How Long Does It Take to Make Money from Blogging? [Real Facts]

How Long It Take to Earn from Blogging

Wondering how long does it take to make money blogging? If so, let me show you why blogging is not a get-rich-quick scheme and why blogging mostly takes at least a year to make your first $1000 or $10000 online.

Here’s the fact:

If you can stick to blogging long enough, the income might change your life. But, it’s sad that most beginners don’t like to understand it.

As always, everyone wants to make money as fast as possible.

But it’s not always the right way to think.

Blogging usually takes time. So undoubtedly, one of the most common blogging questions that new bloggers are worried about is this:

How long does it take to make money from blogging?

Blogging is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Since it takes time to produce a decent amount of quality content and build an audience online, making your first $1K from blogging can take anywhere from 6 months to 1 year or more.

But here’s what usually happens:

You’re an agency, a business, or just a startup ready to launch your blog.

It’s been over a month, and now you’re on a not-so-comfortable chair, hoping to get some traffic to your blog or make some money.

You wait and wait…

But still, you didn’t get those money hikes or traffic boosts.

Was it your strategy that failed or the content that couldn’t attract people?

Well, to be honest, it’s not all your fault as there are many different factors that decide whether you become a successful blogger or not.

I took the liberty to provide a comprehensive guide on exactly how long it takes before making a substantial amount of money blogging.

And, that’s not all.

I have also broken down the article into multiple sections covering every factor that matters in the long-run and help you succeed.

Before I start, here’s something you should make a note of:

Few people think that you can start a blog and, within a few months (1-3), be able to quit your full-time job to enjoy a passive income.

Sure, that’s doable.

But honestly, I don’t think it’s the norm unless you have the world’s best team for a backup. And of course, it doesn’t mean you should drop the idea.

Making money blogging is difficult, but not impossible.

After all, that’s what we’ve been taught. Right?

Nothing is impossible.

Let’s cut the chase and look at our realistic, honest, and utterly unbiased answer to the most frequently asked blogging question:

How long does it take to make money from a blog?

But wait…

I’m also going to tell you, after all, why it mostly takes at least a year to finally say no to a 9-5 job & move to islands to enjoy the dream life you thought of.

Let’s dive right in.

How Long Does It Take to Make Money Blogging?

On average, it takes around 12 months to 18 months for an average blogger to start making some money from their blog. However, this is just an average, and the time it takes to start earning varies depending on several factors such as niche, audience, content quality, and monetization methods.

Is it realistic to expect serious $$$ in a few months blogging?

I’ll be straight with you…


That would be like taking an amateur actor just learning the difference between acting and artist and expecting them to work in a top-rated drama.

But, here’s the thing:

If you commit yourself to master blogging, you can absolutely get there.

Of course, you might not have realized there’s even a thing to master.

You might have thought blogging is about putting a few thoughts, sitting down, and then clicking the “Publish” button.

It’s not.

Not if you are serious about blogging and making money.

Blogging is an art, and there are structures, formulas, and rules to follow to receive a good amount of money in less time. You mustn’t hear random folks saying it takes 1 or 2 months to achieve a steady flow of income.

It’s not the whole truth until & unless you put unbelievable work hours and some top-notch strategies to kick-off your blog.

Well, there are certain assumptions & theories – but “how long” is still a question left to have a long discussion on.

Usually, it doesn’t take that long when you know exactly what you’re doing.

At least a year, or we could say a few months (some bloggers achieved in months) is all it takes to receive a handful of money blogging.

On the other hand, it may take years, or worse, never happen if you don’t even know what you’re doing with your blog.

That is why many bloggers fail & for a few of them, it might feel overcomplicated & something hard to achieve.

But you know what?

There are many successful bloggers (Will discuss later in this article) who have turned their blog into a profitable business from their second or third blogs, and surprisingly they’ve done it in less than a year.

No doubt we all want quick results, don’t we? –

But understanding the “how long” equation can help you change your tactics and strategies to turn a blog into a serious business quickly.

But, let’s first face the most common myth.

You Need Tons of Content. Really?

How much quality content you produce for your blog or how often you hit the ‘Publish‘ button is just another part of the “how long” equation.

Let’s face it.

Nobody gives a crap how much time you put in. The only thing they care about is how much quality content you have created.

No one wants to know if you work 6 hours a day or 12 hours.

They only believe, trust, and sometimes care about you when you solve their pain problems (like our blog) through creating fantastic blog posts.

It’s a fact that some people work continuously for long hours and get nothing of significance finished. At the same time, others work really fewer hours and produce excellent and rich-quality content.

By now, you may have got the idea that we’re emphasizing quality rather than quantity. Yes, quantity is important. But, quality is a necessity.

More hours and busier work will lead you to success, but don’t take a word for it.

You shouldn’t believe it (according to our research).

I explored and did my research on many successful blogs, and I can say that the more and higher the quality of content you produce, the faster and more successful you will be in the blogging business.

Just a note: Setting up a blog is a fun thing to do. What’s cool is it takes a lot of time to build it than it does to maintain it.

