
7 Reasons to Use WordPress to Build Your Website (or Blog) in 2023

Discover why you should use WordPress to create your website, as well as the top reasons to do so and the benefits you can expect. All successful businesses in the 21st Century have an online presence. Long gone are the days of companies that are purely brick and mortar. But, it’s no longer enough to…

Why Choose WordPress

Discover why you should use WordPress to create your website, as well as the top reasons to do so and the benefits you can expect.

All successful businesses in the 21st Century have an online presence. Long gone are the days of companies that are purely brick and mortar.

But, it’s no longer enough to have an online presence.

In order to be the best at what you do and fight off all the competition in your niche, you need a fast, mobile-friendly website, which is full of useful content and free from spam. Interested to build a WordPress site? Read this article.

WordPress Market Share

With Google algorithms constantly changing, you need to stay ahead of the field. You must understand SEO, how to drive traffic to your website, and a lot more.

The good news is that all this is possible when you choose WordPress for your new site. WordPress stands out from the crowd for literally dozens of reasons.

It’s the best platform if you want to start a blog of your own.

It’s cost-effective, you can get inside your website through its backdoor and make all the tweaks and updates you need, by yourself.

WordPress was designed for anyone and everyone to use. With just a few basic computer skills, you can manage your own WordPress website today.

As WordPress celebrated its 15th birthday in 2018, you can rest assured that it’s a platform that’s here to stay. Its diversity is nothing but excellent.

Big names like CNN, The New York Times, Techcrunch, and BBC America use it; yet you too can afford to use it for your online content management.

Benefits of Using WordPress

WordPress is a platform that has so many benefits; it’s hard to fit them all into this one article. As a beginner, you can use WordPress free of cost! That’s right.

WordPress has thousands of themes to choose from that are free to use, leaving you with just the cost of your web hosting to cover. The platform is passionate about its community; and that means everyone from Joe Blogs to Crunchbase!

The developers behind this extraordinary platform are always expanding its selection of layouts, themes, and plugins, allowing it to be more and more diverse across its range of over 75 million websites currently using the platform.

WordPress can be used for building all types of websites; from small blogs to eCommerce stores, and sites specific to social networking.

In short, WordPress is the perfect starting base for your site.

As a business who needs an online presence, you have many choices to make. You will need to decide on your overall online marketing strategy and also what you will use to create your website from scratch.

Social media, email marketing, and direct marketing techniques can all be used in harmony with a WordPress based website or blog.

Key WordPress Features

Just one example of how easy it is to combine all your market methods is the way WordPress will publish your blog posts simultaneously on your website and linked social media accounts at exactly the same time!

So, you are aware that you need a website for your business. Or perhaps you already have a basic website that you paid someone to make for you.

If you paid for a ready-made website, it will surely be lacking the flexibility that WordPress provides. Chances are that you don’t have the logins or own the rights to your site; and you can forget about being able to upload contents as and when you like. It’s definitely not something you would like.

There are two options available to you if this is your case.

You can ask a local WordPress Company to carry your existing site over to WordPress, or you could choose to create a brand new website.

WordPress is the best publishing platform around for building websites and blogs. It is user-friendly and designed to be used by anyone.

Its spectacular list of users that include the New York Times and PlayStation speaks volumes about just how reliable it is as a platform.

Top Reasons to Use WordPress

What must be remembered here is that all websites, large and small, need a great content management system. Recent figures suggest that almost 60% of websites worldwide use WordPress; these figures really speak for themselves.

Below the top reasons to use WordPress, and what benefits you should expect in case you decide to use WordPress for building all your websites.

1. It’s Been around for Years

When choosing a platform for your new website it’s always smart to go by what other people say. The reputation of WordPress and the fact it’s been around for so long already speak volumes about how much you can rely on it.

Launched in 2003, WordPress grew quickly to become the first go-to platform for everyone from individuals with no prior experience to advanced users.

Not needing an understanding of HTML is what attracted newbies to WordPress; they could build a website in a language that they could understand.

The longevity of WordPress allows the user to be confident to use the platform, something that cannot be said about some of the latest CMS platforms that sprout up. WordPress attracts a wide user base due to its user-friendly interface that even complete beginners are not scared of.

2. WordPress is Open-source

WordPress is open source; this means that it is free and can be accessed by anyone, anywhere in the world. WordPress is an open CMS (content management system) that will not make your new domain name vulnerable.

In fact, using WordPress ensures the security of your new website.

Each time there is an update for WordPress, you can download it, free of charge. WordPress is completely free, as are all its updates.

WordPress also has over 50,000 plugins and nearly 4000 themes. To get you started, you can choose from literally thousands of free themes.

