
Builderall Review: Is This All-In-One Platform For Marketer?

Builderall Review

Have you ever felt you’ve chosen the wrong business platform?


Are you not happy with your tool?

Or even if you’re tired of using those traditional “not-so-helpful” platforms to accomplish your business goals, then you’ve landed yourself in the right place.

Trust me,

I’ve been there, and I understand how painful it is to find a perfect solution for your online business.

You put your hard-earned money & efforts into what you thought of as a “perfect platform.”

But what you get is…


Need not worry, because today I’m going to introduce you to one of the powerful & unbeatable online business platforms – Builderall.

I’ll also show you exactly, what Builderall is, why it’s one of the best in today’s market, why choosing Builderall can be the wisest decision to rock your business, what are all its features, & of course why do I prefer Builderall despite other available online business tools.

Not to mention,

“Everything described here is an honest outcome of my journey of using Builderall.”

Rest your mind, as this is going to be a completely honest & unbiased review of Builderall.

If you are reading this, it probably means you may have heard of Builderall, and you’re trying to figure out if it’s the right platform for your online business or not.

Take a seat.

As I’m in this brief-long review post, going to cover everything (I mean every damn thing) you need to know about Builderall before making a buy.

Let’s get started.

What exactly is Builderall?

To put it in simple words, Builderall is a tool to “turn your million-dollar idea, into a million-dollar business!”

Builderall is an online business solution platform or rather an all-in-one web design and digital marketing platform that helps you to build, market, and run a successful online business.

What’s more, Builderall is the complete online business tool means that potentially you’ll never need other tools outside those offered by Builderall. It has got you covered with everything you’ll ever need to run an online business.


Now onto the features of Builderall.

Builderall: Features

To simplify things for you to understand, I’ve created a list of all the tools (more than 38) into 6 major categories: (That’s all you need to know about Builderall)

  1. The Builders
  2. Email Marketing
  3. Engagement
  4. Designs
  5. Reports
  6. Others

Don’t get confused by the above terms, we’re going to take them down & explain every feature/tool one by one.

Builderall Builders

As the name suggests, this section of Builderall consists of all the latest tools/features that are used to build an online business (top to bottom), but more specifically used for marketing purposes.

With the help of “the Builders” you can:

  • Build a complete website (i.e. landing page, sales funnel, etc)
  • Develop an outstanding Application
  • Create online courses
  • Build an ultimate online store

And, many more things.

Let’s come on to the first tool which is…

Cheetah Website Builder

I believe that not everyone is tech-savvy. We all want features that make our life easier.

So if you’re someone who doesn’t like manual coding, or it’s just too much for you, then you should try Cheetah website builder.


You can create the most beautiful, and insanely fast pages (websites, and funnels) with an easy drag-and-drop method.

What’s more?

It’s not all a fancy-fancy thing, but it also improves your website performance.

Up to 92 Google score (website speed test) on mobile.

Look at the below image:

PS: Zoom in if you can’t see clearly.

Now onto the 2nd tool…

Pixel Perfect Builder

It’s similar to the cheetah website builder. But what’s remarkable about the pixel-perfect builder is – it offers you tons of pre-designed templates you can use to create a website, landing page, sales page, and many more things.

It’s also a drag-and-drop website builder and you can set up a website in no time because of its easy-to-use interface.

And, of course, it doesn’t require one to have coding skills. (One of the best thing I liked about Builderall being a non-tech guy)

Builderall Webinar Builder

Do you know that “almost 60% of businesses leverage webinars to attract new customers & drive leads” (study by content marketing institutes)?

What’s more interesting is –

  • This % has even increased because of the pandemic and now it’s become a common routine for companies to use webinars and build a meaningful relationship with industry leaders and audience.

Builderall webinar app lets you do:

  • Facebook and YouTube video streaming
  • Live video streaming and screen sharing
  • Webinar recording
  • Chat with guests

And interestingly you can also program a bot your way and let them comment to your webinar watchers especially when you feel lazy to move.

There’s more to it.

Builderall Evergreen Webinar Builder

This tool lets you create webinars with selected time intervals or scheduled webinars.

Additionally, you can:

  • Set the content and schedule
  • Customize webinar room appearance
  • Organize email settings
  • Create forms

A perfect tool to configure and sell products with a “right-on-time” presentation, or a webinar with multi-time options on autopilot.

