesses of all sizesDevelopers, tech-savvy individuals
Control and CustomizationManaged hosting with limited user controlFull control over infrastructure
Server Management DifficultySimplified management by CloudwaysRequires technical expertise
Try Cloudways ⟶Try DigitalOcean ⟶
Cloudways vs DigitalOcean: Differences

Cloudways vs DigitalOcean: Features

Best Features of Cloudways

  • Multiple cloud providers
  • Multiple data centers
  • Fast SSD storage
  • Built-in caches
  • Dedicated firewalls
  • Regular security patching
  • 1-click setups
  • Free WordPress migrator
  • User-friendly management
  • Scalable resources like RAM, storage, bandwidth.
  • Round-the-clock assistance
  • real-time monitoring
  • Free SSL certificates
  • Unlimited applications
  • PHP 8 ready
  • HTTP/2 enabled servers
  • HTTP/3 support
  • Automated backups
  • Staging environment
  • Team management features
  • Custom dashboard
  • Alerts for auto-scaling
  • ThunderStack caching system
  • Two-factor Authentication
  • Auto-healing Feature
  • IP blacklists
  • Password-protected directories
  • Domain management portal
  • Bot protection
  • Cloudways CDN
  • Easy backup and restore tools
  • Pay-as-you-go model

Best Features of DigitalOcean

  • Virtual servers (Droplets)
  • Managed databases, storage, Kubernetes, etc
  • User-Friendly Interface
  • Affordable Pricing starting from $4 per month
  • Flexible infrastructure scaling options
  • Global data centers
  • High-quality hardware
  • 99.99% uptime
  • Straightforward process
  • Integration with developer tools
  • Robust API
  • Team collaboration tools
  • Marketplace for pre-configured apps
  • Robust encryption protecting sensitive information
  • 24/7 support via email or live chat
  • Extensive community and knowledge base

Cloudways vs DigitalOcean: Benefits

Let’s compare Cloudways vs DigitalOcean based on the key benefits you’ll get after signing up with each of the services.

First up, Cloudways. They work with different cloud providers, including DigitalOcean, which means you get more options. You’ll find things like automated backups, free SSL certificates (that’s for your website’s security), and a content delivery network (CDN) to make your website load fast.

Cloudways is great if you want things simple and straightforward. They offer a pay-as-you-go model, so you only pay for what you use.

Now, let’s talk about DigitalOcean.

It’s more hands-on and gives you lots of control. If you love getting into the nitty-gritty of managing servers, DigitalOcean is your playground.

They offer virtual machines called Droplets, and you can set them up just how you like. It’s a bit more technical but great if you enjoy that kind of thing.

DigitalOcean’s pricing is pretty clear, with set monthly costs.

Cloudways is all about ease and support. If you’re not super tech-savvy or just want to focus on your website or business without worrying about server management, Cloudways has your back. DigitalOcean, on the other hand, is perfect for those who have the tech skills and like to manage things themselves. It’s more budget-friendly, but you need to know your way around servers.

Performance-wise, both services are strong contenders. Cloudways uses technology like Nginx and Apache for quick loading, while DigitalOcean offers direct access to resources for customization and efficiency.

User-friendliness is another point to consider.

Cloudways wins here with its simple interface – it’s like having a neat, easy-to-navigate control panel. DigitalOcean’s interface is straightforward too but geared more towards those who understand server management.

Support is crucial, right? Cloudways offers 24/7 help through chat and a ticketing system. DigitalOcean provides solid support too, with lots of documentation and a community forum, but it’s more of a DIY approach.

Security is a biggie, and both providers take it seriously. Cloudways gives you automated backups and free SSL certificates, while DigitalOcean offers secure environments with features like firewalls and encrypted storage.

So, who’s the winner? It really depends on you.

If you want a hassle-free, managed experience, choose Cloudways.

But if you’re tech-savvy and want more control over your budget and server set up, DigitalOcean will be a great choice.

Overall, both services have their unique strengths!

Cloudways vs DigitalOcean: Pricing

When it comes to pricing, Cloudways and DigitalOcean have their own ways of charging for their services.

Let’s start with Cloudways.

Think of Cloudways like a restaurant that serves dishes from different chefs (these chefs being cloud providers like DigitalOcean).

