
7 Best Form Builder Plugins for WordPress Websites Compared

Looking for the best form builder plugins for WordPress websites? If so, let me introduce you to the best options available right now. Here’s the fact: When it comes to form builders, WordPress offers many choices. It can quickly become quite hard to choose the best form builder for your site. Now you are probably…

Best Form Builders Online

Looking for the best form builder plugins for WordPress websites? If so, let me introduce you to the best options available right now.

Here’s the fact:

When it comes to form builders, WordPress offers many choices. It can quickly become quite hard to choose the best form builder for your site.

Now you are probably thinking…

It would be almost impossible to choose the best one from over 1500+ WordPress plugins available. A lot of research and experiment will be required.

But don’t worry!

I have done the hard work and went through the pain of doing the research to find out only the best form builders available right now.

I have selected 7 best performing form builders for WordPress.

Here are the top 3 on my list:

  1. WP Forms
  2. Gravity Forms
  3. Ninja Forms

Undoubtedly, my number #1 recommendation is WP Forms. WP Forms is the most beginner-friendly form builder I have found.

WP Form Plugin Homepage

But let’s not waste your time by talking about what I think about it.

I know… I know…

You’ll be more interested to know how it’s different and why you should prefer using it on your website than any other form builders.


Before I introduce you to its features and show you all the different alternatives available to you, let’s be honest for a moment.

I can only share my own opinions.

But which plugin is the best choice for you entirely depends on your requirements or how you want to use it. WP Forms offers plenty of features that can be overwhelming if you need just a few of them for your needs.

Yes… you heard that right…

Of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean, it’s not for you. You are free to use WP Forms, Gravity forms, or any other form builders as per your needs.

But it’s always a smart idea to go through the alternatives.


Because it helps you make confident and more informed decisions. Having said that, let me introduce you to all the form builders on my list one by one.

Let’s start with WP Forms.

1. WPForms

WPForms is the most popular WordPress form builder plugin that has over 2,000,000 active users. It clearly tells us why it’s worth your attention.

But don’t listen to me.

Listen to what people are talking about it. The free version has received 7000+ 5 star ratings on WordPress. Pretty cool, right? 😎

WPForms Plugin Reviews

In addition to helping you create beautiful contact forms, it enables you to create forms to collect payments, donations with PayPal, Stripe &

Some notable features are as follows:

  1. Drag & drop form builder
  2. Highly responsive and mobile-friendly
  3. Smart conditional logic
  4. File uploads
  5. Multi-page forms
  6. Spam protection
  7. Payment addons – Paypal, Stripe,
  8. User registration
  9. Connect with 2000+ web apps
  10. Surveys & polls
  11. Form locker
  12. Webhook

You’ll be surprised to know that it’s not the end. Click here for the complete list of features available with WPForms and get access right now.

Here’s what Massimo has to say about it:

WP Rocket Review by Massimo

Undoubtedly, if you are looking for the most powerful form builder plugin for your WordPress site, WPForms is worth considering.

Here are a few more reviews by WPForms users:

WPForms Reviews
Want more? click here

Wondering how much it will cost with that many features?

Then, I have good news for you.

You’ll be happy to know that the premium version of WPForms costs starts at only $39.50 with all the essential tools to build an online form.

Isn’t that ridiculously low price for such a powerful plugin?

Actually, there are 4 different plans:

  1. Basic – $39.50
  2. Plus – $99.50
  3. Pro – $199.50
  4. Elite – 299.50
WPForms Pricing Plans

That’s not all.

You’ll be excited to know that there’s a risk-free 14-day money-back guarantee. So, you’re risking absolutely nothing. Pretty amazing, right?

2. Gravity Forms

The next form builder on my list is, undoubtedly, Gravity forms. With Gravity forms, you get all the tools you need to build professional contact forms.

Similar to WPForms, Gravity forms is extremely powerful.

Here are some of the features you’ll love:

  1. Easy to use, powerful forms
  2. 30+ ready to use form fields
  3. Conditional logic
  4. Email notifications
  5. File uploads
  6. Calculations
  7. Limit and schedule forms
  8. Responsive design
  9. Fight spam
  10. 15+ additional add-ons for extra features
  11. Accept payment with PayPal

Click here for the full list of features available to you.

Gravity Forms Homepage

With tons of powerful features, it really becomes difficult to choose a single plugin to be the best. Gravity forms gives tough competition to WPForms.

And, that’s exactly why both of these plugins are on my list.