Builderall App Builder

“What do you prefer: an App or website”? – I may look like a fool to ask a question like this.

Definitely having a website is a primary need for any business, but an App reflects your brand identity and you can influence the audience by connecting them via smartphones.

It’s a drag-and-drop app builder that lets you develop an application without coding, and you can even upload it to the Apple store, Google play store, or Amazon App store.

But wait – there’s more.

You can even add some essentials like:

  • Video and audio files
  • Multiple pages for booking services
  • Announcements for upcoming events
  • Integrate different social media links

Well, I can’t surely say it’s one of the best app builders, but it’s worth every penny when you don’t want to spend big money on hiring a professional mobile app developer.

It gets your job done.

eCommerce Builder

For everyone who’s out there selling products (both physical and digital) online, the eCommerce app is what you need to take your online store to the next level.

Builderall enables you to create your own eCommerce store and sell your products online. You can simply add your products in the Builderall Marketplace, and then your payment and delivery options.

What’s more is – you will also find easy access to some of the most useful eCommerce features like coupons, pop-ups, a streamlined checkout process, and much more.

Furthermore, you can also set up an affiliate program with the help of an eCommerce store, so other individuals can sell your products for you.

Equally, you can use Builderall to set up an affiliate website yourself, simply promoting products and earning a commission, instead of dealing with sales.

Also worth a mention is the Builderall Business affiliate program.

Once you sign up on the Builderall Business plan, you can promote Builderall and earn a commission from any sales you make.

The Builderall eCommerce app works similar to all other typical eCommerce builders like Shopify and you can get it at a low price, together with other handy digital marketing tools.

Now listen:

The eCommerce app builder gives you all the options to customize your store the way you like it and even if you monetize it or not you’ll lose nothing.


If your business depends entirely on an eCommerce platform, then I’d suggest you invest in other platforms.

Funnel Builder

You’ll love this part.


Keep reading…

“It’s shocking but according to research conducted by fresh relevance, almost 56.82% of customers start a checkout process for an online order but drop out of the process and you never close that deal.

The reason?

Your sales funnel.

Getting the right sales to the funnel can help you close more deals and lure potential customers down to the funnel and convert them into real sales.

Need not worry if you don’t know what funnel is or how to exactly operate it.

This tool of Builderall (Canvas Funnel Builder) helps you create a sales funnel.

What’s more?

When you use this tool, it gives you three options:

  • You can choose an inbuilt funnel template and use it the way you want.
  • Or you can customize the funnel template according to your business requirements.
  • Or, you can construct your own sales funnel by pulling out different pages.

I usually go with inbuilt templates. (except if I’ve any specific requirement)

However, multiple options are great and you can utilize them to come up with new and amazing funnels for your business.

Builderall canvas funnel builder allows you to create and design complete sales funnels based on your requirements along with email sequences, checkouts, CRM, and other features.

So within a few clicks and without prior technical knowledge, you can quickly design your desired sales funnel and can tweak it whenever you want it to.

You can’t find it elsewhere.

The good news:

“It has zero Cons”

Builderall Directory Builder

Builderall directory is a list of companies or advertisements that you may want to list on your website.

Builderall directory builder helps you in advertising and makes it simpler for other people to access certain services or certain areas of your city or your state.

It’s a really cool tool to make advertisements and once you’re done with setting up directories, it’ll list the name of the companies, name of the brand, name of the service, and their contact information so that people looking for such services can easily contact them.

With this builder, you can create and publish your online directory with thousands of pages in just minutes.

How is this tool helpful?

Well, directory builder will help you to start conversations, become a local or niche authority, and eventually sell more web services.

But wait,

How is this tool different from others?

Builderall gives you 7 options or features in directory builder to help customers find whatever they need in a very specific way.

The 7 options you can utilize to sell more services are:

  1. Directories – you can view a list of directories, create a new one, and edit the layout.
  2. Places – you can manage, and edit your choice of places
  3. Categories and Subcategories
  4. Settings – general settings allow you to deal with Ads types and payments
  5. Repositories – here you can manage your visuals (images and files) for your directories
  6. Customers
  7. Ads

Builderall Booking Builder

Just as the name says, the Builderall booking builder is basically used to arrange calls and meetings.

It’s a scheduling resource for those who want to set up multiple calls and meetings, theoretically deciding how many such meetings and how many calls would produce.

