Is Blogging a Scam? Like, Really? [Real Truth of Blogging]

Is Blogging A Scam

Is blogging a scam? A lot of people still think that blogging is a scam and they’re too afraid to try it out. This is sad because most of these people would actually benefit from having their own blog and making some money from it.

The truth is, those who are saying that blogging is a scam don’t have any proof for this statement. What they usually mean is that they tried to make money from blogging and failed. This is because everyone makes their own decisions on whether or not to keep blogging, even if it’s successful.

The decision usually depends on the amount of time you are willing to put in, how much money you expect to make, your work ethic, etc.

For instance, if you want to make $100 a day and you can only manage to publish one blog post per week, then it will take years before your blog starts generating some profits. Instead, you should try to publish at least 2-3 blog posts per day.

So, let’s take a closer look at what blogging is and how it works so that you can decide if it’s right for you and probably start your own blog too.

So, without further delay, let’s get started…

Is Blogging a Scam?

In a nutshell, blogging is not a scam, you just need to work hard for the results you desire, instead of expecting them to be handed to you on a silver platter. In fact, blogging is a legit business with limitless earning potential. It’s just that, like any business, it takes time, effort, and dedication to make money from your blog.

The thing is, you can’t expect everyone to be successful when they start blogging. This is because not everyone has the skills required for this type of work.

This article will tell you all about whether or not blogging for money is possible and if so how to get started with your own blog!

While it’s true that there are a lot of scams out there where people claim they’ll show you how to make a quick buck blogging, real money-making blogs take time and effort to create from scratch.

Yes, there are exceptions, but that is the truth.

So, it’s definitely possible to turn blogging into money by writing great content that you’re passionate about and giving value to an audience who will appreciate it. This is the key to monetizing your blogging site, whether it be by ads or affiliate marketing, product sales, or some other method. And, blogging is definitely not a scam!

What is a Blog?

In the simplest terms, a blog is a website that is updated with new content periodically. Usually, this content is text-based, but it can also include images, videos, or podcasts (just to name a few formats). Anyone can start a blog, and there are numerous platforms (like WordPress and Blogger) that make it easy to do so.

What is a Blog and How it Works

The content you write is usually about topics that interest you or your audience. But, a post can be anything from an opinion piece to a news article, how-to guide, or even a recipe for dinner!

There are often comments on posts and readers can reply with their own opinions or questions. This creates a community where people meet and interact with each other virtually and share their experiences and knowledge.

I think you can already see how this is a powerful platform that can bring people together to learn from one another! Apart from this, blogging is one of the best ways to make money online and build a business online.

If you would like to learn more, check out Blogging from ZERO.

How Does Blogging Work?

Blogging is a way to share your thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world. You can blog about anything you want – your hobbies, your passions, your life, or your work. To start blogging, all you need is a laptop and an internet connection.

You can blog for free using a number of different blogging platforms, such as WordPress, Blogger, and Tumblr. You can also pay to have your own domain name and host your blog on your own website, which is highly recommended.

Once you’ve set up your blog, you can start writing blog posts.

Your blog posts can be of any length. However, it’s generally recommended that you keep them between 500 and 1,000 words. This gives you enough space to share your thoughts and experiences without boring your readers.

Any blog post with less than 300 words doesn’t really give readers enough information, while a post that’s over 1,5000 words can be too long and daunting to read.

Well, in certain cases, that’s necessary too!

You can write your blog posts in any style you want. However, it’s generally recommended that you keep them concise, easy to read, and informative.

Your blog posts can be about any topic you want.

However, it’s generally recommended that you choose a niche – a specific topic that you’re passionate about – and stick to writing about that.

You can write as often or as little as you want. You can also add photos, videos, and links to your blog posts to make them more interesting and engaging. Once you’ve written a blog post, all you need to do is hit the “publish” button and your post will go live for the world to see! Now, people can then read your blog posts and leave comments.

People can also share your posts on social media platforms.

One of the great things about blogging is that it’s a two-way form of communication.

Not only can you share your thoughts and experiences with the world, but people can also share their thoughts and experiences with you. This makes blogging a great way to connect with people and build relationships.

But, honestly, these days blogging is different.

Nowadays, people don’t blog just for the sake of it. They blog to build an audience, to grow their personal brand, and to make money online.

And, that’s perfectly fine!

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to make money from your blog.