Here’s something interesting…

If you could somehow manage a time travel machine and just go back in the early days, then it wouldn’t have cost you too much trouble you’re having now.

It’s because a few years back, it was straightforward to start a blog and start making money in just 1-2 months. You just have to publish tons of content, add a little SEO, do some marketing, and then boom. Your blog is at the top in Google, hanging in there and generating a good amount of money.

But what’s changed now?

You’ll not believe it.

4.4 Million blog posts are published every day, and you’re just one out of the millions to start a successful blog. Since the competition is very tough, it takes at least a year (says most of the bloggers) before you quit your full-time job.

There are primary 3 factors that tell exactly how long it will take for a specific niche/blog to stand out from the “non-profitable” lists.

  1. The wrong niche
  2. Frequency/consistency
  3. Revenue options

Let dive right in:

1. The Wrong Niche

Pick the wrong niche & you’ll never see your blog making money.

Yes, it’s true.

While you can easily pick any niche to create a blog and create great content that your audience loves, or perhaps your post may go viral on the internet…

But what’s the use?

If your blog is purely informational and it doesn’t involve any business tactics or strategies, you can’t expect money flowing, Even if your post goes viral.

Many new blogs out there die out within a few weeks.

And, most blogs don’t even survive a few months.

So, when you start your blog, choose a niche you are genuinely interested in. That would make it a lot easier to keep yourself motivated at the same time.

Even then, you can’t just assume that your blog is going to make thousands of dollars. There are many variables that need to be considered before giving an exact number of months or years it will take to generate a good amount of money.

E.g., it might take a year while building your audience, increasing website traffic, boosting organic clicks, and getting a large number of backlinks on your blog, and only then you’ll be able to see your blog making a good amount of money.

Well, it’s also essential for you to answer:

  • Do you know enough about your niche or the main topic of your blog to write content consistently without getting de-motivated?
  • Can you easily make money from your niche?
  • Does your blogging niche have a business value?
  • Have you checked the market size of the chosen niche?

Reminder: Don’t miss out on the critical part where even a successful blogger can fail pretty hard. Want to know what it is? – Keep reading!

2. Frequency/Consistency

What do you think?. Why blogs like (Neil Patel, CopyBlogger, & many more) are so popular & consistently generating a heavy income.

Not in terms of thousands, but they’re generating millions of dollars.

The reason?

It’s because they’ve mastered the art of consistently publishing excellent content.

Then, should you post random stuff every day just to increase traffic?

Of course, not.

If you have been blogging for a while, you have probably come across advice to publish a new blog post every day. Perhaps you might feel that you must blog every day to get better results in no-time.

The good news?

You don’t need to blog every day. In fact, you may find posting high-end quality content a couple of times a week works better for you.

There are lots of bloggers who post daily, thinking that it might bring more views and engagement. But this strategy doesn’t work until & unless yours is a new blog or a tech blog that focuses on the newest tech news and updates.

So in the end…

Inconsistent posting will affect your search engine reports and your reputation. Google wants to see articles/blogs posted regularly.

Looking at it from the top, it looks just like writing articles and publishing them regularly on your blog. But with that comes a lot of calculations, marketing strategies, and patience to get more traffic and engagement.

As you get enough visitors, you can start making money in no-time.

Well, to be honest, it takes at least a year trying out different solutions, strategies, and ideas to get some good authority and visibility on your blog.

That’s shifted our focus on the third factor that decides how long you have to wait before you can make blogging a full-time career.

3. Revenue Options

This one can’t be ignored.

It’s the last factor to consider – How you intend to make money from your blog decides how early you’ll enjoy a steady income life.

No doubt, every once in a while, you come across this list.

To monetize your blog, you have the following options:

  • Putting Ads
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Product Selling
  • Services

Ads are everyone’s favorite revenue option, but the problem is it’s generally poor performing. Your blog must have sufficient traffic to earn good revenue.

It depends on you; if your blog has enough traffic in less than 3 months, you can monetize it quickly and turn visitors into money.

Next comes affiliate marketing – creating affiliate relationships.

Building connections and relationships take plenty of time, especially when you are new to blogging. Even if you’ve posted great content, good infographics, and everything, you’ll still lack in bringing quality backlinks (SEO thing).

And then comes…

Product selling and services.

It’s the most attractive option. But of course, you must have a product to sell. While services are something, you can offer and sell right from day 1. (e.g., Consulting).

In the end,

The “how long” equations shape according to various factors.

If you’re just starting out, it’ll usually take a year or more.

The reason:

You’re a fresher trying to differentiate from others.

Making money is possible when you’ve enough traffic, a long email list, good domain authority, and some affiliate relationships.

Now, to get traffic, you must test many strategies and methods.

Sometimes you may lose confidence for not getting any appreciation, rewards, comments, or subscribers, and that is why you need to have patience.

Blogging is not an overnight journey.

Instead, it’s a milestone of a year; you need to walk carefully.

Overall this process of consistently posting content, updating yourself with the latest marketing trends, boosting blog traffic, email list building, and finally making money takes at least a year or more (Generally).