This tool gets even more useful when you’re a coach or mentor who needs help setting up calls and meetings.

The initial setup is user-friendly so you won’t have a hard time using it.

Things you can do with this builder:

  • You can build a new calendar
  • You can send various time zones across your consumers
  • Performance URLs if you’re into up-selling

And usual stuff like time setting, session duration, intervals, and hosting.

Well, this tool is similar to already available ones, but then what do I like about it?

It’s simply because the Builderall calendar takes very little time compared to other available tools and applications. Also, I can run multiple hosts and multiple calendars.

If that’s not enough,

You can even integrate it with Google calendar to make it easier to stay up-to-date with all of your business meetings and scheduled appointments especially when you’re using a mobile device.

It’s kind of a freebie. So even if you use it or not you’ll lose nothing.

Builderall Drag N Drop eLearning/Education Platform

Selling online courses or classes is one of the best revenue-generating methods.

Are you into the same business?

If yes, you’ll love Builderall’s eLearning platform.

With Builderall eLearning software you can plan courses and lessons (both free and paid), handle instructors, manage students, give tests, create a community, and much more.


You can generate quizzes, upload content, and create visuals as a part of teaching. Furthermore, using the platform, you can set customized triggers or barriers stopping students from jumping ahead of the course.

I don’t sell courses or classes but, still I find this tool amazing.

You may ask why?

The reason.

Builderall eLearning platform lets you build an unlimited number of courses and lessons. You can build professional and mobile-friendly courses and train with this app.

That sums it up as to why Builderall is a fantastic tool to create an eLearning business.

Now onto the last tool in this category…

Builderall 3-Click WordPress Integration

Can you use WordPress in Builderall?

The answer is yes.

Builderall has played a smart move by adding this new feature to the list.

Why? – keep reading to find it.

Everyone has heard the name “WordPress”.

And, it’s the first thing that comes to our mind whenever we speak about websites or blogging.

This is not surprising, as it’s the most popular and leading platform for blogging or website development.

But oftentimes people find it very hard to set up a new website or a blog using WordPress.

Switching over different pages, plugins, themes, and paying for different tools is honestly a headache for everyone.

But check this out.

With Builderall you can easily set up a new website in just 3 clicks. I’m dead serious here. I’ve tried it and it’s really amazing.

Even if you don’t have the technical knowledge or background, let Builderall back you up. The process goes straight forward:

  • You first click on the “create website” option
  • Put your domain details
  • Fill in the site creation form and voila.

Can’t believe it, but this process takes only 40 seconds and what you come up with is an amazing and powerful WordPress integration website.

“Want to create a website and rock your business? – Try out WordPress.”

You’ve heard the above advice a million times. Thought so.

But here’s something that’s really powerful.

WordPress is indeed a great platform for building websites or blogs and mainly for better rankings in Google and other search engines.

But don’t you think you deserve better than that?

Of course, yes.

And you can achieve it with the powerful Builderall 3 Click WordPress integration.

Talking from my experience I can say that, Builderall WordPress integration can bring a better rank to your site, which will lead to real sales, more traffic, more engagement, and leads.

It’s one of the best things about Builderall and I’m not the only one who’s satisfied. Almost all Builderall users have WordPress integration installed on their system.

But wait.

Even if you’re using WordPress for your site and you still want to continue using it, you can still add sales funnels.


You’ve heard it right.

This is very much possible with the help of Builderall.

In short, Builderall has got you covered with everything you need to start building your website.

Now onto the second category and that is email marketing.

Builderall: Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the critical factors contributing to your business success. It is crucial for developing relationships with leads, prospects, current customers, and even past customers because it allows you to talk directly to them via their inboxes at convenient times.

Take a look at the below statistics to figure out how important is email marketing.

If you’re aren’t already leveraging this best powerful marketing channel – Email Marketing then you’re missing out #1 source of traffic and an effective way to reach out to your potential customers.

But don’t worry.

In this category of Email Marketing, I’m going to list out all the tools and explain every one of them that can be used to level up your marketing game.

I’ll walk you through the whole process.


Builderall MailingBoss

Admit the fact that effective and efficient email communication is vital for any business or entrepreneur.

Take a pause!


Imagine what it’d be like if you have one such tool to professionally manage subscribers, lists, autoresponders, and automation.

