
How to Choose a Niche for Your Blog? [The Ultimate Guide]

Finding the best niche for your blog is a difficult and time-consuming process, especially when you’re just getting started. If you want to learn how to choose a profitable niche for your blog so that you can build an exciting and profitable internet business, this easy-to-follow step-by-step guide will be extremely useful. Here’s the fact:…

How to Choose a Niche

Finding the best niche for your blog is a difficult and time-consuming process, especially when you’re just getting started. If you want to learn how to choose a profitable niche for your blog so that you can build an exciting and profitable internet business, this easy-to-follow step-by-step guide will be extremely useful.

Here’s the fact:

If you are interested in making money online from advertising revenues or from affiliate sales, one of the best ways is to start a blog based on a profitable niche.

By using a blog, you can also sell your own digital products. Many bloggers promote their digital services with their blogs. Some even have premium sections on their blog to make readers pay for accessing the content.

Truly speaking, there are numerous ways to make money with a blog.

So, it’s easy to understand why most people wishing to make money online, invest their time and effort to learn how to build a successful blog.

Even for complete beginners, starting a blog is relatively simple. In fact, you can get it up and running in less than 20 minutes with this step-by-step blog building guide. But, just setting up a blog doesn’t guarantee that you’ll make money.

There are a lot of different things involved.

One of the most essential factors that determine your blogging success is the niche you choose for your blog. It’s essential even before you launch your blog.

Bloggers frequently name their blogs after their chosen niche. It’s quite simple to set up and maintain a blog, as well as to apply the design of your choice, but it is the content that can be challenging at times.

To create a successful and profitable blog, your blog content or blog posts need to be based on a particular niche. And, for beginners, this is a headache.

Because selecting a blog niche is not easy.

And, choosing a niche is way too difficult for people with a wide range of interests and fields because blogging with a niche requires focusing on one of your many passions and making it the most prominent among them.

The Perfect Blogging Niche

Of course, you are free to blog about as many topics as you wish. However, if you want your blog to be profitable, this isn’t going to help you. To build a profitable blog, it’s a much better and smarter choice to select a particular topic that you are interested in, as well as something that would interest your target audience.

So, you must overcome the challenge of identifying the perfect niche for your blog. With a niche blog, you can quickly determine why a certain type of people visit your blog more. So let’s see how to choose the best and most profitable niche step-by-step.

It’s an easy, but complex process deciding on the niche you will use; there are indeed many factors that need to be taken into consideration.

You can’t simply think about the revenue you could potentially gain from your blog. For your blog to be a real success, you need to know a lot about the topic. You will need to become a fountain of knowledge for your blog readers.

But that doesn’t mean you should know everything before you start. You can always keep learning even after you start a blog. So, it’s a smart choice to select a topic you are willing to learn about. And, always keep improving your knowledge and your blog as well. This is something that many bloggers do and you can too.

The point is that having a deep understanding of the niche you select for your blog is quite beneficial. But, that’s not a necessity to make it successful or profitable.

Thousands of new blogs are launched every day, and if you don’t start now, you’ll be left behind. There are approximately 600 million blogs on the internet right now as I’m writing this. Almost 4000 blog posts are published every minute (source).

Quite amazing, right?

So there’s no reason to put off starting a blog any longer.

Really, it should take no more than 24 hours to look through your brain and find the best and most profitable niche for your blog.

And, it’s going to be easier, once you finish reading this article.

How to Choose the Most PERFECT Niche or Topic for Your Blog?

First, you should understand what niches to avoid.

In short, niches with a short-term appeal, such as Pokémon catching, are types of niches you should avoid. In a few years, people will forget or wish to forget, how they used to go out with their phones and catch invisible, imaginary creatures.

There are tons of other examples of niches that will no longer be relevant after a few years. You should never choose such a niche with a short life.

So what makes a perfect blog niche?

The answer:

  • Minimal competition
  • High-profit potential
  • Solves a practical need
  • Strong market demand
  • Professionally and personally satisfying

Your niche should be on a topic that is still growing. It should be something that has been around for a while, but it should also be something that will be around even after a decade. Evergreen niches are ideal examples of this.