In fact, if you’re going to put in the time and effort to start a blog, then you might as well try to make some money from it. There’s nothing wrong!

Blog Vs. Website

A Blog on a Laptop

It’s important to note that blogging sites aren’t like traditional websites. Instead, they’re usually built on the platform called WordPress and there are actually several pages within one blog site. So, you could say each post has its own website!

Typically, this will include:

  • A front-page where your new posts are displayed in order of their publishing date. This is often called your blog homepage, and it’s usually organized there chronologically so that the newest post shows up at the top of the page.
  • A sidebar on this front page where you can display information about your blogs such as a banner image, ads for products, or affiliate links.
  • Each individual blog post has its own page where the full text of your article is located, along with any comments, if they’re open for discussion.
  • You can also have pages that are separate from posts which house other information like contact forms or about me sections.

You can think of this setup as a house with different rooms, each of which has its own purpose. The living room is where you write blog posts and the kitchen is where you display ads or other products.

As you can see, creating a successful blog is more than just writing some content and throwing it up on the Internet.

It takes planning and organization to make it work.

Types of Blogs

There are many different types of blogs that you can start.

Here are some of the most popular types of blogs:

  • Food Blogs
  • Personal Blogs
  • Lifestyle Blogs
  • Travel Blogs
  • Health and Fitness Blogs
  • Photography Blogs
  • Fashion and Beauty Blogs
  • Sports Blogs
  • DIY Craft Blogs
  • Movie Blogs

Food blogs are one of the most popular types of blogs. People love reading about food – what to eat, where to eat, and how to cook it. If you’re a foodie, then starting a food blog is a great way to share your passion with the world. Not only can you write about the food you love, but you can also share recipes, photos, and videos.

Travel blogs are another popular type of blog.

People love reading about other people’s travel experiences, and they’re always looking for travel tips and advice. If you love to travel, then starting a travel blog is a great way to share your experiences with the world. You can write about your travels, share photos and videos, and even give advice to other travelers.

Health and fitness blogs are also popular. People are always looking for information on how to live a healthier lifestyle, and they’re always looking for new workout routines and healthy recipes. If you’re passionate about health and fitness, then starting a health and fitness blog is a great way to share your knowledge with the world.

Lifestyle blogs are another popular type of blog. Lifestyle blogs cover a wide range of topics, from fashion and beauty to home decor and DIY. If you have a passion for a particular lifestyle, then starting a lifestyle blog is a great way to share your passion with the world. You can write about your favorite topics, share photos and videos, and even give advice to other people who are interested in that lifestyle.

No matter what types of blogs you create, the most important thing is that you enjoy writing them. If you’re not passionate about the topics you’re writing about, then your readers will be able to tell, and they won’t keep coming back to your blog.

Blogging Earning Potential

Yes, there is potential in blogging, but it does take effort and time to create a blog that is successful (just as any other business).

Income Potential in Blogging

The good news is that once you’ve built your blog, you can work on things that don’t require your attention every day. So, if you have a blog about cooking, you could spend 2-3 hours writing posts for this website each week and then enjoy the rest of your free time how you want to. You decide how you want to work on the blog.

The key is consistency so that your audience will know what to expect when they visit your site. If you do this, they’ll be more likely to continue reading and sharing your content (and that increases your chances of monetizing it).

Now that you’ve made it this far, hopefully, I haven’t scared you away from the idea of starting your own blog. So many people are starting to blog these days because they want to establish an online presence for themselves or their business through a method that provides more flexibility than traditional websites.

The sky is the limit when it comes to the income potential in blogging.

If you’re willing to put in the time and effort, then there’s no reason why you can’t make a full-time income from your blog.

There are many ways to make money from your blog, including advertising, sponsorships, affiliate marketing, and selling products. The best way to make money from your blog is to find a way to monetize your audience.

The highest earning bloggers make over $100,000 per month. If you’re willing to work hard, you can also be the next high earner.

Blogging is not a scam, it’s a real business that can be very profitable if done correctly. If you’re looking for a way to make money online, then starting a blog is a great option. With the right approach, you can earn a full-time income from your blog.

I started blogging back in 2010 and it has been a great way to make money online. I’ve been able to quit my day job and earn a full-time income from my blog.

While the blog you are reading right now doesn’t make me $100,000 per month, it is a great source of supplemental income. I’m able to work from home, set my own hours, and feel like my own boss. I recommend you give blogging a try.