Well, the tool is right in front of you. It’s called the Builderall MailingBoss Autoresponder.

But what makes this so special?

Here’s where things get interesting.

Indeed email marketing is the best way to reach out to the audience and to connect with them one-to-one, but that’s not enough.

For successful email campaigns, things need to be organized efficiently and most importantly the overall process should be seamless in order to engage customers till the end to convert it into a real sale.

That’s where MailingBoss (The Email marketing automation software) comes into the picture.

MailingBoss allows you to create email campaigns, use and edit templates for your emails to your list, create sequences, schedule your emails, and add tags.

It’s a whole automation system that allows you to set up sequences and workflows based on subscriber’s actions and behaviors to provide a good customer experience and overall engagement to drastically increase your conversion rates.

Check this out:

One of the most impressive features of MailingBoss is “list segmentation”.

Basically, it allows you to segregate prospects depending on their behaviors. It lets you distinguish opportunities based on audience actions or behaviors.

There’s a trigger to every action and it notifies the tool to take another action. Everything depends on the prospect’s actions and the workflow.

Builderall autoresponder is really easy to use even for a complete beginner.

Here comes the best part:

There is no hard limit on the number of email campaigns with Builderall, which means you can virtually send unlimited numbers of emails to unlimited numbers of recipients.

With Builderall MailingBoss you can do the following things:

  • You can add new subscribers manually
  • Get an idea or track where your subscribers come from
  • You can create unlimited email campaigns
  • View and analyze campaigns statistics and analytics
  • Use workflows to manage lists, subscribers, and sequences
  • Try out different email design templates

With MailingBoss, Builderall is a complete real product that offers a solution to manage the most fundamental part of your business.

It’s one of the best Builderall’s functionalities regarding efficiency, organizing, but also interface and overall usability.

Builderall: Drag N Drop Email Marketing Automation

You can build amazing and unlimited email marketing automation with the help of the Drag N Drop feature.

All you have to do is:

  • Select “Email marketing” as the list.
  • Then set up an Email sequence from a number of website’s lists or pages
  • Connect the dots and select your already built autoresponder emails (you can also set the frequency of sending emails and timings)

The below image describes the same:

Professional Emails

Having your professional emails gives off a sense of trust and a little brand identity which indicates to potential clients how serious you are about your business.

With Builderall professional emails tool, you can create an unlimited number of qualified domain email accounts in order to carry out business communications.

And for those who don’t know what a professional email looks like.

It’s –

Now onto the third category…


We’re going to talk about customer engagement here in this section.

You won’t believe this but it’s true.

According to some statistics, 86% of the total buyers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience.

Customer engagement is a must-to-have factor in today’s world. It contributes immensely to the business growth.

Engagement not only helps you to increase sales or close more deals, but it also keeps your customers happy and they remain with you for a longer period.

Increased interaction and engagement can eventually lead you to increased sales and brand awareness, which ultimately results in higher conversion.

That’s where Builderall wins the game.

Builderall has more than ten tools that you can leverage effectively to engage your customers through numerous platforms.

Trust me,

This one is a newly added section packed with awesome tools to help you with social interactions and to improve engagements.

Let’s uncover all the tools one by one.

Shall we?

First on the list is…

Professional Messenger Chatbot

Chatbots are the best when improving the communication process with potential customers. They are used to improve customer’s experience, drive more sales, and build a deeper rapport with customers.

Builderall contains feature enriched professional chatbots.

You can leverage Builderall’s professional messenger chatbot feature to automate your communication with prospects and clients.

With this feature, you can handle several sites simultaneously.

You can also add default responses, welcome messages, reply rules, and can tweak certain buttons in the automation app.

Some of the impressive features of Builderall’s messenger chatbot are listed below:

  • Tools such as popups, landing pages, and bars.
  • Various integrations
  • Powerful automation

While it’s not the complete replacement of many chatbots out there, it still does its job very well.

I would suggest, you must try it once before coming to any conclusions.

Professional Website Bot

Almost all the websites have their personal chatbots which they use to set up a series of questions and potential responses helping out the visitor to land exactly where he/she wants to.

If you ever needed a chatbot for your website or even thinking of it, it’s time you should buy it.

Builderall’s website bot works similarly to the messenger chatbot.

Builderall can help you build an expert website chatbot which you can then leverage to engage leads and customers.