What does an evergreen niche mean?

An evergreen niche is one that will always be relevant, with systems and methods that may evolve over time but fundamental concepts always remain the same.

You must also evaluate the level of competition you will have in addition to choosing an evergreen niche. If you choose a popular niche, you’ll need to come up with content that’s unique and superior to what your competitors have to offer.

Are you confident that you understand your niche well enough to deliver information that no one else has? Or, at least provide information that’s useful.

So, let’s get down to the basics and compile a list of potentials.

Make a list of all the potential niches for your blog. Now, ask yourself the following questions and answer them with complete honesty.

  • Does your niche have long-term potential?
  • Is your blog niche broad enough (not too-specific)?
  • How much competition are you going to face? Can you compete?
  • Is your audience wide enough?
  • Do a decent number of people search for your main keywords?
  • Are there enough opportunities for promotion?

Now, return to your list of potential niches for your blog. Mark all the ones for which you don’t have a positive answer to all of the above questions. The niches that remain are viable choices. Now, create a blog on any of the niches that are left.

So clearly, the following are the most essential features of an ideal blog niche:

  • Long-term potential
  • A relatively broad niche
  • Minimal competition
  • Huge audience
  • Decent search volume
  • Enough marketing opportunities

Let’s dig a little deeper one by one.

Want to Create a Money-making Blog that Makes You Proud of Yourself?

Looking for an easy-to-follow step-by-step guide to creating a life-changing blog and make an extra $1,000 to $5,000 part-time income? Let me introduce you to “Blogging from ZERO“, the most comprehensive blogging guide with everything you need to know to successfully launch a blogging business.

A Niche with A Long-term Potential

Nobody, including your blog, wants to be abandoned. So, just choose a niche that you know you’ll have the passion to keep writing for a long time to come.

Will your blog still be relevant in a few year’s time or after a decade?

The significance of the shelf life of your topic cannot be overstated. Choose something that has nothing to do with pop culture or a trend that is popular with teenagers. This would be a terrible decision because it would only be a matter of time until your website became obsolete. You wouldn’t want that, right?

This would leave you with a blog into which you had invested a great deal of time and energy but which no one would read. People would stop reading your content if they were no longer interested in the topic.

This has a clear knock-on impact. Your chances of making affiliate sales or ad revenues from your blog would diminish, and you’d have to start over.

Additionally, you should choose a niche that you can write about for a long time. So, dig deeper into every potential niche one by one, and see if you can write about it every day, as many as 500-1000 articles, and for as long as you choose. If you answered yes, that could be the ideal niche for your blog.

A Relatively Broad Niche

On a regular basis, you’ll need to publish a lot of informative content for your site. This is only achievable if your blog niche is broad enough.

To build a successful blog, you should stick to two fundamental principles: publishing new content and blogging on a regular basis. As your blog becomes more successful, you’ll feel compelled to offer more useful content in order to satisfy all of your visitors. It also improves your chances of attracting more organic traffic.

So, if you run out of things to say, it’s not a good sign.

That’s why you should make sure that you don’t select a niche that is too specific. As an example, if you love rock music or 80’s music, a blog about the ’80s would be fine; a blog on your favorite singer from the ’80s, on the other hand, wouldn’t.

Ask yourself whether your blog will always be relevant, and not just to you, but also to the world. I’m sure it’s not hard to find the answer.

People may stop visiting your site and read your content or the traffic may reduce over time if you don’t publish new stuff on a regular (or weekly) basis.

It’s not just enough to keep on writing content, however.

You must do so without becoming repetitive.

That means it’s great to have a deep understanding of the niche as well as a strong desire to learn more. If you’re not passionate about your subject, it will show in your writing. This is why it’s critical to choose a broad niche.

A broad niche makes things a lot easier.

Minimal Competition

Look at the amount of competition you will have from other sites?

Also, it’s important that you look at how many off-line media and online social media presence there is surrounding your selected niche.

