
11 Best Fonts for Blogs for Readability and User Experience

Best Fonts for Blogs

Do you have a blog? Have you ever considered the fonts that your blog is using? If not, maybe it’s time to reconsider! Fonts can be used for various reasons. For instance, they can help set the mood of a post or add personality.

The way your blog looks can determine whether your visitors stay or leave. Most people are easily impressed by good looks so it is important to find the right fonts for your blog.

Once you have chosen a font, make sure it is legible. It should be readable and size appropriate for your blog. You can play around with fonts whether you are using a PC or Mac. There are lots of things that you can play around with to make the font size big enough for readers to read it easily.

Your readers will be looking at your blog fonts when they read your posts. It is just as important as the content that you post on your blog.

You can find some pretty amazing fonts for your blog. All you have to do is search around and find the font that best matches your blog.

Your WordPress theme will most likely come with default fonts and it is up to you to change them if you want something different. You can do this by either adjusting your theme’s font settings (if your theme has these options) or by changing your fonts in your CSS stylesheet (style.css).

In order to make sure that your fonts are on point and perfect for your blog, here are the 11 best fonts for blogs that you can use on your blog:

1. Roboto

Roboto is a sans-serif font that has a modern look. It is pretty versatile and perfect for blog posts that are casual or professional in nature. This is one of the most popular fonts on the web and the font is also used on Google search.

roboto font

The font was developed by Google for its mobile operating system Android, back in 2011. Since then, it has become one of the most popular fonts on the web.

You can use Roboto for blog posts that are more formal or casual. In fact, you can use the font for any types of blog posts, whether personal or professional. You just have to pick the right font size, color, and line height to suit your needs. The font is also available in different styles, such as thin, light, regular, medium, bold, and black.

In a nutshell, Roboto is an really excellent font that you can use on your blog. It’s not too bold or lightweight, making it easy to read.

2. Arial Black

Arial Black is widely used and it is already on your computer. This font is pretty simple and easy to read so it is usually used for titles.

It has clean lines which make it perfect for typographic design. It looks stylish and modern so you can use it to dress up your blog.

You can use Arial Black for titles because it makes them stand out. However, you need to use the right font size in order for your readers to read what you have written. You can increase or decrease the font size accordingly.

3. Comic Sans MS

Comic Sans MS is an easy-to-read font that looks pretty cool. If you want a more unique look for your blog, you can use this font.

It has letterforms that are rounded which makes it perfect for casual posts on your blog. It might be too simple for some blogs but it is perfect if you want an amateur look.

Overall, Comic Sans MS is a great font to use on your blog.

It is definitely one of the best fonts that you can use for blogs!

4. Century Gothic

Century Gothic has a vintage look which is why it’s perfect for blogs that focus on retro themes. It’s clean and readable, making it one of the most versatile fonts that you can use on your blog. This font is highly legible and has a spacious design.

It is easy to read so your readers will enjoy it. If you are keen on fonts, Century Gothic is one of the best to use for blogs!

I would suggest you use this font for blog posts that are more casual. However, you could also use it for formal or official events too.

5. Times New Roman

Times New Roman is another basic font that you can use on your blog. This font is most commonly used in print media like books, magazines, and newspapers.

It is easy to read so it is perfect for blog posts that are more formal or informative in nature. It might not be as trendy but it is pretty simple and professional.

You can use Times New Roman for your blog posts.

It will not divert attention away from your content. In fact, it will make your blog look more engaging and professional.

6. Georgia

Georgia is a lightweight serif font.

This font has a smooth texture which is why it looks great on blogs. It is pretty versatile and perfect if you want to use bold font for your blog.

You might like to use Georgia for informative blog posts that are on the serious side. It can be used for formal events on your blog.

However, you can play around with the font size and color to make it suit your needs. That is what’s great about Georgia—you can mold it into whatever you want.

In the end, Georgia is one of the best fonts that you can use on your blog.

7. Helvetica Neue

Helvetica Neue is a sans serif font that has a clean and simple look. It is easy to read so you can use it for blog posts that are more formal.

It is also pretty flexible so you can use it in different ways. For example, Helvetica Neue looks good when used for subheadings.