As per my experience, it works pretty fine but it’s not that important unless and until your website gets huge traffic.

Share Locker

This one is pretty straight forward.

The simplest method to get more likes and shares on your content is to ask for social shares.

Share Locker does the same thing. It allows you to block or restrict web visitors from seeing your content unless it is shared, liked, or both.

It’s one of the easiest tricks to generate viral traffic to your website and increase social interaction.

Script Generator

This tool from Builderall is designed to help you with:

  • Copywriting scripts
  • Autoresponder scripts
  • Scripts for video sales letters

The impressive part?

You can use this tool to generate persuasive sales copywriting to use on your website, in your sales funnels, or even in your emails.

Funnel Scripts, which is a competing product against Builderall’s script generator, costs you hundreds of dollars.

I bet it,

the Builderall script generator is much more powerful compared to Funnel scripts.


The main reason for telegram’s growth is due to ease of set up, rich feature set, intuitive interface, and security.

This tool from Builderall can help you take full advantage of telegram’s messaging power by building automatic messages, responses, and bots for your telegram funnels and eventually get more leads.


CRM stands for customer relationship management.

Builderall’s CRM integration works really nicely with the website helping you track all of your leads and contacts that visit your website.

You can easily watch your leads’ behavior and figure out what they like and what they don’t about your website.

CRM becomes important especially when you’ve salespeople to reach out to your audience.

Browser Notifications App

This tool helps you to connect with your targeted audience via an internet browser which ultimately enables you to automate and send personalized notifications anytime.

It’s just like Email marketing but done via internet browsers.

SMS Messaging

Tools like SMS messaging when combined with others can really turn out to be a unique marketing experience.

With this tool, you can send text messages almost instantly to your audience to help you efficiently communicate with a large number of recipients.

Now moving onto the fourth category and that is…


In this section, I’m going to provide you with all the tools you can to build and design various different materials.

Let’s admit the fact,

That content marketing is one of the factors that contribute to the ranking of your website on search engines.

And if that’s what you need, then you’re in the right place.

This category has three main tools, you can use to create and design amazing materials for different social media platforms.

Let’s get started…

Builderall Unlimited Magazine Builder

It’s a true story.

I was literally bored of using those traditional magazine builders as it was quite a hectic process, but then I found this Builderall tool and it made my life easier.

Honestly, I never thought of using the drag n drop feature in magazine building. Builderall has really mastered the drag n drop feature making it simpler and user-friendly for everyone to jump in and start.

As you can see (above image), it’s really easy to select your desired template. Also, it gives you the option to edit a lot of pages and customize the way you want.

With Builderall unlimited magazine builder you can discover all the potential to attract leads for any niche and deliver the content with the best style that looks more appealing and engaging to your customers.

Mockup Studio

It’s an ultimate digital studio that helps you to design different content and materials such as eBook covers, Facebook posts, info-products, and other mock-ups.

Additionally, you can create images and GIFs that grab the user’s attention to generate more engagement on blogs, social media posts, and website images.

Builderall’s Mock-up library contains numerous templates and you can opt for a specific one to use for your business.

I should’ve included this tool in the engagement category but it’s more of a designing tool that allows you to boost the overall visibility of your website or blog.

Animated Videos

Creating interactive and animated videos is a solid way to keep your visitors for a longer period on your site.

Videos are much more powerful compared to simple texts or images.

However with a lot of features, especially for beginners and non-techies, this tool might sound a bit overwhelming.


It’s not that difficult (as per my experience) and once you get the hang of it, this could be your ultimate go-to app for creating fantastic videos and animations.

There’s more to it.

Builderall gives you unlimited access to its library as well and you can do amazing things such as:

  • Add images and customized texts
  • Add a variety of sound effects and a text speech
  • Add hundreds of exclusive characters and facial expressions

And, you can even upload created videos to your website, Facebook account, YouTube channel, Vimeo account, or anywhere you’d prefer to.

It’s time to onboard to the fifth category and that is…


I’m sure you’ve heard of traffic management tools. They contain reports of the essential data you need to make good marketing decisions.

This section consists of two elements only:

  1. SEO Report
  2. Click Map

The purpose of using these tools is, let you enhance your web or online presence and elevate your marketing techniques.

Complete SEO Report

Let’s face it.

