

Is Blogging Worth It In 2024? [Eye-Opening Honest Guide]

Wondering if blogging is still worth it in 2024? In this article, I’ll answer all of your questions and provide you with the top reasons to blog.

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Is blogging worth it in 2024?

Is it worth starting a blog this year and beyond?

Do bloggers really make money?

If so, how?

If these questions have been bothering you and you are unable to find a satisfying answer, you are at the right place.

Blogging has evolved tremendously since its inception in 1993. Most people didn’t even understand what a blog was back in those days.

Slowly but steadily, blogging has gained popularity.

And, blogging is now one of the most popular ways to earn online. In fact, there are plenty of good examples of bloggers who have made millions.

But does that make it easy for you?

Of course not.

The fact is that 95% of bloggers who start a blog usually fail.

Should you be disappointed?


The truth is that the majority of new bloggers who start a blog without the right guidance usually fail. If you’ve ever wanted to set up a blog, the following question may have crossed your mind:

Is Blogging Worth It?

I don’t blame you.

Most beginners have doubts about it.

When I started my first blog in 2010, I was skeptical as well.

I visited different websites, including Reddit, to clear my doubts and find a solid answer. Then, I took a chance, and the result was truly amazing.

In this article:

And, a lot more.

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You also get a free domain and SSL for your new blog. And, the most importpart part? You can start with as low as $1.99/month today.

If you want to learn more about blogging, these resources will help:

Well, let’s get back to our topic – Is Blogging Worth It?

So, let’s dive in.

Is Blogging Worth It In 2024?

Yes, absolutely! Blogging is worth it.

Because blogging doesn’t only offer you a platform to express yourself and share your passions with the world, it also helps you improve your writing skills, build your online identity, learn new things, and of course, make money online.

There are, in fact, numerous other benefits of blogging.

So, instead of focusing on how many people fail at blogging, you should analyze why these bloggers fail. Blogging isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. What I learned is that it takes about a year or two to create a blog that makes money online. Most new bloggers fail to understand it. And, that’s why they usually fail.

So if you are ready to invest at least a year of your time into blogging, you should start a blog. Otherwise, you’ll most probably fail and decide that it’s not worth it. And, that’s what happens with most people who start blogging for money.

Read – How Long Does it Take for a Blog to Make Money?

But, it doesn’t mean you cannot start a blog and make money within a year. Of course, it’s possible. It depends on how you monetize your blog. All you need to get started is a web hosting account and a domain name.

Which Hosting is Best for Blogging?

The best web hosting provider for most new bloggers is HostGator or Bluehost, with HostGator being the best choice for most beginners.

Here are some of the best blog hosting sites out there:

As with any business, your blogging results may also vary and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire.

If you wish to make money from your blog, you should treat your blog as a business right from the beginning. Blogging is not a hobby anymore. Create a proper action plan for your blog right from day 1 and stick to it.

And, that’s what makes a blog successful.

Is Starting a Blog a Good Idea?

Yes, it is. The reason why starting a blog is a good idea is because blogging can be quite profitable. Anyone with some basic computer skills can easily start a blog. It also doesn’t cost a lot of money to maintain a blog.

There are approximately 600 million blogs out of over 1.7 billion websites worldwide, as I’m writing this.

And, over 2 billion blog posts are published every year.

That’s a huge number, right?

The reason behind such gigantic growth is simple:

Blogging is highly profitable.

Because of its low initial cost and high-profit potential, everyone wants to create a blog and try their luck.

The reasons why most people create blogs are as follows:

  1. Make money online
  2. Promote a business
  3. Just for fun

Blogging doesn’t only help you make money online, but it also helps you connect with people around the world and learn new skills.

Blogging also helps you improve your writing skills.

But of course, that’s why people start a blog. As I already mentioned that the most common reason why people start blogging is, no doubt, to make money.

Most people start blogging with a desire to produce an income online. It’s easy to hear stories about successful bloggers who earn millions from blogging.

There are countless examples of bloggers who started it as a hobby only to discover that their blog is not a hobby, but a full-time business.

Below are a few highly successful blogs on the internet:

The Blog NameEstimated Monthly Revenue$14,000,000+$2,500,000+$575,000+$2,000,000+$325,000+$100,000+
Highly successful blogs

Read – 35 Highest Earning Blogs and Bloggers

Looking at these numbers, I can confidently say that it’s worth it.