You can use this font for subheadings because it will make them stand out. However, you need to pick the right size so it doesn’t look too large or small for your blog.

In the end, Helvetica Neue is a good font to use on your blog. It makes your content stand out and look easy to read.

8. Calibri

Calibri is a sans serif font but it looks pretty similar to Arial. You can use it for blog posts that are more casual or formal.

It is pretty clean and simple so it will not distract attention from your content.

However, I think Calibri would be too plain for a formal blog. For a formal event on your blog, you might want to use a different font that looks more classy like Georgia.

In the end, Calibri is one of the best fonts that you can use on your blog. It is definitely a go-to font as it looks great and easy to read, making it well-suited for most blog posts.

9. Tahoma

Tahoma is another sans serif font that is pretty simple. It’s not too bold or lightweight, making it easy to read.

You can use it for blog posts that are more formal and informative in nature. But, you can experiment with it and see which types of posts Tahoma will suit best.

Tahoma is one of the best fonts that you can use on your blog. It looks clean and professional, making it suitable for blog posts that are more formal.

10. Open Sans

Open Sans is another great font that you can use on your blog.

It is a sans serif font that has a simple and clean design. It is not too bold or lightweight, making it perfect for blog posts that are more formal or informative in nature.

You can use it for blog posts that are more formal as Open Sans looks great on print as well as the web.

In the end, it’s one of the best fonts you can use on your blog. It looks pretty clean and professional, making it perfect for blog posts that are more formal.

11. Rockwell

Rockwell is a great font for titles because it makes them stand out. You can use it for blog posts that are more informal in nature.

However, this font is probably too bold to be used on blog posts that are more formal. It works better for casual blog posts like food and travel blogging.

In the end, it is one of the best fonts that you can use on your blog. It definitely makes your titles stand out and look great.

How to Add Custom Fonts in WordPress?

The easiest way to add custom fonts in WordPress is by using a plugin. There are many fonts plugins that you can use for this purpose.

Some of the most popular font plugins are:

  • Google Fonts Typography
  • Use Any Font
  • Custom Fonts
  • Brainstorm Force
  • wp-Typography

One of the best plugin that I recommend is Google Fonts Typography.

Google Fonts Typography Plugin

Once you install and activate the plugin, you need to open the Customizer and from here, you can add custom fonts to your WordPress site. Based on your specific needs, you can choose multiple fonts for your site title, headings, or content.

Google Fonts Typography Selection

Just pick the font you want to use and save your changes. That’s it. The plugin will automatically add the custom font to your WordPress site.

If you want to add custom fonts to a specific paragraph only, you can do so by using the Google fonts block available in the WordPress Gutenberg editor.

Google Fonts Gutenberg Block Shortcut

Upon activation, you just need to edit the post or page. Once you’re inside the Gutenberg editor, just add a Google fonts block to your content area. After that, you can choose any of 1000+ Google fonts and change the settings as per wish.

You can also add fonts using CSS. This method requires you to first upload the font files to your server. After that, you need to edit your WordPress theme’s stylesheet (style.css). Well, it is more technical and it can break your website if you don’t do it properly. That’s why I recommend using a WordPress plugin to add custom fonts in WordPress.

What is The Best Font for Blog Posts?

The best font for blogs posts is the one that is easy to read. The font you choose should be large enough so that readers can easily read it without straining their eyes. One of the best fonts I recommend is Roboto which is used on Google search.

Arial, Georgia, and Times New Roman are some of the most popular fonts that are widely used on the web. I’ve also included some of best ones above.

In short, Roboto is a great choice because it looks professional and modern. It also has a clean design that will make your blog posts look crisp and neat. Open Sans is another great choice as it looks great on the web and even in print. The simplicity of its design makes it a versatile font that can be used on all kinds of blog posts.

If you want to use a different font than the ones mentioned above, you can use any font of your choice from Google Fonts library. There are over 1000 different fonts. These fonts are all optimized for the web and they look great on all screen sizes.

Apart from Google Fonts, there are many other sources of fonts that you can use on your WordPress site. Simply use a plugin like Use Any Font to get it done.

Top Blog Font FAQs

In this section, I will try to answer some of the top questions people ask when it comes to choosing a font for their blogs.

