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Is Blogging Still Profitable in 2023 and Beyond? [with Real Examples]

Is Blogging Still Profitable

Is blogging still profitable? If it’s a question that’s haunting you, making you feel worried and you aren’t confident to start your blogging journey, let me help you understand how profitable blogging really is.

Is blogging really profitable in 2022 and beyond?

Well, that’s what you are going to find out here.

Also, I’ll share the success stories of bloggers who started from zero and are now making an outstanding amount of money from their blogs.

In 1994, a US freelance journalist Justin Hall created the first blog as And from there, the word “blogging” came into existence.

Twenty-six years from then, blogging has now evolved into a business.

It’s not just limited to writing but also a full-time job for many bloggers and their income-generating source.

The income potential in blogging has made many people quit their 9 to 5 and let them make their living round the clock.

But with so many bloggers hopping into the blogosphere, it brings only one question in mind, “Is blogging still profitable in 2022?”

Before I answer this question, I want you to give a reality check of blogging to keep everything transparent.

There are over 600 million blogs today. Every niche has tough competition.

Pick any niche, and you’d find at least 100 bloggers working on the same niche in a different way. It fuels the competition, but if you’re committed to your blog and also consistent, you can reap the revenue out of it.

The revenue can be in thousands, millions, and maybe, billions, depending upon the time you dedicate and the income method you choose.

So, blogging is still profitable in 2021, and it will remain the same as long as people rely on the Internet to find out answers to their queries.

And, it’s not going to end anytime soon.

What is a Blog Really?

A blog is an online journal or a medium to share information about any topic you want. You can start a blog to build your brand, write about your experience, or for networking. The choice is yours.

As you start writing, you’ll explore many benefits.

And most importantly, you’ll learn why you should start a blog:

  • Growth of mindset
  • Improved writing skills
  • Recognition
  • Opportunities
  • Credibility
  • Portfolio

And the most prominent benefit is making money from your blog.

Yes, you can make a good amount of money through blogging with the income methods you choose. That’s also the biggest motivation to start a blog.

Let’s see how most blogs make money.

1. Google Ads

Once you’ve set up your blog and have a decent number of published blog posts, you can get started with Google Ads.

The ad’s income depends on the amount of traffic you receive. You need to post quality articles with consistency to attract more visitors and traffic to your blog.

2. Affiliate Marketing

A process of selling someone else’s product through your blog is called affiliate marketing.

When you choose to become an affiliate, you’re granted a link you need to add to your blog.

The amount will depend on the number of sales of the product through your affiliate link.

You also need to describe the product in detail to make the readers believe in the product.

Most of the bloggers go with this option to make credible blogging income and this is by far the best method to grow your passive income.

3. Online Courses

If you think you’ve expert level skills in your niche and you can help people learn about it, you can start an online course on your website.

It’s the most profitable method to generate income through blogging, which will also keep multiplying with time.

It’s also the right method for those who don’t want to share their profit with anyone.

4. Sponsored Posts

If your blog receives enough traffic, you can also pitch startups of the relevant niche to cover them in your blog.

It’s called sponsoring a separate post for them, and it’s also one of the recognized methods of generating revenue through blogging.

6. Online Consultation

If you know how to fix WordPress errors or know digital marketing or SEO or have any other expertise, you can offer online consultation through your blog.

It allows you to earn on an hourly basis. According to your skill and experience, you can make $5-$100/hour.

Isn’t this an effective method to multiply your blogging income and get more than you have imagined?

Other methods include:

  • Premium Content
  • Selling eBooks
  • Selling your products

I’ve also written a complete guide on making money blogging in 2021, which you can check. All these methods are useful for 2021 and will help you to maximize your blogging profit if you’re serious about it.

How Profitable is Blogging?

Blogging is highly profitable because of the low initial costs and high return on the investment. Successful bloggers can make anywhere from $1000 to as much as $100000 per month. But, you should be patient and work hard on your blog.

If you take blogging seriously and write to provide value to your audience, you can earn six to seven-figure income per month.

But if you started it as a side hustle, and don’t stay consistent, and don’t have plans for the future, then I’m sorry to disappoint you. You won’t end up making money.

Take these examples of successful bloggers who started from scratch and live their dream life because of their blog.

You can too!