If you are not sure what this means, let’s simplify things by taking the topic “world news.” Do a simple Google search and you will see huge amounts of competition from top-level websites, both online and offline outlets.

It would, therefore, be near to impossible to create a profitable blog about world news topics that would be successful. If you are really interested in the latest news, then it is possible to set up a niche-specific blog that can be successful.

The best way you could go about this is by picking a more specific topic.

For example:

If you have a passion for sport, then a blog that focuses on “sports news” could work. In order to be more specific, a blog about your favorite team would be a great choice. It could be seen as an evergreen niche.

Huge Audience

Now let’s look at how wide the audience would be for your niche. Would it be local, national, or global? Taking your favorite “sports team” as an example, unless your team is obscure, your audience should be at least national.

The wider audience your blog has, the more people will visit your blog.

In order to increase the chances of making affiliate sales or advertising revenues, you need to increase the number of potential visitors to your blog. So, a niche with a wider and larger audience is always a better choice.

The best niches are those that have the potential to attract global visitors.

It really does come down to common sense. But, to get a better understanding of the importance of choosing a niche with a wide audience, check out some social media accounts and look at their potential customer base.

Decent Search Volume

It’s time to move on to your primary niche keywords.

You need to check the top five keywords that you would most likely use to describe your niche, looking for a combined total of at least 10,000 monthly searches.

There are plenty of keyword research tools online you can use for this including the free Google Keyword Planner and my favorite tool Long Tail Pro.

In fact, there are many different keyword research tools to choose from, that will provide you with the statistics on search volumes you need.

Below are some of the toughest niches and the monthly search volume.

Niche Keywords Search Volumes

The more monthly searches for your chosen keywords, the larger the potential audience. These searches are from people who are looking for the exact kind of information that you are hoping to provide them with your new blog.

You should however avoid highly competitive keywords, as a beginner.

These are used by big names, often with pay-per-click advertising methods. If you use these keywords, that have individual monthly searches of 10K plus, your blog contents will simply get lost within the crowd.

The best way to find the right keywords for your new blog is to use Google to get ideas for your keywords, and then use any premium keyword tool (Long Tail Pro) to refine your search and make your final keyword choices.

With the help of premium tools, you can not only refine your search to your own country or worldwide, but also find out monthly searches and determine how high the competition will be for your new blog.

The trick here is finding keywords that have plenty of monthly searches but that also have low competition, so that you have a good chance to rank your blog.

Google Keyword Planner’s competition doesn’t show the competition for website owners, but for their advertisers. So that information is not useful to bloggers.

Enough Marketing Opportunities

In some niches, it’s hard to find relevant social media groups or community forums to promote your blog content. It’s essential when you’re just starting out.

You can create a blog that is full of exciting tips and useful information. But, how would people actually know your content is out there?

As you won’t be able to afford PPC campaigns, you will be relying on just free traffic sources. One way is to check out social media.

Is your audience for your niche active on social media?

A hunt for a large profile that you can become active on is a great way to start, as it will give you the opportunity to introduce their audience to your blog.

Another way to get your name and blog known is by joining forums.

Participating in active forums within your own niche is a great way to get yourself known. You can also comment on blogs within your own niche.

But make sure to comment only on relevant blogs, as posting comments on any blogs you find will be picked up as spam and damage your reputation on Google.

When you interact on forums and blogs you will often find you have the opportunity to include a link to your own content. Make sure that the text you include in your link is more than a couple of words long and informative.

Otherwise, it may be marked as spam.

Avoid comments like “great post.” These, even if they are relevant, are seen as lazy.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who is your target audience?
  • Will they become regular readers?
  • Will they visit your blog regularly for updates?

Almost everyone uses the Internet on a daily basis.

But, some niches will never reach a wide audience. To see how popular topics are as opposed to individual keywords, enter some potential niche phrases into Google and see how many relevant results come up.

If it appears that there is very little online interest in your niche, it’s probably time to start thinking about a different one.

3 Important Points to Remember While Choosing a Blogging Niche

While the most critical factors to remember while selecting the right niche for your blog are already discussed before, having the following points in mind will be an added benefit.