You’re not just paying for the food (the server), but also for the service and ambience (the management and features Cloudways adds).

Their pricing starts around $11 a month, but this can go up depending on what you need. You’re paying for the ease of having someone else handle the technical stuff and for the added features they provide.

cloudways pricing plans

Now, DigitalOcean is like shopping for ingredients at a store and cooking at home. You have more control over what you buy and how much you spend. Their prices start as low as $4 a month.

Overall, DigitalOcean is cheaper because you’re doing more of the work yourself. You’re picking your resources, like how much memory and storage you want, and you pay a fixed price for what you choose.

So, who wins in pricing: Cloudways vs DigitalOcean?

Well, it’s not about who’s cheaper, but about what you’re getting for your money. If you want a hands-off approach and don’t mind paying a bit extra for convenience, Cloudways is great. But, if you’re okay with managing things yourself and want to save some cash, go for DigitalOcean.

Cloudways vs DigitalOcean: Speed

Cloudways use a mix of technologies like Nginx, Apache, and Varnish, which help your website load quickly. Plus, they manage everything, so you don’t have to worry about tweaking settings to get that extra speed.

With Cloudways, websites generally load pretty fast, and you’re paying for both the speed and the convenience you are getting.

On the other side, DigitalOcean offers great control over how you set up your server, which can affect how fast your site loads. If you know what you’re doing, you can really make things zip. DigitalOcean provides robust infrastructure, and if you’re good with tech, you can get your website to load super quick.

So, Cloudways offers speed with ease – they handle the technical stuff, and your site runs fast. DigitalOcean can be just as fast, but you need to know how to tune things properly. If you’re a tech whiz, DigitalOcean lets you tweak your way to top speed. If not, Cloudways has your back with their managed service.

Both are speedy, but the choice depends on whether you want to manage things yourself or let someone else handle it for you.

Cloudways vs DigitalOcean: Security

When we talk about keeping your website safe, both Cloudways and DigitalOcean have got some powerful security features.

Cloudways gives you this thing called an SSL certificate for free, which is like a digital key that keeps your site’s data safe.

They also do automatic backups.

So, if anything goes wrong, they’ve got a copy of your website to put everything back to normal. Plus, they also offer firewalls.

Now, let’s talk about DigitalOcean.

They’re like giving you the tools to build your own security system. You get firewalls, which help keep your site safe from hackers. They also offer something called Private Networking, which is like having a private road for your website’s data, so it’s less likely to run into trouble.

So, who wins the security battle? It’s kind of a tie.

Cloudways is great if you want someone else to handle your website’s security and make sure everything’s safe and sound. DigitalOcean is awesome if you like to be in charge and set up your own security how you like it.

Cloudways vs DigitalOcean: Free Trial

Cloudways offers a 3-day free trial.

They give you 3 days to try their service without asking for your credit card details. It’s like getting a sneak peek of what they offer – managing your server, quick website speed, and all their security features.

cloudways free trial offer

This short trial period is enough to get a feel for their platform.

On the other hand, DigitalOcean doesn’t really have a traditional free trial. But, they do something else that’s pretty useful. They offer a $100-200 credit when you sign up, and you can use this credit for 60 days.

This free credit is like getting a longer time to play around with their features, set up your server, and see how fast your website can go.

You get to experience the full range of what they offer, but you’ll need to provide your payment details to access this credit.

So, if you want a quick, no-strings-attached free trial, Cloudways is your go-to. But if you’re okay with giving your payment details and want a longer period to test things out, DigitalOcean’s $100-200 credit is a great deal.

Cloudways vs DigitalOcean: Refund

When it comes to getting your money back, or refunds, both Cloudways and DigitalOcean have their policies. It’s like when you buy something, and you want to know if you can return it if it’s not right for you.

Cloudways doesn’t really offer a traditional refund policy.

Instead, they have the free trial I talked about earlier. You get to try their services for 3 days without paying anything.

This way, you can decide if you like it before you spend any money.

So, there’s no need for a refund because you haven’t paid yet. Even if you decide to pay, there is a pay-as-you-go model. So, you always pay for what you use. As a result, there is no unexpected extra bill and the need to ask for refunds.