But here’s the thing:

If you just need a contact form on your website so that users can connect with you, you don’t really need these plugins.

There are hundreds of free contact form plugins available.

But when you want to go beyond a basic contact form plugin, you’ll surely require a premium plugin like WPForms or Gravity forms.

Although these are plugins can create a basic contact form pretty easily, these plugins are not limited to contact forms only. They work as a form builder that can be used to create and design forms to perform many different types of actions.

Here are some of the actions you’ll be able to perform:

  • Create almost any type of forms
  • Collect payments
  • Collect donations
  • Connect your forms with various payment gateways
  • Connect your forms with email services
  • Learn about the user’s location
  • Create survey forms
  • Polls
  • Split forms into multiple pages

Obviously, you wouldn’t be able to take advantage of these powerful features with a free contact form plugin. Quite disappointing, huh?

But here’s the good news:

These form builders don’t cost a hell lot of money that you can’t afford. Most premium form builders will cost you less than $5 per month.

Let’s take a look at how much Gravity forms costs:

Gravity forms offer 3 different plans:

  1. Basic license – $59 annually
  2. Pro license – $159 annually
  3. Elite license – $259 annually
Gravity Forms Pricing

As you can see, the basic plan costs less than $5 per month. With the basic plan, you get almost all the essential features you need.

Pretty cool, right?

WPForms offers even more attractive prices.

The basic plan cost around $3.29 per month that can be reduced even more with special deals available throughout the year.

After WPForms and Gravity Forms, my next choice is Ninja Forms.

3. Ninja Forms

Ninja Forms is another powerful and extremely useful form builder that you can use to build forms on WordPress websites.

Here are some of the popular type of forms you can create:

  1. Contact forms
  2. Survey forms
  3. Subscription forms
  4. Quote requesting forms
  5. Post submission forms
  6. Payment forms

You don’t require to have any coding skills to use it. It’s incredibly easy to use for beginners and offers advanced tools for developers, too.

Ninja Forms Homepage

There are plenty of extra add-ons that you can use to extend its functionalities. Let me tell you that these add-ons aren’t free. If you are looking for a feature that’s not already available, these add-ons can help you.

Here are some popular add-ons:

  • Conditional logic
  • Multi step forms
  • File uploads
  • PDF submissions
  • PayPal express
  • Stripe

Apart from this, what I love about Ninja forms is its comprehensive documentation. Most of your questions are already answered there.

Yes! you heard that right.

Starting from setting up a new form to CRM integrations, you have everything needed to get started and set up a form that meets your requirements.

To make it more user-friendly, there’s a search bar that helps you find answer to your question as soon as possible. Pretty cool, right?

Let’s see what people think about this:

Ninja Forms Reviews

But that’s not all.

To find out more customer reviews, you may click here.

I don’t want to make you wait anymore. It’s really the right time to learn about how much you’ll need to shell out for this.

Ninja forms has 3 different plans:

  1. Personal
  2. Professional
  3. Agency

There is another plan called “A La Carte” that helps you choose just the features you need as you need them. The price ranges from $29-$129.

Ninja Forms Pricing

Any good news?

Of course! There is a 14-day money-back guarantee that makes it completely risk-free to try it and check if it is for you or not.

So these are the top 3 on my list.

But wait! there’s more:

If I have to be completely honest, all premium form builders are more or less similar with some unique features of their own.

Overall, I like WPForms the most and recommend it to everyone.

If you want to go beyond the basic contact form and need additional features like conditional logic, payment add-ons, a premium plugin is a way to go.

With over 3 million users and thousands of positive customer reviews, WPForms really stands out in the crowd. And, there’s no doubt!

Give it a try! You won’t regret it.

My Final Words

So if you are having a hard time choosing the best form builder, it shouldn’t be difficult any more. I have revealed the most popular options you have.

Honestly speaking, there are so many options for your demand. But I don’t want to make you confused with thousands of alternatives.

Because you know what?

You don’t need thousands of plugins to fulfill your requirements. You need only 1 plugin that fulfills all your needs.

Once again, the top 3 plugins are:

  1. WPForms
  2. Gravity Forms
  3. Ninja Forms

In the end, here’s the question I have for you:

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About the author

I am Tamal Kr. Chandra, a passionate blogger and the creative mind behind Digital Millions. From blogging and affiliate marketing to e-commerce and SEO, I write easy-to-follow guides and give honest advice about the best tools to build a business online, grow your business, and get financially free.