SEO in 2022 is by far the most important thing you need to elevate your market presence.

SEO is everywhere, be it in a website or blog, or eCommerce.

Thus it becomes crucial for you to install only the best SEO tool to enhance your search engine visibility.

There are trillions of factors and components that contribute when talking about SEO.

Since it’s not practically possible to list out every one of them, I’m going to cover some of the important features you’ll get using Builderall:

  • Check Keywords and keywords density
  • Appropriate usage and frequency of keywords
  • Meta information
  • Alt image tags
  • Excessive internal links
  • Content’s length (suitable and required number of words)
  • Page title’s length

The best part?

This tool has the capability to scan and analyze your competitor’s websites, URLs, and domains.

The sad part is, I didn’t find anything related to off-page SEO optimization and that’s where I felt the tool to be incomplete.

However, it gives you enough features and tools to completely change your on-page SEO tactics to get better search engine rankings.

Click Map

Also called the “HeatMap”.

I must say,

If you want to understand what kind of content your readers or visitors consume, then you should try this fantastic tool.

It gives you an overall idea of the areas within your website where your visitors spend most of their time. It helps one to understand what pages, links, content, images, people click more often and likes them.

Installing Click Map will give you a solid idea on optimizing your website to ultimately drive more traffic and customer engagement.

Now onto the final category…

Other Builderall Tools

While using Builderall, I’ve found two specific tools that I can’t put in the above categories so I’ve listed them here.

They’re as useful as other tools to help you build a successful online business.

And they are…

VA Access

The term VA stands for Virtual Assistant.

To put it in simple words, this management tool comes in handy as your business grows.

It becomes more difficult to manage everything by a single-handed person especially when your crowd is huge.

That’s where this tool comes into the scene.

It allows other people of your business team to easily share the same platform and they can simply access your account just with the help of your Builderall email and access key.

DNS Manager

DNS simply stands for “Domain Name System” also known as “Web Phone Book”.

Let me tell you if you don’t already know the technology behind the actual working of your domain name’s DNS.

It converts human-friendly domain names into corresponding IP addresses.

Using this tool you can manage all the domains associated with your Builderall account.

We haven’t yet discussed the plans and pricing of Builderall.

So here we go…

How Much Does Builderall Cost?

Now let’s get to the main part.

So there are basically three plans:

  1. Free Plan
  2. Premium plan
  3. Super Funnel Club

Free Plan:

Believe me, it’s great if you’re buying Builderall in 2022.

With the latest Builderall 4.0 update the previous 14-day free trial plan has now converted to a super free plan with no time limit and it gives you access to several platform resources.

The super free plan contains unlimited subscribers, zero domain, and 500 MB uploading space.

However, you can get the Builderall 30 day free trial for the premium plan at just $1.

Here’s the list of all the features you get access, to take your business to the next level.

  • The best and fastest drag and drop Website Builder with hundreds of features
  • The Only Real and complete Graphic Funnel Builder
  • Video hosting tool
  • Membership websites and e-learning system
  • Unlimited Email Marketing
  • CRM and automation system
  • Chatbot and SiteBot
  • Booking Calendar
  • Super checkout system with dozens of payment gateway integrations
  • Run your own affiliate program (1 tier or multi-tier)
  • Ecommerce Checkout
  • Auction Checkout
  • Magazine builder
  • Mockup and image editor
  • Vídeo Wrapper
  • Browser Notifications
  • Blog Builder
  • Chat Builder
  • Google and Adsense Friendly Builder
  • Hundreds of Video tutorials and a huge knowledge base
  • Chat and ticket support, and much more…

Premium Plan:

It’s one of the cheapest options Builderall offers you which starts at just $69.90 a month and it gives you access to some of the newer features.

According to my overall experience, I can say this plan is best suited for huge and mid-sized businesses. What premium plan offers is truly amazing and is worth a try.

What you get after buying Builderall’s premium plan is the unlimited number of subscribers and 15 domains together with all the features listed below.