With less than $3 a month, you can start your own blog today.

Blogging for Money

While blogging was originally started as a way to share thoughts and ideas online, it has evolved into a full-fledged business now. People are now making money from their blogs through various methods such as advertising or affiliate marketing.

People have become millionaires from blogging.

So, if you’re still thinking if blogging is a legit business or not, then the answer is YES! It definitely is and there’s no reason why you can’t make money from it.

The fundamentals of blogging are pretty simple.

All you need is a hosting account and a domain name. Once you have that set up, you can start sharing your thoughts and ideas online. If you’re looking to make money from your blog, then there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

Here are some tips on how to make money blogging:

  • Find a niche: When it comes to making money from your blog, it’s important that you find a niche that you’re passionate about. This way, it’ll be easier for you to write content and build an audience around your topic.
  • Monetize your audience: Once you’ve built an audience around your blog, you can start monetizing it through advertising or affiliate marketing.
  • Work hard: Making money from your blog takes a lot of hard work. There are no shortcuts to success. You need to be willing to put in the time and effort if you want to make a full-time income from your blog.
  • Be patient: It takes time to build a successful blog. You won’t start making money right away. It takes months, even years, to build a successful blog.

So, don’t give up and be patient.

If you’re serious about making money from your blog, then you need to treat it like a business right from day 1. And, of course, don’t think blogging is a scam. It definitely isn’t. It’s a legitimate business that made a lot of millionaires.

So, there’s no reason why it can’t make you money too.

Most Successful Bloggers

I know there are a lot of people out there who are still skeptical about making money from blogging. But, the fact is there are many bloggers who are making a full-time income from their blog. In fact, there are even some bloggers who are making over $100,000 per month from their blog. I’ve already written a blog post about here.

Here are some of the most successful bloggers and how much they’re making:

As you can see, there are many bloggers who are making a full-time income from their blog. So, blogging is no way a scam. In fact, if you’re serious about it, it can literally change your life, financially and of course, help you live the life you want.

Start a blog today and see where it takes you!

Creating a Blog Step by Step

If you’re looking to build your own site around your passion or talent, then blogging might be the right option for you!

To get started, you’ll need a domain name and a web host.

The domain name is how people will find you online and the web host is where your website files are located.

Step 1: Buy a domain and hosting

You can also purchase domains through the domain registrars I’ve listed below.

  • GoDaddy is the world’s largest domain registrar and it offers several different packages to help you get started with your blog site, including one for $0.99/year with free privacy protection!
  • Bluehost is another popular web hosting service that I recommend when building a blog site. They provide the option to start your own blog for $2.95/month, which is an affordable price point for most people!
  • HostGator is another great web host that I’ve used in the past for other sites, and they also offer a $2.75/month package to get started with your blog website.
  • NameCheap is an excellent domain registrar I use when establishing my own blogging sites! It offers some of the cheapest prices on the Internet and its customer service has always been outstanding.

Once you have your domain name and web hosting services in place, the next step is to choose your blogging platform.

Step 2: Choose a blogging platform

This will be what enables you to create and update your site!

You might also want to check out my article on the best blogging platforms for more information about different options available.

I recommend that you choose WordPress.

WordPress is an open-source blogging platform that is free to download and use. It is also the most popular blogging platform on the Internet, which means you’ll have access to a large community of users who can help you in any need.

Step 3: Install WordPress

It’s fairly easy to install WordPress on your domain.

You’ll just need a couple of clicks.

I understand it can feel a little overwhelming getting started with your new blog, but once you’re up and running (which shouldn’t take more than a few hours), you’ll be set and ready to take your blog to the next level!

If you are looking for a comprehensive guide on how to start a blog step by step, I’ve written a blog post about that too. You can find it here.

In this article, I have given you some of the most important tips on starting your own blog. When you are just getting started with your first blog, it can be challenging to know exactly what to do. I hope that this article can give you some of the insight and guidance you need to get started successfully.

Once you’ve got a few posts published, I recommend that you begin driving traffic to them. There are a number of ways you can do this, but I recommend that you start by sharing your best posts on social media sites.

The thing is, you’ll need to slowly build up your traffic over time. You can’t expect to get thousands of views overnight!

Once you have enough traffic, you’ll be able to monetize your blog.