And, here’s the most critical part where many new bloggers fail.

If you fall into this trap, you’ll never be able to make money.

Proper Niche Research

It’s actually quite disturbing.

Because there are dozens of markets where blogging doesn’t work.

It doesn’t matter what you do.

You’ll never make it if you choose the wrong niche.

On the other hand, there are good & profitable niches where it works a charm.

If you’re thinking about making serious money in no-time, this is essential for you to know how to choose a profitable niche for your blog.

So, here are a few profitable niches that are working now:

  • Art
  • Blogging
  • Career
  • Crafts
  • Education
  • Fashion
  • Fitness
  • Health
  • Marketing
  • Pets
  • Online Business
  • Photography
  • Social Media
  • Travel
  • Web Design
  • Writing

Wildly Successful Bloggers

Take a moment, grab a seat, and think logically, “how much income do you think one can generate through blogging?”

Still, thinking?

Now, come back here.

I’m sure you must’ve thought of four or five-figure income.

But guess what?

I’m talking about the 7 figure yearly earners – they are the bloggers who are earning more than $100,000 per month.

Does it Seem impossible to do?

No, it isn’t if you stay persistent, deliver enormous amounts of value to your readers, stay consistent, and lastly, never give up on your dreams.

They’re not aliens with high IQ, and they don’t have superpowers.

They’re just like us.

All of them started from scratch and made their way to hit the top.

There was a time when their blogs weren’t able to make even $100 dollars. But now the reality is totally different and seems unbelievable to accept 7 figure income.

So, who’s on the list?

Let’s get started:

10. ($175,000 per month)

Niche: Education

It started in 2006 with a freelancing concept, and now it’s one of the leading publishers of courses for self-directed learners and online tutorials to enhance creative skills.

9. Smashing Magazine ($215,000)

Niche: Web Design

Also formed in 2006, to educate people in web designing and web development fields by offering killer content to learners across the globe.

8. Gizmodo ($325,000 per month)

Niche: Design & Technology

Peter Rojas launched Gizmodo in 2002 with a focus on technology & design while also paying tribute to politics & science.

The blog earns the majority of its income through advertisement.

7. Perez Hilton ($575,000 per month)

Niche: Fashion/Acting

With a dream to become an actor, Perez Hilton started his gossip blog in 2004, and now he’s earning primarily through advertisements from sponsors.

He’s known to become the most famous gossip columnist through blogging.

6. CopyBlogger ($1,000,000 per month)

Niche: Blogging/Marketing/Social Media

Started in 2006 with just 1000 dollars, CopyBlogger is now regarded as the best online marketing advisor on the web.

5. TechCrunch ($2,500,000 per month)

Niche: Technology

Founded in 2005, TechCrunch is an insanely popular blog covering technical aspects, tech-news, and updates.

4. Mashable ($2,000,000 per month)

Niche: All-Included

Founded in 2005 by Pete Cashmore, Mashable is a product of the strong dedication to producing excellent content on a consistent basis.

And now comes the real POWER OF BLOGGING.

3. Moz (4.25 Million per month)

Niche: Digital Marketing

Moz is the world’s most successful blog about search engine optimization, and It has a massive audience and international appeal. Moz generates an enormous amount of income through products, tools, and services.

2. Engadget ($5.5 Million per month)

Niche: Technology

Widely-popular blog, Engadget was founded in 2005 with the core purpose to provide the best advice and reviews on technology and gadgets.


Here comes the elephant in the room…

1. Huffington Post ($14 Million per month)

Niche: Life/Politics

Huffington is the legend of all the blogs in the world. It generates a massive income of $14 Million through sponsors advertising across its variety of channels.

By now, you must’ve understood that blogging is not just about making money; instead, it’s a tool to build a personal brand.

My Final Words

Why do people blog?

Why do you want to start a blog?

The reasons?

  • You’re being forgotten.
  • People don’t remember you.
  • You want to build YOU.
  • Or you want to reach billions of hearts.

Honestly speaking, there can be a thousand reasons why people start blogging. But of course, how can we forget about “making millions” from blogging.

Blogging can make you a millionaire, but it’s not an overnight process.

There are many different factors that contribute equally, and you need to have a good understanding of all. When you intentionally pull up your blog and see 0 visitors, no traffic to every post, you feel nothing has changed. You unconsciously wonder about how long till I make the money I desire.

But you can change this.

You just have to realize, blogging isn’t meant for everybody, and it’s not a one or 2-month course or degree you can master.

You need to convey your ideas powerfully and touch people so deeply that your blog turns irresistible for them to consume.

Blogging teaches you a way of living.

With so much passion and energy and enthusiasm, you have won half of the battle.

Now all you need is “to start a blog.”

I wrote this 3000+ words guide to provide you the best possible answer to one of the most popular blogging questions:

How long does it take to make money blogging?

The answer is in front of you.

I know… I know… it takes time to start making your first dollar blogging.

But honestly, it shouldn’t demotivate you.

Because the rewards are more than what you can imagine.

So, get to work. Your audience is waiting for you.

One last question:

Did I touch your heart?

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