
Is Blogging Dead? Really? [No, Blogging Isn’t Dead & Here’s Why]

Is blogging dead finally? It’s a pretty disturbing question, right? But don’t worry as I’ll quickly reveal the real facts. Along with this, we will also discuss what the future of blogging may hold.

Is Blogging Dead Now

Is blogging dead finally? It’s a pretty disturbing question, right? But don’t worry as I’ll quickly reveal the real facts. Along with this, we will also discuss what the future of blogging may hold.

As a blogger, it’s probably the most disturbing question.

Is blogging really dead? Does it really have a future?

As long as you are a serious blogger and want to continue as long as you can, this article is going to be very helpful for you.

Considering the fact that most new bloggers usually fail and don’t earn enough money, it can be said that blogging is not for everyone.

  • But what about the people who are made for blogging?
  • What about the people who are born bloggers?
  • What about the people who are passionate about their blogs?
  • What about the people who want to take it to the next level?

It’s quite difficult to answer these questions confidently without actually knowing the future of blogging. But unfortunately, we can’t know the future.

We can only predict.

Is Blogging Dead?

Blogging is not dead. Blogging is still alive and is going to be alive for a long time to come. It’s evolving every single day. So as a blogger, you should also learn how to evolve with it. But, blogging isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

The best way to predict your future is to create it.

So who are the creators here?

It’s the bloggers who create a blog. It simply means that if bloggers stop blogging, blogging will end. But if they don’t stop, it will continue.


If you think that blogging will ever end, you are not probably aware of how powerfully blogs have covered this entire world.

There are over 600 million blogs on the internet right now and the numbers are growing continuously. Billions of blog posts are published every year.

And, the crazy thing?

Most people read blogs more than once a day. Just do any search on Google and you’ll see over 70% of results contain blog pages.

Blog posts are still considered the best kind of content online.

So as long as people have questions and they visit search engines like Google to find an answer, blogging will be there. It’s not going anywhere.

People still read. And, people will be reading for years to come.

Of course, blogging will evolve as time passes. But the basics will remain the same.

How many blogs are there?

  • hosts over 63 million blogs.
  • Livejournal reports having 62.6 million blogs.
  • reports that it has around 101.7 million blogs.
  • Weebly has more than 12 million blogs
  • reports having more than half a billion blog posts.

This is not the end.

There are many more online blogging platforms that someone can use and start blogging. These were the popular ones.

Do you know these numbers are increasing every single day?

A recent study shows that more than 63% of businesses in the world use blogging to market their products and services online.

With such a huge number of blogs, it’s not possible that everyone will want to stop blogging suddenly. Frankly, blogging is not dead. It can’t be. 🙂

What Motivates a Blogger?

For most bloggers, it’s basically their passion that motivates them to continue. For many of them, it’s money for which they want to continue blogging.

In fact, it’s one of the best ways to make money online.

When blogging started, it was just an online medium to share ideas and thoughts. But nowadays blogging is one of the most profitable businesses online.

Having a blog opens up plenty of earning opportunities.

There are bloggers who earn millions from their blogs only. Since blogging is a good source of money for most bloggers, it’s hard to just stop it.

It’s true that a lot of bloggers don’t earn enough money to be proud of.

But still, there is an expectation to earn better in the near future. This expectation helps them continue their blogging journey.

While it’s not very hard to understand why most new bloggers don’t earn enough money from their blogs, it is fairly easy to say that these bloggers will not stop blogging without a big reason.

If you are looking for the reason; let me tell you that these bloggers started blogging just for money, in most cases.

If you want to make money using a particular method, you would always like to increase your earnings. Even if you don’t earn anything, you would like to follow the system until it starts bringing money for you.

It’s a common human nature.

And, it’s very common in bloggers who are hungry for money.

If I am not wrong, more than 99% of bloggers in this world do it for money.

I don’t say that it is bad to expect good earnings from your blog. But, using your blog only as a method to earn money is definitely a bad choice. Because you are not going to be recognized as a superstar blogger in the long run.

The reason?

Money is the by-product of providing value.

I hope that most bloggers understand this and don’t use blogging as a money-making method only. But still, it is a way to earn money and will probably continue to be a source of money for a long time.

