
Kinsta Hosting Review: How Good Is This WordPress Host?

Are you in search of top-notch WordPress hosting? Kinsta hosting is tailored for WordPress sites, giving you fast speeds and strong security. But, its price might make you pause and wonder if it’s the right choice for you. In this Kinsta hosting review, we’ll cover everything Kinsta offers. If you’re curious whether Kinsta suits your…

Kinsta Hosting Review

Are you in search of top-notch WordPress hosting? Kinsta hosting is tailored for WordPress sites, giving you fast speeds and strong security.

But, its price might make you pause and wonder if it’s the right choice for you.

In this Kinsta hosting review, we’ll cover everything Kinsta offers. If you’re curious whether Kinsta suits your web hosting needs, continue reading. Let’s start…

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Kinsta Hosting Review Verdict

Kinsta offers managed WordPress hosting that’s hard to top in power and ease of use. It performs better than many other hosting providers but they cost more than many businesses want to spend. It’s not a smart choice for websites with low monthly traffic.

The good news? They offer a free MyKinsta demo, so you can try before you buy.

And, there’s more — Kinsta also provides top-notch hosting for applications, databases, and even free hosting for static sites.

Kinsta is known for its super-fast and reliable service.

It uses Google Cloud Platform and special container technology to make sure each project gets its own space. This means your WordPress sites run smoothly and quickly.

Plus, with Kinsta, you can handle WordPress, other applications, and databases all in one place.

But, I must say using Kinsta is expensive, starting at $35 per month.

Looking for more affordable WordPress hosting?

Try shared hosting like Hostinger, which offers very reasonable prices for all their web hosting plans. But with Kinsta, you get really quick and premium support plus some of the fastest WordPress hosting out there.

Quick Overview of Kinsta Hosting


Kinsta is a premium web hosting service that manages WordPress hosting, making sure your website runs smoothly without you having to worry about it.

Kinsta uses the Google Cloud Platform, so its servers are really fast.

They handle all the technical WordPress stuff for you. So, you save time and avoid mistakes. Plus, Kinsta is easy to navigate and use even for absolute beginners.

But, it’s a bit pricey.

The lowest plan is $35 a month for 25K visitors — it’s more than what other good hosting services charge. For 100K visitors per month, it costs over $100 monthly.

Is it worth considering then?

Let’s dive deeper and find out what Kinsta offers.

Kinsta Best Features

Let’s start by saying Kinsta offers high-quality WordPress hosting.

While it’s quite powerful, it’s not the cheapest option available. But, you get what you pay for, like top speed and hands-off WordPress management.

With Kinsta, your website loads faster, experiences less downtime, and has fewer issues than with standard hosting services. Plus, they offer a secure network with website staging and backups, which is always useful.

Now, to see if Kinsta is right for you, let’s explore what it offers.

Kinsta has many impressive features. Here are some key ones:

  • Speed: Kinsta strongly focuses on fast page loading times. Thanks to advanced tech like Nginx and latest PHP version, your Kinsta-hosted sites will always run quickly.
  • Security: They use strong security measures to keep your websites safe from hackers. It includes continuous monitoring while spotting DDoS attacks, adding SSL support, and setting up firewalls.
  • Automatic Daily Backups: No worries about losing your site; Kinsta backs it up every day.
  • MyKinsta Analytics: Get reports to see how your site is doing and find ways to make it better.
  • 24/7 Support: The Kinsta team knows WordPress inside out. They can handle all sorts of problems, from server issues to plugin and theme support.
  • Staging Environments: Test new site changes safely without affecting your live site.
  • Free Migrations: They’ll move your site to Kinsta for free, depending on your plan.
  • Worldwide CDN: You can speed up your site even more with their free content delivery network (CDN), available in over 30 worldwide locations.
  • Global Server Locations: Choose from 24 locations to make your site faster for visitors.

Also, if your site gets hacked, Kinsta will fix it fast, for free.

All these features are surely top-notch. But, the lack of email hosting is a downside.

But if you are looking for fast WordPress hosting, Kinsta is amazing.

What Makes Kinsta Hosting So Fast?

Kinsta works hard to make its WordPress hosting super quick without costing too much. Here are a few reasons why their hosting is so fast:

  • They use Google Cloud Platform for everything.
  • They have special C2 virtual machines that are really fast.
  • They make sure internet traffic moves quickly and smoothly.
  • They’ve built their own special setups for LXD, Nginx, and MariaDB.

What makes Kinsta stand out are these unique setups, especially the C2 virtual machines. For example, Kinsta shares that a busy WordPress news website cut its loading time from 250 milliseconds to 80 milliseconds after switching to these fast machines. That’s amazing speed!

Is Kinsta Hosting Easy to Use?

I found the platform user-friendly.

The layout is clear, making it easy to find what you need.

In short, Kinsta makes managing your WordPress sites a breeze with its simple dashboard. The dashboard is well-organized, so you can quickly do what you need, like adding a new site, checking your website’s health, handling backups, or setting up users.