At a later date, when your site starts making you money, you can upgrade to a paid theme easily without the hassles, you may experience with other CMSs.

3. WordPress is SEO Friendly

SEO or search engine optimization is one of the most if not the most important part of your website’s success. If no one can find your website in search engines, then it’s hard to ever make any sales, and all your efforts will be of no use.

SEO is a topic that you should take time to read up about.

The basics are quite easy to get to grips with; some of the harder topics are best left for a local WordPress SEO expert.

WordPress is designed to be SEO friendly. WordPress is attractive to search engines. And the best news is that Google Likes WordPress sites.

When you choose WordPress, your site can easily be optimized for SEO.

SEO involves both the use of the correct keywords in your content as well as the use of standard clean codes. It’s easy to get SEO right when you use WordPress.

As you become more comfortable with the way your pages and posts look inside your website, you will find it easy to optimize your own pages and posts.

WordPress allows you to add keywords, meta tags, meta descriptions, and more. And, when you activate SEO plugins, you will see for yourself just how well your pages and posts can be optimized for the search engines.

4. Customization is Super Easy

When you choose WordPress for your website, you can customize your site in a way that other CMSs won’t allow you to. Just download and activate a good theme that you want, and get started with the customization of your new website.

Once again, it really is not difficult. You can find hundreds of WordPress tutorials online, that will take you through everything you need to know about it.

It’s really easy to find free information about WordPress online.

This is because it’s used by hundreds of thousands of people who are ready and wish to share their WordPress tips and tricks with you.

5. Excellent Community Support

If you pay someone to design a website for you, you will often receive no after-sales help at all. Even if you have been given the logins for your website, you wouldn’t know what to do with them, in most cases.

But when you use WordPress, things are completely different.

There are literally hundreds of places where you can reach out for help for your WordPress related issues. From learning through tutorials to asking the help of a WordPress freelancer, you will never feel like you have been left to look after yourself when you choose WordPress for your website.

6. Plenty of WordPress Themes and Plugins

As we have discussed earlier, two of the most attractive features of WordPress are the number of themes and plugins available.

Both paid and free, themes are usually a layout of design for the front end of your website. Before you decide which themes and plugins to use check out the reviews; it is also a good idea to check out when the plugin or theme was last updated.

As a general rule, don’t use a theme that hasn’t been updated for more than a year. You will also need to find a theme and a plugin that works together well in harmony. An example of this is the plugin known as BuddyPress. This is a social networking plugin that will only work with certain themes.

Looking for great WordPress themes for your site? Visit StudioPress.

7. Web Hosting Compatibility

When you choose WordPress for your new website, the only initial cost you will have (if you choose a free theme) is your web hosting account.

The good news is that WordPress can be used with virtually any web host. This is logical, as currently, more than 60% of websites are running on WordPress.

Looking for great hosting services with one-click WordPress installation and plenty of wonderful features, go for HostGator or Bluehost.

I use HostGator for this website.

8. Affordable Help When you need it

If you are creating a website for a business and not for a personal blog, it’s important that you get things right from the beginning.

A bad looking website, one that is slow, not optimized, or not mobile-friendly, can bring your company name tumbling down. So, it’s only natural to ask for professional help when building your website.

When you choose WordPress, getting help is easy.

A local WordPress expert can help you with your website, or alternatively, he can resolve the issue for you. Unlike other CMSs, help is both affordable and effective.

There are literally hundreds and thousands of Freelancers out there who specialize in WordPress web design, SEO, content marketing, digital marketing, and more. Finding someone to help you when you need it won’t be difficult. With so much competition, freelancers can’t afford to overprice their services.

Their services will not only be affordable but also effective.

My Final Words

Everyone’s requirements are different.

Some people are quite happy to get stuck in at the deep end while building their very own WordPress website with no outside help. Other people however need professional support and help from others.

When using WordPress, it’s easy to get help.

This is why you should choose WordPress for your new website or blog, no matter which category you fit into. You won’t find a CMS that is more affordable, effective, and provides you with such outstanding features.

From basics websites with free themes to the biggest brands in the industry, you will mostly find one thing in common.

They all use WordPress as their content management system.

WordPress is a secure, highly customizable, and an exceptional tool for beginners as well as Pros. If you want to build a new site or blog, blindly go for it.

And if you are still not convinced, take a look online at the 75 million websites that currently use WordPress as their CMS.

The website you are on right now is also based on WordPress. I hope now, you are confident why WordPress is the best content management system.

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About the author

I am Tamal Kr. Chandra, a passionate blogger and the creative mind behind Digital Millions. From blogging and affiliate marketing to e-commerce and SEO, I write easy-to-follow guides and give honest advice about the best tools to build a business online, grow your business, and get financially free.