Money is one of the most powerful motivations in our life.

Blogging won’t be dead as long as it is considered a source of income.

What If WordPress Shuts Down?

Undoubtedly, the most popular blogging software is WordPress.

It’s very easy to create a WordPress blog in less than half an hour and write your first blog post. The truth is that more than 60% of online blogs are built on the WordPress platform. It’s the most renowned blogging software ever.

But what if WordPress developers stop updating it?

First of all, we need to understand that it’s not going to happen. In fact, WordPress has a bright future. With blocks editor, new users will find WordPress easy.

Millions of websites are built on the WordPress platform.

WordPress makes enough money from their online services that they can easily continue developing the software and make it better.

It’s also not quite easy to shut down such a big online business.

Here’s a brilliant question:

How can they make money when they are giving away the software for free?

How Does WordPress Make Money?

WordPress makes money by providing web hosting services.

They provide premium quality web hosting services to big brands like CNN, TechCrunch,, and more.

The pricing of their VIP hosting starts from $15,000 every month.

So you can imagine how much money they make.

If you have any blog on, you may have seen Google ads sometimes on your blog. provides free blog hosting services.

As I previously mentioned, there are over 63 million blogs on their server. WordPress makes money by showing Google ads on these blogs.

If you are logged out and not using firefox browser, you would probably see Google ads as long as you are not referred from any WordPress-powered site.

They serve billions of page views every month.

It also offers premium accounts with premium features.

Along with web hosting services, they also provide online backup services for blogs. This service is mostly known as VaultPress.

They also charge $2.5-5k per year if you need their direct support.

At WordPress.Org, they recommend a list of web hosting companies where they can earn commissions for every sale.

Also if you wish to transfer your site from to a self-hosted WordPress blog, they provide support for a one-time fee of $119 for the transfer.

They are the developer of Akismet, a famous plugin to fight spam comments on your blog. The commercial license starts at $50 per month.

So you can understand that they are already earning so much money that they can easily continue developing the WordPress software.

It’s not really a big problem for them.

People trust them and pay them a huge amount of money just to continue with them. They are working with the big brands of this world. So it’s almost impossible that WordPress will ever come to an end.

There are many other blogging platforms available. But since the most popular one is WordPress, I think that we should be focusing on it only.

What Will Happen If Blogging Stops?

It is not very difficult to answer this question now as we already know that it will not stop. But still, take a look at what might happen if it stops ….

TechCrunch, Mashable, Copyblogger, ProBlogger, and many other online blogs that are earning millions now will suddenly start earning nothing.

More than 70% of search results contain results from blog posts. Blog contents are comparatively of better quality and answer questions in a better way.

Without blogs, the overall search quality will reduce.

Search engines are basically built to help people find out answers to their questions. Blogs are a lot better to answer these questions than any static website.

For not getting quality answers, people might stop searching Google or other search engines. They will be out of business. Oh … it’s horrible.

Many affiliate marketers make thousands of dollars by promoting affiliate products online. Still, the best way to do this is to build a small niche blog.

If blogging stops, they will also stop earning.

That’s a huge loss of money.

The internet is continuously growing.

Most internet contents are basically text contents. Studies show that only great quality writers can provide awesome quality text content. Bloggers are the best content writers for the internet. Internet is hungry for these writers.

As a result, the internet will not exist without bloggers.

Final Thoughts

There are hundreds of other reasons why the end of blogging could mean the end of the internet. As a result, we can say that blogging is not going to end soon.

So, blogging is not dead.

Blogging will exist as long as the internet is there. It may just evolve.

I know that this should not be the end of this article.

I could write a lot more words on this subject. But I must say that whatever is discussed in this article should clearly answer the question.

There are some more facts you need to discover by yourself.

If you can discover the facts yourself, you will be much more confident about the future of blogging than I can make you. So it’s better to leave it to you so that you can enjoy blogging much more than ever before.

Feel free, feel secure, and of course, start a blog if you haven’t yet.

About the author

I am Tamal Kr. Chandra, a passionate blogger and the creative mind behind Digital Millions. From blogging and affiliate marketing to e-commerce and SEO, I write easy-to-follow guides and give honest advice about the best tools to build a business online, grow your business, and get financially free.