Can you imagine making a $ 100,000-per-month profit from a business with an investment of less than $100 per year?

Of course, you can’t.

But it is really possible with blogging. All you need to start a blog is what you pay for web hosting and domain name. That’s really all you need.

I started with a $2.75/month hosting plan with HostGator. Of course, there are some additional costs like premium themes, premium WordPress plugins, and so on. But in most cases, all these costs are completely optional.

You can run a blog without spending money on themes or premium plugins. And you still can expect to make it a highly profitable business online.

So it’s clear why it is worth starting a blog.

Read – How Much Does it Cost to Start a Blog?

How Long Does It Really Take to Make Money from Blogging?

Blogging usually takes 1-2 years to generate a decent income. Most successful blogs that are generating millions are usually 5-10 years old. There are many exceptions. But generally, a blog takes years of consistent effort to produce any noticeable results for the blogger.

That’s what most new bloggers fail to understand.

Since blogging is highly profitable and easy to start, everyone wants to give it a try but gets demotivated after just a few months.

That’s what happens with 95% of bloggers.

Because they dream of building a life-changing income overnight.

Blogging is not a get-quick scheme.

So, obviously, you should start blogging only if you can stick to it long enough without expecting any potential reward.

Most people are impatient.

They can’t stick to it for long enough.

But, if you can stick to blogging for long enough and produce enough valuable content for readers, blogging is the easiest way to make money.

It takes around 70-100 high-quality blog posts for Google to notice your blog as a legitimate content source.

And it takes time for a new blogger to write.

But it’s essential in the beginning days of your blogging journey.

Even if you write a super high-quality blog post, it may take 6-11 months or sometimes many years (for highly competitive keywords) to get Google’s 1st-page rank. So obviously, blogging takes time.

Read – How Long Does It Take to Make Money Blogging?

Should You Start a Blog in 2024?

Yes, of course!

Here are the top reasons why you should start a blog:

1. You’ll become more confident

Blogging might look difficult at first, and it can be.

But, as you gain experience, you’ll be able to overcome those obstacles and start celebrating your minor wins.

Just wait until you have a viral blog post.

There’s no other sensation like that!

Your blog readers can also help you feel more confident.

Usually, most people are extremely appreciative of whatever you can do to help them or make their lives simpler in any way.

Your audience will start to leave great comments on your blog.

And, it really does feel good.

You could be enhancing or benefiting their life in ways you never imagined (I’ve seen this happen many times and am always amazed).

2. You can make money blogging

This is quite obvious, right?

Blogging is a fantastic way to earn money online.

Advertising, working with affiliates, sponsored posts, partnering with businesses, selling your skills, and digital or physical things are just a few ways to make money from your blog.

If you’re prepared to put in the time and effort, you can make hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars per month blogging.

Initially, I didn’t blog to make money; instead, I used my blog to write articles on subjects I knew well. I eventually chose to deal with ads, and within a few months, my site was bringing in hundreds of dollars.

3. You’ll become a better writer

To be honest, this is one of the main reasons why it took me over a year to decide to start a blog in the first place.

Writing has never been my area of expertise.

But, I had no choice but to say screw it and go for it.

While I am aware that I will always struggle with this aspect of writing, I am optimistic that with each article I write, I will improve.

I’m no longer letting my lack of self-confidence stop me from pursuing my blogging goals. I’m particularly pleased with the fact that I recently published my first eBook (part of the new course for new bloggers).

Read – 10 Best Grammar Checking Tools for Writers

4. You don’t need any experience to start a blog

Yes, anyone can create a blog.

You really don’t need any prior knowledge to get started with blogging, and the setup is simple and inexpensive.

Most other online businesses can look intimidating.

But, blogging is different.

You have a good chance of succeeding in the world of blogging because the hurdles to entry are so low. All you need is your imagination and the willingness to put in the necessary time and effort.

5. You’ll become an expert

You can establish yourself as an expert in your subject if you can blog about your interest. Your blog serves as your own private classroom where you may share your knowledge and educate your readers.

The more you write about your niche on a regular basis, the larger your audience will grow. Yes, it really happens!