Before I continue let me tell you that your blog design is one of the most important aspects of your blog. Choosing the best blog fonts for your blog will help you create an attractive-looking blog for your visitors.

And, that’s why you should be careful when it comes to your blog fonts.

The following questions and answers will make it clear and help you to avoid making mistakes when selecting fonts for your blog.

Let’s get started…

What is The Easiest to Read Font?

The easiest to read font is Google’s signature font Roboto, created by Google designer Christian Robertson. That being said, Roboto is a popular and well-designed font that is often recommended for its readability, particularly in digital contexts.

It has a clean and modern appearance, with simple and easy-to-read letterforms that make it a good choice for websites, mobile apps, and other digital interfaces.

Roboto also has a wide range of font weights and styles, making it a great option.

What Does a Good Blog Font Look Like?

A good or perfect font has to look professional and easy on the eyes. It has to be legible, readable, and stand out.

A good font also needs to look good on print as well as the web.

The font should also be versatile enough so that you can use it for different types of blog posts like formal or informal.

What Fonts Should I Avoid?

You should also avoid using Comic Sans, Bodoni, and Papyrus.

Comic Sans has never been a good choice for any project for its childish look. Many other fonts are much more suitable for projects than Comic Sans.

Bodoni and Papyrus are also not great choices as they have a very serious look that will bring too much focus to your blog titles. And, this is not good if you want your content to be the center of attention.

What Font Size Should I Use?

You should use a font size that is big enough to be readable. If you make your fonts too small, visitors will have a hard time reading your blog posts. And, that’s bad for almost any blog as it will reduce the time your visitors spend on your blog.

Always remember to use the size of your audience in mind. If your blog posts are about cooking then you should use a bigger font than normal as people’s eyes are not that great at seeing small text.

When Should I Use Bold Fonts?

Bold fonts are good for titles and headings because they make them stand out. They also help draw the attention of visitors to your blog’s most important content.

You can use bold fonts for headings and titles to make your blog posts attractive and more readable.

What Font is Most Pleasing to the Eye?

This depends on many factors like the design of your blog, the writing style and tone of your posts, and more. Sans serif fonts are usually considered to be more pleasing than serif fonts. However, the choice of which one to use is entirely yours.

How Do I Choose a Font for My Blog?

You should always keep your blog’s design and style in mind when choosing a font for it. Your font should blend well with the design of your blog. If your blog has a modern design then you should choose a font that also looks modern and not too fancy or childish.

Always select a font that is easy to read and looks good. It’s also a good idea to choose a font that is versatile enough for all kinds of blog posts.

You can use this guide to help you make a final decision about the fonts you want to choose for your blog. This will save you from choosing fonts that are unsuitable for your blog’s style and purpose.

Which Font is Best for SEO?

Open Sans, Helvetica Neue, Roboto, and Calibri are all good choices for bloggers because they look professional and are easy to read. Well, it doesn’t matter which fonts you use on your blog. Search engines can always index your blog.

However, it helps if you use fonts that look professional and easy to read.

As search engines prefer user experience over design, it’s a good idea to choose fonts that are easy to read and look professional.

Do you wonder if fonts can affect your SEO?

No, fonts do not affect your SEO. However, they can improve your blog’s user experience if you use the right ones. It will be to your advantage if your blog’s design is modern, clean, and eye-catching. The right fonts also play an important role in making your blog posts readable and professional-looking.

Final Words – Best Blog Fonts?

Choosing the right fonts for your blog may seem like a small issue but it has an impact on how your audience perceives you.

For example, if you use a casual or informal font on your blog posts, you are telling your readers that you are more relaxed and less formal.

On the other hand, if you use formal fonts, your blog will seem more professional and serious in nature. So when picking the best blog fonts, you need to consider what message you want your blog to send.

If you want it to seem more professional and serious, choose formal fonts. If you want it to look more informal and relaxed, choose casual fonts.

Once you’ve made your decision, it’s time to choose font sizes and colors, and line-heights. You may want to consider the space between lines as well since that will have an impact on how the reader reads your blog posts.

Make sure to play around with different options until you get it just right for your blog. It helps if you have a specific type of blog post in mind.

I hope, you have found the above blog post interesting and valuable?

Finally, if you found this article to be helpful, don’t forget to share it.

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