Let’s get started.

1. Knowing Your Passions will Make Things Easier

Knowing what your passions are will make blogging a lot easier for you. Your blog can be about any of your passions, such as traveling, cooking, sports, riding and driving cars, digital marketing, and many other hobbies that you may be interested in.

Sharing your knowledge about what you know the best and helping your readers is what blogging is all about. It’s critical that you enjoy what you’re writing so that you don’t run out of new ideas. Sharing things that make you happy may make your readers happy as well. As a result, they may share your article, resulting in additional readers.

2. Choose a Niche that Fits Your Personality

Also, it will be wonderful if your selected niche fits your personality. Self-awareness is required for this. It’s critical to get to know yourself first. You should be aware of your passion. Make a list of the things you enjoy thinking about.

It could be anything from a love of nature to a movie binge, to making crafts, art, poetry, being spiritual, to being addicted to a Hollywood celebrity.

Choose the one you enjoy the most and are very good at, so you can easily give your all and avoid regret afterward. You will have no trouble writing about it because it is already a part of you. All that’s left for you to do now is express yourself.

3. Keep in Mind Why You Want to Blog

At the same time, you should remember why you want to launch a blog.

Is it purely for having fun? Is it for the purpose of education? Is it meant to be a wake-up call? Do you want it to be a source of income for you? It’s crucial to keep in mind why you’re blogging so you can easily identify your niche.

It cuts down on the time you’ll spend figuring out what your blog niche will be. If you already know what it is, you’ve accomplished your goal.

Please note that the majority of bloggers want to make money from their blogs. Choosing an appropriate niche that suits you while also attracting a certain type of readers who don’t hate advertisements, click on affiliate links, and, most importantly, buy products that you want to sell on your blog is the best way to go.

Most likely, you will choose a niche based on the availability of affiliate marketing agenda rather than your personal interests. However, it is still a case-by-case situation.

In most cases, if you are able to write what you truly desire, it’s less likely that you’ll end up with dull content. That’s why it’s often recommended for new bloggers to choose a topic that interests them. It makes blogging a lot easier for beginners.

Finally, if you discover a profitable niche but are unable to write as an expert on the topic, you can hire writers to contribute to your blog. This is something that many bloggers do. In this situation, however, you are no longer a blogger, but rather a businessman who is spending money on building a profitable blog.

However, I do not advise you to do so if you’re just getting started. It’s possible that you’ll lose your money. You shouldn’t put any money into your blog until you’ve had some experience in the field and have a good understanding of how things work.

Want to Create a Money-making Blog that Makes You Proud of Yourself?

Looking for an easy-to-follow step-by-step guide to creating a life-changing blog and make an extra $1,000 to $5,000 part-time income? Let me introduce you to “Blogging from ZERO“, the most comprehensive blogging guide with everything you need to know to successfully launch a blogging business.

My Final Words

In order to stand out from the crowd, you need a unique selling point.

This means that you need to do things differently from competitive websites so that you can attract a larger percentage of leadership than them.

You need to provide your readers with tips and information they can’t find anywhere else online. Or, perhaps you can stand out from the crowd by offering giveaways once in a while.

Using lots of images and video content within your blog posts is a great way to make your blog more interesting. It’s another way to make your content stand out.

Now, go back to your list of possible niches for your new blog. Cross of all the ones that you can’t answer all the above questions for.

Any that remain are viable choices for your blog.

Of these, select the one that you are the most passionate about and that you can write about tirelessly in a way that will keep your readers coming back.

That’s all you need to know while choosing your blog niche.

If you carefully review all the points I discussed here, I’m sure it won’t be difficult to choose the best niche for your blog.

If you find this article useful and helpful, please share it. Thanks!

About the author

I am Tamal Kr. Chandra, a passionate blogger and the creative mind behind Digital Millions. From blogging and affiliate marketing to e-commerce and SEO, I write easy-to-follow guides and give honest advice about the best tools to build a business online, grow your business, and get financially free.