Read – 10 Highest Earning Blogs with Great Income

6. You’ll be able to learn more

It is common knowledge that when people learn, their brains are activated, they improve, and they really feel fulfilled.

It’s all too easy to get comfortable with our professions.

But, blogging forces you to learn new skills such as how to create engaging headlines, how to shoot excellent images, how to optimize your blog posts for search engines, how to use social media to promote your blog, and so on.

I’m so pleased with everything I’ve learned from blogging.

Now I can teach people how to blog.

7. Blogging helps your business

Blogging is a fantastic strategy to market your existing business.

It can be done in a passive or active manner.

When you blog about your company, business, or expertise, you start to share your thoughts, feelings, opinions, and personalities with your audience.

As your audience gets to know you, they start connecting with you.

Eventually, this relationship will help you build trust with them, which will lead to exciting commercial and professional opportunities.

8. You’ll build a community

Blogs are a fantastic way to connect with others.

Blogging about your passion allows you to connect with people who share your interests from all around the world.

You’ll not only find your tribe among your readers, but you’ll also begin to connect with other bloggers and influencers in your niche over time.

Blogging allows you to meet people from all walks of life. It’s an opportunity to connect with individuals you wouldn’t have met otherwise.

9. You’ll earn your personal freedom

This is one of the top reasons why people blog.

One of the main reasons I blog is to express myself. Blogging has given me the flexibility to not only share my passion and creativity with the world, but it has also provided me with some personal freedom.

I don’t have official office hours now that I’m a full-time blogger.

So, I’m available to my family anytime they need me (although I maintain strong boundaries around my work time).

I don’t have to check with my supervisor every day.

Pretty cool, right?

If you’ve ever considered blogging as a profession, I strongly advise you to do so. Starting a blogging business is easy and affordable. You can get started with just a $1.99/mo hosting plan from Hostinger.

So, those were the top reasons why blogging is worth it.

Go ahead and start your blog today.

Well, for anyone who wants to make money fast, blogging isn’t worth it. Because blogging will not give them the pleasure of quick financial gains.

Blogging is not worth it for people looking for get-rich-quick schemes.

In fact, there are no get-rich-quick schemes online.

Any business, online or offline, takes time to grow. It doesn’t matter which money-making method you follow, you’ll surely fail if you are looking for quick gains without really understanding how the process works.

Blogging usually takes a long time. Of course, many exceptional bloggers got quite a bit of success within the 1st year. But that’s very unlikely to happen for you unless you are doing something exceptional.

The good news is blogging is the easiest way to make money online for people who can keep blogging without looking for any reward for at least 2 years.

Of course, there are certain rules and guidelines to follow.

You might not be able to make millions of dollars in a few months. However, you should be able to earn at least $1,000-$5,000 every month from your site.

So, if you have the right skills, blogging is well worth your time.

How to Start a Blog (in 3 Easy Steps)?

Want to start your own blog?

Let me show you how to create a WordPress site from scratch.

The good news is that it’s ridiculously simple to create a blog, but the bad news is that it’s incredibly time-consuming to build a successful blog.

But of course, if you want to make an extra $1000 per month from blogging, that can be possible within a year.

I have created many niche blogs since 2010 and sold a lot of them as well. Frankly, building a successful blog can be a fun experience if you like the process.

If you’re on the fence about starting a blog, I strongly advise you to go ahead and do it. The best part? You can practically create a blog in less than 15 minutes, and you will thank yourself afterward if you’re anything like me.

You’ll be blogging in no time if you follow this step-by-step tutorial.

If you are just getting started and don’t have a big plan for your blog, there are various free blogging platforms available out there. Weebly is a good platform to start a free blog or build and design a website easily.

I started my first blog on Blogger.

And, I was delighted with it for some time, despite the fact that the design options were quite limited and we don’t get full control.

After a while, I decided to start over with a new blog.

And, I switched to a self-hosted WordPress blog, which turned out to be a great decision. Frankly, a self-hosted blog is your best option.

Why did I move to WordPress from Blogger?


I wanted full control over every little aspect of my blog.

Even though it’s largely a question of personal choice, there are plenty of benefits to having a self-hosted WordPress site – that is, a WordPress blog hosted on your own domain and your own web server.

This is how you get complete control.