  • Cheetah website and funnel builder
  • Funnel simulator
  • Video hosting and management
  • Booking and calendar application
  • Private chat building tool
  • Drag N Drop email marketing automaton
  • Email scarcity timer tool
  • Quick-loading CDN servers
  • Daily website backup
  • Unlimited membership area access
  • Super checkout tool
  • Accelerated mobile page loading speed
  • Smart popup
  • Countdown, fixed date, and evergreen timers
  • Integrated CRM tool
  • Telegram automation
  • SMS messaging
  • Professional drag and drop messenger
  • Unlimited magazine builder
  • Webinar building tool
  • Facebook and Youtube live streaming
  • 3-click WordPress integration
  • Cheetah Turbo Template
  • 50% less affiliate payment processing fees
  • Passive income with BuilderAll Marketplace Commissions

The last plan.

Super Funnel Club:

Builderall’s super funnel club gives you access to 300 high converting sales funnels along with a variety of Builderall’s landing pages created by top designers and copywriters.

This plan normally costs $99.90 each month, but right now with Builderall’s special deal, you can pay a one-time fee of $199 which reduces the monthly fee to $69.90.

Also, new funnels are introduced to the club each month so you’ll never run out of options.

I must say,

It’s a steal.

It has all the premium plan features and some additional ones that are listed below:

  • Builderall Advertising
  • Over 30 Messenger chatbot funnels
  • More than 50 niche funnels for capturing leads and selling
  • Digital marketing platform
  • Upwards of 50 niche funnels for agencies
  • Over 20 niche funnels for building lists including a lead magnet
  • More than 10 premium funnels
  • Over 300 quick-edit strategic Cheetah funnels
  • Automatic affiliate approval
  • New niche funnels added weekly
  • New strategic Cheetah themes added weekly

Well, that’s all good.

But here’s the main thing.

Is Builderall Worth it?


Let’s find out:

Builderall is no doubt a great tool when we look at the features, functionalities, and of course the price.

Builderall comes with all the features and tools you can play with to build a successful online business.

The good news:

Builderall is constantly evolving and updating. Hence buying it will feel like you’re ahead in the league and you’re up-to-date with the latest marketing techniques.

Also, as a complete package, Builderall offers you many great tools and some free tools such as sales funnels, email marketing services, content building pages, and many more.


You won’t need to spend your money and time separately buying various stand-alone products that may or may not integrate anyway.

While the interface is pretty clean and easy to use, It feels overwhelming when there is a range of options available. Especially for beginners, this might seem more of a trouble than an advantage.

Having that said,

Builderall is perfect for marketers and new business owners, who are on a tight budget as all the important tools are listed under one easy-to-use package.


What’s my take on this?

My Personal Experience

From my very own lips to your ears,

Here’s what I feel about using Builderall.

Builderall is getting better and better every year. Or I would say a month.

What really drew me initially to Builderall is,

Of course the price and the ability to master one tool at a time so that I can add it to my column expertise.

Builderall’s affiliate program is just out of the box and I’m really impressed with it.

They really care about their affiliates and the team do their best to help you succeed as a marketer.

While having more than 30 tools may feel overwhelming at first but trust me I’ve been there and it’s just a matter of time. You’ll master all of them as soon as you start using them.

Overall my experience with Builderall has been positive.

What I Don’t Like About it?


Let’s admit it.

Nothing is perfect in this real world. Everything has pros and cons.


If you’re an affiliate marketer or media buyer then things will not probably work the way you want them to.


Because, once you send thousands and millions of clicks to your pages, the loading speed of the sales page will eventually get decreased and you’ll lose a high percentage of traffic and thereby your money.

So if you’re an affiliate marketer who drives serious traffic to landing pages and websites, then my suggestion is, switch over to some good sales/landing page builder software.

Apart from that, some of the tools that I’ve tried and tested don’t work well (heat testing map feature).

On the other side, few tools are a bit clunky and confusing to use which results in a tedious rather than streamlined process.

But anyway, as I said there are no pros without cons.

Final Thoughts

Builderall with its all 30+ tools is all set to help you build amazing websites and landing pages, produce compelling and engaging content for different social media platforms, implement efficient marketing campaigns, build brand awareness and online presence, improve search engine rankings, and boost your social engagements.

And seriously the best part?

You get all those tools at just $69.90 per month packed with absolutely powerful and numerous advanced internet marketing tools.

In the end,

Builderall is a great tool to serve all your digital needs.

It’s a one-stop solution for all your problems.

I may have faced some problems while using Builderall,

But do you know what?

I’m going to renew my subscription plans as I’ve really liked this tool.


While I’m using it, It feels like I’m having control of every factor that contributes to my success.

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