I call them blogging superstars because of the amount of hard work, long-term commitment, and patience to build their blog.

There are many lessons to learn from them; the most important one is income growth.

It will also convince you of how profitable blogging is and how you can make your fortune through it.

Let’s dive in.

1. Lindsay Ostrom of Pinch of Yum

Lindsay Ostrom of Pinch of Yum

If you’re looking for inspiration to start a profitable food blog, look no further than Lindsay Ostrom.

She’s a full-time blogger at Pinch of Yum, which she started as a casual hobby and later evolved into a full-blown business in 7 years.

Her primary source of income is affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and advertising.

Most of the traffic she received on her website is through Instagram and Pinterest.

And that should be the case because both these platforms are best for visual content. The food photography and the recipes are well-suited there.

She started from zero, now she makes $95,000+/ year through blogging.

Isn’t that a great motivation for anyone who’s a food lover and looking to join the blogosphere to make money?

2. Abby Lawson of Just a Girl and her Blog

Abby Lawson of Just a Girl and her Blog

Are you looking for a lifestyle blogger who knows how to make money through content?

Meet Abby from Just a Girl and her Blog.

She started her blog in 2013 as a hobby, and now she’s running it as a full-time business with her husband, Donnie.

She blogs about lifestyle, productivity, and tips to thrive.

The good part of her blog is that she writes to entertain people and educate them.

She earned above $40,000+/month.

65% of her income is through affiliate marketing, and the rest comes through selling her products, including fitness journals, holiday planners, and courses to live a stress-free life.

She’s a living example of making the most of blogging in terms of profit and also credibility.

I’d say she’s one of the best lifestyle bloggers who’s creating quality content and reaping its profit.

Isn’t that amazing?

Read – Profit-Boosting Strategies to Save Your Failing Blog

3. Jon Morrow from Smart Blogger

Jon Morrow of Smart Blogger

If you want to be a smart blogger just like Jon Morrow, you should take the key lessons from his life.

He started his blog in 2012 with a competitive niche of pushing people to start their blog.

What I like the most about him is that besides being wheelchair-bound, he doesn’t give up on his career.

He works endless hours, days and nights to build his blog, and now he’s a successful blogger who earns above $100,000/month.

He’s not only a perfect example in money-making through a blog but also in terms of passion and motivation.

With his smart work and dedication, he has become a blogging millionaire and also traveled the world.

His income generation methods are selling his products and courses and also affiliate marketing.

If you follow in his footsteps, you’ll never want to give up anytime.

4. Harsh Agarwal of Shout Me Loud

Harsh Agarwal of Shout Me Loud

If you’re into blogging, you must have heard about the popular Indian blogger Harsh Agarwal.

His blog Shout Me Loud has also been featured in the best Indian blogs.

Twelve years ago, Harsh was an ordinary guy who was stuck in his 9 to 5. But when he realized blogging’s potential, he quit his job to make more through his website.

And now he earns above $550,000/year.

His income generation methods are affiliate marketing, advertising, and selling eBooks.

He started his blog as a hobby to share his experience but later make it into a full-time career.

Now, he writes, teaches, speaks, and inspires other people to start their blog.

If you’re also tired of your job and looking for a way out, how about starting a blog just like Harsh Agarwal?

5. Kristen from Believe in a Budget

Kristen of Believe in a Budget

Ever heard of someone of the finance niches making money through a blog?

Probably No?

Meet Kristen of Believe in a Budget.

She started her blog in 2015 as a side hustle to educate people on budgeting but later evolved into an online making guide.

She makes her first $60 in 10 months after launching her blog, which makes her quit the job.

And now she earns above $500,000/year. Her income sources are the same as those of the bloggers mentioned above, affiliate, advertising, and her products.

If I’d asked to extract one best lesson from her journey, I’d recommend starting your blog straight away and keep writing with consistency and passion.

Later, one day you won’t only get your specific niche but also clarity on how to earn money through a blog.


6. Perez Hilton

Perez Hilton

Who doesn’t know the famous Perez Hilton of

He started his blog in 2005.

Although his blog is a bit controversial, he has managed to attract a million eyeballs on his blogs.

With nearly 15,000,000 visitors on his site monthly, he earns around $575,000/month, which is a dream income for many.

Now, I know you’d have jumped out of your bed knowing this.