Some people choose to sell ad space on their website, or affiliate marketing, while others choose to offer a subscription service through digital products. There are dozens of different ways for you to make money with your site, but you’ll need to get some traffic before most of these options will be available to you.

As you can see, blogging is no different than any other business. It requires you to invest some money upfront in order to get started, but once you have your website set up, it is relatively easy to maintain going forward.

Blogging is a true business and it’s surely not a scam!

Being a blogger is also not a scam and you can earn money through blogging. It’s one of the easiest ways to start an online business today.

The best thing?

You don’t need heavy start-up capital to get started with blogging.

The Cost of Starting a Blog

Now that we’ve established that blogging is not a scam, let’s talk about how much it costs to start a blog. After all, that’s a question I’m sure you have.

Surprisingly, it’s not very expensive to start a blog. In fact, you can start a blog for less than $3 per month with Bluehost. That’s less than a cup of coffee! And, if you use my link to sign up for Bluehost, you’ll get a free domain name (a $15 value).

So, for less than $50 per year, you can start a blog and get a free domain name. That’s pretty incredible when you think about it.

Of course, if you want to go all out and get the best hosting and tools for your blog, it will cost you a bit more. But, you can certainly start with less than $3 a month.

Quite exciting, right?

Now that you know starting a blog is not a scam and it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money, what’s stopping you from starting one today?

Blogging Platforms

There are a lot of blogging platforms out there. So, which one should you use? Here’s a quick rundown of some of the most popular platforms, and what they’re best for.

  1. WordPress – WordPress is a popular choice for many bloggers because it’s easy to use and has a lot of features. If you’re serious about making money from your blog, then WordPress is a good option.
  2. Blogger – Blogger is a free platform that’s owned by Google. While it’s not as feature-rich as WordPress, it’s still a good option for many people.
  3. Tumblr – Tumblr is a popular microblogging platform that’s perfect for short, quick posts. If you’re not interested in making money from your blog, then Tumblr is a good option.

While there are so many options available, these are three of the most popular blogging platforms. But, here’s what you need to know:

WordPress is the most popular platform for a reason. It’s reliable, easy to use, and perfect for those who want to make money from their blog.

Self-hosting is always the best option if you’re serious about making money from your blog. Free platforms are great for hobbyists, but they come with too many risks. When you want to build a business, you don’t want to take any chances.

So, what’s the best platform for you?

It depends on your goals and your preferences. If you want to make money from your blog, then WordPress is the best option. If you’re just looking to share your thoughts and ideas with the world, then Tumblr is a good choice.

Blogging Is Not What You Think

Blogging is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

Just like any other real business, it requires a lot of hard work.

You’ll need to be writing several blog posts every week, establishing your own personal brand, and growing a large audience.

You’ll need to be patient and consistent to make money blogging.

And of course, you have to stick with it!

Once you’ve worked hard and been consistent for several months, you’ll begin to see your blog grow. Your earnings will slowly start coming in as well.

It’s also important that you realize that blogging is not always fun!

It’s a lot of work.

I hate to break it to you, but blogging is not always fun.

You’ll need to spend hours writing posts, promoting your blog on social media, and trying new things with your site. It can be exhausting, but it’s also extremely rewarding. If you like this business, the best thing that you can do is get started today!

The Reality of Blogging for Money

Blogging for Money

I know that there are a lot of scams on the Internet these days. There are many fake bloggers who create websites to fool people.

However, blogging is not a scam!

Blogging can be a full-time career and you can make money blogging.

It just requires dedication, hard work, and consistency. If you want to make money blogging, the best thing you can do is to get started today.

Stop sitting on the sidelines!

You don’t need any experience in business or blogging to get started.

All you need is some motivation, a little bit of cash to pay for your domain name and hosting, and you’ll be ready to go.

Blogging is a great business because you can work from anywhere in the world with internet access. You can run your blog on a laptop or desktop computer while traveling, working at a cafe, or even on your phone.

There’s no reason to hesitate!

Get started today and you can be the next successful blogger.

Top Bloggers Who Made It Big

Bloggers Who Make Millions

There are over 500 million blogs online as of now. The Internet is a great place to build your brand and to promote yourself or your business!

There’s a reason why blogging is a great business.