Basically, you get full control over design, advertising, plugins, widgets, and a slew of other features. You cannot have this advantage on a blogger blog or a free blog hosted on free platform.

So, what’s the best way to go about it?

There are 3 things to consider:

  1. Domain name
  2. Web hosting
  3. Blog design

Step 1: Register a Domain Name

A domain name is a URL or web address.

For example, the domain name for this site is!

Your blog needs a domain name too.

This is one of the most significant factors to consider when creating a blog.

Don’t get too hot and bothered over it.

The name isn’t everything.

But give it a few days (at least a few hours) before making a decision.

Read – How to Choose a Domain Name for a New Blog?

Once you decide on a name, it’s time to find out if it’s available to be registered as a domain name. You may not always find your desired domains available.

But, don’t worry!

Choose a different one until you get something available for registration.

Best Places to Register a Domain Name


I recommend Namecheap to register your domain name.

Step 2: Buy Hosting

A web host (or web hosting service provider) provides the services and technologies required for your blog to be available over the Internet.

Your website’s files and database are stored on hosting servers. This is how it can be accessed from anywhere using the internet.

In short, it provides a home for your blog to live.

And, you cannot run a blog without having it hosted somewhere.

There are many web hosting providers that will let you host your blog on their servers. All you need to buy a web hosting account.

Best Web Hosting Providers for Bloggers

Quick note: Hostinger offers a free domain and hosting if you sign up now using this special link. The offer is available for a limited time. Act now!

So, go ahead and get a hosting account today.

Once you’ve logged into your hosting account, go to the Control Panel and choose Quickinstall to install WordPress on your domain.

It’s that simple.

You now have your own WordPress blog hosted on your own server.

Note: if you’ve signed up with Bluehost as I recommended, WordPress will be automatically installed by Bluehost. Pretty cool, right?

Step 3: Set Up Your Blog

Now comes the exciting part.

As you log into your WordPress admin, you’ll be able to configure the basic settings like setting up the right permalink structure, completing your profile, managing comments, and getting your site ready to be indexed.


You’ll find complete step-by-step instructions by clicking here.

It’s time to determine what your blog will look like. The options are limitless, and it’s the first step toward customizing your new blog.

First and foremost, decide the theme you’d like to use on your site. There are thousands of free WordPress themes available.

The Best free WordPress themes:

All the above-mentioned free WordPress themes should meet almost all your basic needs. Well, you can always go for premium themes if you wish.

Premium themes usually come with tons of advanced features and they may cost you anywhere from $30 to $200+ depending on which theme you choose. It’s not necessary to go with a premium theme. It’s more of a personal choice.

Sometimes, you may like a premium theme feature that’s not available in the free version. In those cases, the only option is to upgrade.


You can save money by creating your own magic if you’re an HTML expert, but for most of us, a pre-designed theme is the best option.

Once you’ve selected a theme for your blog, installed and activated it, you are ready to write your first blog post.

Simply, choose Posts>Add New from your WordPress menu. You are now on WordPress Gutenberg Editor. Enter the title of your article in the top box and then begin writing in the lower box. Simple and straightforward.

write blog post

Even though the process is pretty simple, I understand it can still be difficult if you’ve never done anything like this before. You want someone to hold your hand and guide you through the process, right?

Check out my 17000+ words monster blogging guide for in-depth step-by-step instructions to create a blog that makes money.

Or, you can also download my mini PDF guide, using this link.

Or, much better if you check out Blogging from ZERO.

Related reading:

Final Words and Thoughts

So my final word is this – do it.

Many people think that blogging is dead. Because no one reads blogs nowadays.

The fact is that people still read blogs and will continue to read for years. What has changed is their reading pattern. Now, people don’t usually read a complete post from start to finish unless they really love your writing style.

Instead, most people now prefer to scan a blog post and look for the most useful information they need. Yes, blog posts are usually scanned, not read.

And with the influx of videos and other forms of visual content, you may wonder if blogging is still worth it. If you are reading this, it’s worth it.

People are NOT going to stop reading.

As long as human beings have the ability to read, blogs will be there. Maybe, it will evolve a lot. But the basic form of communication will always be the same.

So blogging is still alive and it will be here for a long time.

It’s still a thing.

Well, it’s been quite a ride. I hope you found this post useful. Please share it to help others who may need this information.

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