You can be in the same boat if you start your blog right now and regularly keep writing for it.

Will you?

7. Michelle Schroeder of Making Sense of Cents

Michelle Schroeder of Making Sense of Cents

When it comes to quoting successful bloggers, Michelle can’t be left behind.

It’s because of her blogging charisma. She knows how to lift the reader’s spirit and keep them to their blogs.

Whether it’s about educating the audience on financing or teaching people how to start a blog, she’s always ahead of the curve.

She started her blog as a personal diary and is now known for earning above $100,000+/month.

Her extensive knowledge of finances has kept her going with her blog and expanding her niche.

She earns through various sources such as affiliate marketing, selling her digital products, advertisements, and sponsored posts.

That’s what makes her cross $100,000 per month through Making Sense of Cents.

I love her blog name, by the way.

8. Sarah of SarahTitus

Sarah of SarahTitus

If you’re looking for a mom blogger who knows how to hook readers with a story, then Sarah from SarahTitus should be your go-to blogger.

Her challenging circumstances and financial crisis pushed her to start her blog. At first, she made mistakes and failed her blogging venture.

But after some time, people started admiring her for her success stories and the way to lead through obstacles.

She earns around $200,000/month with her Shopify store, blog, and accessories such as binders, printables, and easy meals.

This makes her the finest motivation for stay-at-home moms who are never satisfied with leaving their house and kids for their jobs.

The above mentioned are only eight bloggers out of the many.

If you dive deep, you’ll find many more such as Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income, Ryan Robinson, Brain Clark, etc.

But I hope these examples are enough to convince you that you can make a profit through blogging in 2021 and beyond.

And you can start your blogging journey as soon as possible.

Take help with my guide on how to start a blog step by step.

Now comes the most crucial question.

Is Blogging Still Profitable?

Blogging is incredibly profitable still in 2021 and beyond. If you choose the right niche and patiently work smart on your blog, it’s really possible to make anywhere from $1000 to as much as $100000 per month.

What do I need to start a profitable blog, you ask?

Well, to be honest, you need nothing except motivation.

You can start today with free blogging platforms such as Blogspot, Medium, or Tumblr. But if your concern is making money, I’d recommend not to start with a free platform. Instead, decide to give it a solid foundation from day 1.

You’ll need to invest a little in domain and hosting.

But if you perform well, you can get this money back in the first six months of blogging. A domain name can cost you around $14/year, while web hosting can cost you as low as $7.99/month (Get a special price at HostGator using this link).

For beginners, this can be a big amount, but it can save your future and can also help you to monetize your blog at the right time.

And once your blog becomes successful, you can earn millions.

Expert Blogging Tips

  • Don’t rely on a single method of earning; look for ways to evolve and expand your blogging income always.
  • Research on the niche before you start and try to be unique so people can look forward to you for a different perspective.
  • Affiliate marketing is one of the most credible ways to make money blogging. So don’t skip this if you want to build a profitable blog.
  • Build a network where you can promote your blog.
  • Optimize your articles to gain organic traffic to your site.

How to Be a Successful Blogger?

To become a successful blogger, you should start a blog at first. Understand that it’s not a get-rich-scheme. You should be patient and work hard on your blog. And of course, produce high-quality regular content to slowly build your success.

Top qualities you’ll need:

1. Discipline

Like other businesses, blogging also takes time to stabilize, so you need to be disciplined to wait for the results. It can take around 1-3 years, so till that time keep writing with patience.

Your time will come one day.

2. Consistency

If you’re following my blogs, you must know how much I emphasize being consistent with blogging because it’s the key to success.

For blogging, it’s the one most important thing to fulfill your dreams. So, please keep it going until you reach your life goals.

3. Knowledge of your Niche

If you don’t know anything, how will you hook your readers?

Whatever niche you choose, you must know the basics of that niche and the passion for learning more.

If you stop learning and knowing more, you won’t have new content to share with your readers. A writer’s block can contain your blogging too.

So, keep learning every new thing in your niche. It will help you grow.

My Final Words

I hope my guide has cleared your most essential questions which are stopping you from starting your blog.

Ready to Start a Blog?


Follow this link for an easy-to-follow step-by-step tutorial for starting, building, and growing a blog right from the beginning.

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