There are countless examples of people who have been able to quit their jobs and become full-time bloggers. Well, it doesn’t happen overnight, but it is very possible. Here are some of the top bloggers who made it big:

  • Chris Ducker –
  • Ana Hoffman – Traffic Generation Cafe
  • John Chow –
  • Sujan Deswal – Blogging Tips HQ
  • Mark Mason – Copyblogger
  • Pat Flynn –
  • Jeff Goins –
  • Jon Morrow –
  • Darren Rowse –

Well, there is an endless number of successful bloggers out there. Some popular bloggers make millions of dollars a year from their sites.

With creativity and hard work, you can do the same thing!

Now that you are aware of the reality of blogging, I hope you have realized why blogging is not a scam! The people who call it a scam are the ones who don’t want you to succeed! With some motivation and dedication, you can be the next successful blogger. Show them all that blogging is not a scam!

Blogging Can Be Hard

Just like any business, blogging takes a lot of work. But, it can be so rewarding, both personally and financially.

If you’re thinking about starting a blog, then you need to be prepared for the hard work ahead. But, if you’re willing to put in the effort, then you could be successful.

Here are a few things you should know before you start a blog:

  1. It’s Not Easy – Blogging is a lot of work. You need to be prepared to put in the time and effort if you want to be successful.
  2. It Takes Time – Don’t expect to see overnight success. It takes time to build a successful blog.
  3. You Need to be Passionate – If you’re not passionate about your topic, then it will be difficult to maintain a successful blog.

Well, I don’t want to discourage you from starting a blog. I just want you to go into it with your eyes open. When I started my first blog, it took over a year for me to make my first $100 from blogging. I understand you need quick money, but blogging is not a get-rich-quick scheme. But, it’s more than worth it if you’re willing to stick with it.

The best thing I like about blogging is the fact that when your blog starts producing income, it keeps coming in whether you work on it or not. That’s because once you’ve built up a strong readership and audience, your blog becomes an asset.

Blogging is Legit

There’s no doubt that blogging has turned into a legitimate business. There are now full-time bloggers who are making a living off their sites. And there are plenty of part-time bloggers who are using their blog as a way to supplement their income.

Blogging is a great way to earn money because it gives you the ability to reach a wide audience with your message. And if you can build up a large enough site with hundreds of thousands of visitors, you can make some serious money.

There are a few different ways that bloggers make money.

The most common is through advertising. Bloggers will sell ad space on their site to businesses who want to reach their audience. This can be done through a direct sale, or through an advertising network like Google AdSense.

Another way bloggers make money is through selling products and services.

Affiliate marketing is extremely popular among bloggers. This is where you promote other people’s products on your blog and earn a commission on every sale that you make. Most new bloggers don’t create their own products, so this is an easy way to get started. It can also be a great way to attract clients if you are a freelancer.

Blogging is a legal business, as long as you comply with the law. There are a few different laws that you need to be aware of when blogging.

The first is copyright law. You need to make sure that you aren’t infringing on anyone’s copyright when you are using their content on your blog. If you want to use someone else’s content, you need to get their permission first.

The second is trademark law.

You need to make sure that you aren’t using someone else’s trademark without their permission. This includes things like logos and brand names.

The third is defamation law.

You need to make sure that you aren’t making false claims about someone on your blog. If you do, you could be sued for defamation.

Blogging is a great way to earn money, but you need to make sure that you are doing it legally. One of the most common forms of illegal blogging is using someone else’s content without their permission. If you want to use someone else’s content, make sure that you get their permission first if you really need to use the content.

But, here’s what you need to know:

Simply copying and pasting content from another site is not illegal. As long as you give credit to the original author and link back to their site, you are not breaking any laws. But, frankly, it doesn’t help rank your blog in Google very well. You’re much better off writing your own original content. Because that’s what search engines want.

If you are planning on making money from your blog and build a reliable business, you need original content that useful for people. That’s non-negotiable.

Blogging is Profitable

Blogging can be highly profitable if done correctly. By definition, a blog is a website that contains regular entries of blog posts, commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as videos or images. A common reason people start blogging is to build an audience around a certain topic, product, or service.

The profit comes in when the blogger is able to drive traffic to their site through SEO keywords, Google Ads, or other forms of advertisement. The more people that visit the site, the more chances there are of making a sale or generating leads.

In order to make blogging a profitable business, it is important to have a niche audience and produce content that appeals to them. The blog posts should be well-written, keyword rich, and provide value to the reader. Additionally, the site should be designed in a way that is easy to navigate and contains enough helpful content that’s original too!