Plus, Kinsta has some tools to save you time and boost your site’s speed.

With Cron Jobs, you can schedule repetitive tasks to run when it suits you, keeping your site up to date without constant manual checks. The Early Hints feature speeds up your site by telling browsers what to load first, making pages appear faster.

Overall, Kinsta’s dashboard is made for easy handling, allowing you to manage your site and settings smoothly without needing to be an expert.

Managing Your Sites on Kinsta

After signing in, adding sites is simple, varying with your plan.

You can set up WordPress with your domain in a snap. In minutes, your site is live.

Under the “sites” tab, managing your sites is a breeze.

You can access:

  • Web information
  • Domains
  • Backups
  • Tools
  • Redirects
  • WP plugins
  • Kinsta CDN
  • Logs

Everything is visually laid out, making navigation and updates easy.

Kinsta Customer Support

Customer service experiences vary widely.

Some find it excellent, while others face issues.

It’s crucial to see the whole picture.

I looked at Trustpilot for an overall view — Currently, it scores 4.9 out of 5 according to Trustpilot. Many users have given it full marks, praising the service and response time.

However, not all feedback is positive. Some users mentioned:

  • High costs for the service
  • Unfriendly customer service

Remember, these negative reviews only make up 3% of the total, with the majority rating the service as “Great” or “Excellent.”

My personal experience with the support team was positive. I sent a few questions on different occasions and received answers within 15 minutes each time.

Their advice was clear and solved my issues quickly.

Kinsta Hosting Cost

Kinsta’s WordPress hosting costs a bit more than others.

Kinsta hosting plans start at $35 a month for 25000 visitors, and the prices go up from there. Also, you need to look at the free bandwidth included.

Kinsta Starting Price

The good news is, the plans come with CDN integration.

Also, Kinsta’s overage charges aren’t too harsh. If you exceed your bandwidth, they don’t shut down your site. Instead, you pay $1 for every extra 1,000 visits.

However, if you have a smaller site, Kinsta’s free bandwidth might be enough. But for larger, established sites, you might realize how quickly you use up 100,000 or 200,000 visits.

So, you can see that Kinsta is on the pricey side, which might be a drawback for some. While typical hosting services range from $2 to $12 monthly, Kinsta’s starting plan is considerably higher. But, you’re investing in top-quality WordPress hosting that’s fast and reliable.

The good news is, Kinsta’s plans are all-inclusive. You won’t find any hidden costs, and every plan comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

However, Kinsta’s cost may not fit everyone’s budget.

But, don’t forget every Kinsta plan comes with these benefits:

  • A free global CDN to make your site faster
  • Top-notch customer support whenever you need it
  • Daily backups for your websites
  • A safe place to test changes with WordPress staging
  • Checks to make sure your site is always up
  • A 30-day guarantee to get your money back if you’re not happy
  • No-cost SSL certificates to keep your site secure
  • Your choice among 28 locations for Google Cloud servers
  • A tool to check how well your site is performing
  • Latest PHP support for better performance
  • Hack-proof website environment and peace of mind

Kinsta Free Trial

Kinsta doesn’t have a free trial, but they do offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.

You can try their hosting and all the special features for a month. If you decide Kinsta isn’t for you within that time, you can cancel and get your money back.

Best part of Kinsta hosting:

Kinsta doesn’t tie you down with long-term contracts. You can stop your plan anytime. If you cancel after the first 30 days, you’ll still be refunded for any part of your service you didn’t use.

But keep in mind, this doesn’t include Kinsta’s special add-ons.

Note: 30-day guarantee applies to both monthly and yearly plans.

MyKinsta Demo Free Trial

If you’re curious about Kinsta’s special user panel, you can try out MyKinsta Demo. It’s a free demo account that lets you explore their unique, user-friendly interface.

This demo is great for any website owner who wants to see what MyKinsta is like without signing up. But, with the MyKinsta demo, you can only try out the dashboard features.

You won’t have a full WordPress website to use and try.

To try the MyKinsta demo for free, follow these 3 steps:

  1. Sign up for the MyKinsta demo by visiting this link or click “Try a Free Demo” on the official homepage, then fill out and submit the registration form.
  2. Follow the welcome guide by clicking ‘Next’ to explore MyKinsta dashboard features.
  3. Preview website creation by selecting ‘Add site’ or navigate directly to the dashboard to discover account details and resource management tools.

Kinsta Special Discounts

Choose Kinsta’s yearly hosting plan, and you’ll only pay for 10 months but enjoy a full year of service. That’s two months free! This deal is only for those who pick the annual option.

Also, if you’re a non-profit, charity, 501(c)(3) group, or church, Kinsta gives you a 15% discount and two extra months free with any yearly plan.

Is Kinsta Hosting Ideal for You?

Kinsta WordPress hosting isn’t ideal for new websites or those with little traffic.