DigitalOcean, on the other hand, doesn’t offer a straightforward refund policy either. Remember the $100 credit for 60 days I mentioned? That’s their way of letting you try their services. If you use up some of that free credit and decide DigitalOcean isn’t for you, you don’t need to pay.

Also, DigitalOcean operates on a pay-as-you-go model. You are billed only for the resources you’ve actually utilized. So refunds are not provided.

Both Cloudways and DigitalOcean want you to be sure about your choice before you commit your money, which is pretty fair. So, the best way is to take advantage of their trial or credit offers to see which one works best for you.

Cloudways vs DigitalOcean: Usability

Cloudways is known for being very user-friendly.

They’ve got an easy-to-understand dashboard where you can manage everything without needing to be a tech expert.

You get to do stuff like setting up your website, managing your server, and adding cool features without getting lost in techy details.

cloudways server deployment

Now, DigitalOcean is also cool in usability.

But, it’s more suited for people who are comfortable with tech stuff.

Their platform is straightforward.

But, you need to know what you’re doing. DigitalOcean gives you the tools to set up and manage your servers, but it’s more hands-on. It’s great if you like to be in control and understand the tech behind it.

So, who’s the winner in usability?

Well, it depends on you! If you want something super easy and straightforward, Cloudways is likely your best bet. But if you’re okay with a bit more tech and want more control, DigitalOcean could be your go-to.

Cloudways vs DigitalOcean: Scalability

Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting platform. They use other companies’ servers, like DigitalOcean or AWS, to host your website. When your website needs to grow, Cloudways makes it pretty simple. You can just adjust your plan with a few clicks to get more power for your website.

On the other hand, DigitalOcean is more hands-on.

They give you “Droplets”, which are like little pieces of server space, and you can put these together however you need. This is great if you know your way around tech and servers. You have all these blocks (Droplets) and you put them together to build what you need.

DigitalOcean is known for being reliable and having lots of options for scaling up, but it can be a bit tricky compared to Cloudways.

Now, let’s focus on their support options.

Cloudways vs DigitalOcean: Support

Cloudways offers 24/7 customer support through live chat and a ticketing system. So, if you’re stuck or something goes wrong with your website or your Cloudways account, you can chat with them any time, day or night.

They’re known for being friendly and quick to respond.

Plus, Cloudways has a bunch of guides and resources online, so you can often find answers to your questions without even asking.

DigitalOcean also offers help but in a different way. They have a community Q&A platform and lots of tutorials. You’ll like it if you like figuring things out yourself or want to learn more about tech. You can ask questions and get answers from other users, fostering a knowledge-sharing community.

DigitalOcean does have customer support, but it’s mostly for when there’s a big problem with their service, not for everyday questions.

So, for direct answers through live chat, choose Cloudways. But, if you’re into DIY and like to learn from a community, go for DigitalOcean.

Cloudways vs DigitalOcean: Final Verdict

So, you’ve seen what Cloudways and DigitalOcean are all about. Each of the services has its advantages and disadvantages.

If you’re like me and prefer things straightforward and easy, Cloudways is probably your best bet — you need to try it.

cloudways homepage

Their free trial hosting services let you test the waters without any cost.

Plus, with Cloudways, you don’t have to be a tech genius to set up a blog or website. It’s quite user-friendly for beginers.

And, their support is there to help 24/7, which is a huge relief.

Now, DigitalOcean is cool too, especially if you’re more into tech and like to control everything. They even offer a sweet deal where you can get a free $200 credit from DigitalOcean. That’s a lot to explore their features!

But let’s be honest, most of the Cloudways reviews lean towards it being more suitable for a wider range of users, especially if you’re not really tech-savvy. Whether you need Indian hosting or Australian hosting services, or need to host in any other geo locations, Cloudways has got you covered globally.

So, why not give it a shot? Try the Cloudways free trial and see for yourself. It’s like test-driving a car – you won’t know how good it is until you try it.

And, if you found this article helpful, please share it. Maybe they’re also looking to set up their own site and could use a bit of guidance.

About the author

I am Tamal Kr. Chandra, a passionate blogger and the creative mind behind Digital Millions. From blogging and affiliate marketing to e-commerce and SEO, I write easy-to-follow guides and give honest advice about the best tools to build a business online, grow your business, and get financially free.