There are plenty of examples of bloggers who have turned their passion into a profitable business. Some of the most popular bloggers in the world make millions of dollars per year through their sites. While it may take some time and effort to get to that level, it is certainly possible to make a good living from blogging.

Pros of Blogging

  • You can make money from blogging
  • There’s no limits to how much money you can earn
  • You can start with less than $3 per month
  • You can build an audience for your existing business
  • You can build your personal brand
  • You can build an asset that produces passive cashflow
  • You can help people and make a difference in their lives
  • You can connect with other likeminded people from around the world
  • You can work from anywhere in the world
  • You can become your own boss
  • You can get free products from companies to review on your blog
  • You can get paid to travel and write about your experiences
  • Blogging is a fun and rewarding hobby if you like it

You can start a blog with only $2.75/month with HostGator. You can get a FREE domain name with HostGator when you start a blog. It only takes a few minutes to set up a blog. I’ve created a complete step-by-step guide to start from scratch.

Cons of Blogging

  • It takes time to build an audience
  • You need to be consistent which is tough for most people
  • You need to produce high quality content. It takes time.
  • It’s not a get rich quick scheme
  • You’re at the mercy of algorithms and platform changes
  • You need to be very patient as SEO takes time
  • It can be a lonely endeavor
  • You can get overwhelmed by the technical aspects
  • You can get bogged down in the details
  • You can get discouraged when you don’t see results immediately
  • You can get writers block
  • You can get distracted by the shiny object syndrome

While there many pros to blogging, these are some cons that you should be aware of. The most important thing is to find a balance that works for you and to understand that success takes time. If you’re willing to put in the effort, you can start blogging.

Remember that every business takes time to grow. You need to be in it for the long haul if you want blogging to be a viable option for you.

Blogging Income Reports

I understand. You don’t only want to know the pros and cons of blogging. You also want to know if people are actually making money from it.

Here are some popular bloggers who have been transparent about their blogging income.

  • Pinch of Yum – $107,021.16 in July 2014 from a food blog
  • The Busy Budgeter – $40,000 in March 2016 from a personal finance blog
  • Making Sense of Cents – $100,000+ per month from a personal finance blog
  • Hello Freelance Life – $4,000 in March 2017 from a freelance writing blog
  • Smart Passive Income – $1.3 million in 2016 from a business and lifestyle blog
  • Blogelina – $10,000+ per month from a blogging tips blog

Read my post on how I made my first $1000 from blogging.

As you can see, there are many bloggers earning a full-time income. And there are even more bloggers who are earning a part-time or supplemental income. The point I want to make here is that blogging is not a scam and it can’t be.

If you’re looking to make money from your blog, know that it is possible. Yes, it will take time, effort, and consistency to build the business step by step.

Blogging Is Not a Scam!

Bloggers are Not Scammers

Is blogging a scam? No way, it’s not!

Unfortunately, people are being tricked by some fake bloggers on the Internet. It might be difficult to tell who is real and who isn’t, but you know that blogging is not a scam!

It just takes some passion, motivation, dedication, hard work, and being consistent.

Anyone can be successful with blogging.

It just takes some time before you can start making money from your blog. Once you’ve worked hard for several months, you’ll begin to see your blog grow. Your earnings will slowly start coming in as well.

It’s also important that you realize that blogging is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes time, patience, and consistency!

A successful blog will take several months or sometimes years before you can start seeing a return. You can’t give up after a month or two of blogging!

Final Thoughts – Is Blogging a Scam?

I hope this article has contributed to your knowledge about blogging and that you now feel confident in creating your own blog.

Thousands of people have found success with blogging. It doesn’t make sense to sit on the sidelines and ignore this great opportunity!

If you want to make money, blogging is a great way to do it.

If you are passionate about something, blog about it!

Once your traffic grows, you will be able to turn it into money. It’s a great business and an awesome way to make some extra cash online!

It all starts with getting started today!

Most people don’t take action and it’s those who take action that is successful. Trust me, blogging is not a scam! It’s an amazing business and I’m sure you’ll be able to make some great money with your blog if you stick with it.

If you wish to get started today, check out:

A Complete Guide to Start a Blog and Make Money Online

Now it’s up to you.

Finally, if you found this post useful and helpful, please share it. It really helps me a lot!