But, Kinsta could be perfect for you if:

  • Your site is growing steadily each month.
  • You have a popular website and want to avoid any downtime or problems.
  • You have an online business, like a store, where a fast site helps you make more money.
  • Your site gets sudden traffic spikes and needs to stay up and running smoothly.

If this sounds like you, Kinsta might be worth a try.

But, if your site doesn’t need top-notch speed, you can find cheaper hosting providers.

Other web hosts or WordPress services can be cheaper, especially for simple sites like portfolios, blogs, or personal pages where speed isn’t a big deal.

Pros of Kinsta Hosting

  • Very reliable, almost no downtime
  • Daily automatic backups
  • Any WordPress-related help is available 24/7
  • Faster website speeds
  • You can move your site from your old host for free
  • Manually backup your site instantly with one click
  • Great security with guaranteed uptime
  • Built-in caching, free CloudFlare, including CDN
  • 30-day money-back guarantee

Cons of Kinsta Hosting

  • Visitor-based pricing model
  • Kinsta is more expensive than most other hosting services
  • No phone support or domain registration feature

Kinsta Alternatives

The main reason you might look elsewhere is cost.

Kinsta’s $35 starting plan can be expensive, especially for those managing one site. If you have more sites or lots of visitors, costs rise – $115 for five sites or $225 for ten sites.

There are less expensive options out there. They may not match Kinsta on every front, but they’re affordable, fast, and packed with useful features.

Now, let’s explore some top Kinsta alternatives…

1. Cloudways

cloudways homepage

Cloudways is a unique managed hosting service which is easy to use.

Unlike typical web hosts, they let you pick your cloud provider from big names like DigitalOcean, Linode, Vultr, AWS, and Google Cloud. After selecting, Cloudways takes over the management, similar to other WordPress hosting services.

With Cloudways, you get:

  • Daily backups without extra effort
  • Server-level caching
  • Free SSL certificates
  • Simple staging areas for testing
  • Built-in CDN

Pricing starts at $11 per month with DigitalOcean.

How is Cloudways better than Kinsta?

  • Costs less than Kinsta, offering strong performance even on the $10 plan.
  • No set limits on websites or visits, depending on your chosen plan’s resources.
  • You can try Cloudways free for 3 days.

2. WP Engine


WP Engine is a top player in managed WordPress hosting, offering many of the same high-end features as Kinsta. Their starting plans are nearly the same in price and include:

  • An integrated CDN for faster loading.
  • Simple, free SSL certificates.
  • Server-level caching with advanced technology.
  • Staging areas for development and testing.
  • Strong security for your site.

They also give you free access to the Genesis Framework and all StudioPress themes.

WP Engine pricing starts at $30 a month.

Both WP Engine and Kinsta provide 25k visits for $30 a month. But, WP Engine has higher extra visitor fees than Kinsta, charging $2 per thousand extra visitors, compared to Kinsta’s $1.

WP Engine has fewer plan options, making it harder to upgrade smoothly as your site grows. Their prices jump significantly from the starter to the second-tier plan.

Also, WP Engine provides phone support starting with the Growth plan.

3. Pressable

Pressable Landing Page

Pressable stands out as a strong choice if you’re looking for a service similar to Kinsta. It offers managed WordPress hosting, meaning they handle the technical stuff like plugins and themes. This lets you concentrate on making your website better.

Their hosting can grow with your business, letting you customize your plan as needed. Plus, Pressable’s team keeps an eye on your site’s performance, offering tips to make it better.

Top features of Pressable include:

  • It’s user-friendly, letting you manage sites easily.
  • SSL certificates from “Let’s Encrypt” keep your data safe.
  • They offer free migration, so switching is stress-free.
  • Your site stays safe with backups from Jetpack Security.
  • A Web Application Firewall keeps your site secure.

But, Pressable doesn’t register domains and doesn’t guarantee uptime.

Pressable plans start at $25/month for one WordPress install and 30000 visits.

They are also known for excellent customer support, available 24/7.

They offer live chat and direct talks with experts, although not on the Entry Plan. They also provide a resource center with guides and webinars.

Read ⟶ Pressable Hosting Review

Kinsta Review Conclusion

This wraps up my personal review of Kinsta hosting.

I’ve covered the important bits about Kinsta’s managed WordPress hosting.

If you need super-fast WordPress hosting with free site moves and excellent tech support, Kinsta is worth considering. Their services, based on Google’s platform, are some of the best available. I think they’re among the top WordPress hosts.

Kinsta isn’t the cheapest, but they offer top-notch services. They might cost more, but the quality in terms of reliability, speed, and customer care is outstanding.

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About the author

I am Tamal Kr. Chandra, a passionate blogger and the creative mind behind Digital Millions. From blogging and affiliate marketing to e-commerce and SEO, I write easy-to-follow guides and give honest advice about the best tools to build a business online, grow your business, and get financially free.