
Are Blogging Courses Really Worth Buying for Beginners in 2023?

Do you blog? If so, you might be wondering whether or not blogging courses are worth buying in 2022. Well, the answer to that question might surprise you. In this post, I will give you my verdict on whether or not these blogging courses are worth your investment. Read on to find out!

FEATURED Blogging Courses Worth

So are blogging courses worth it? If you are a bit hesitant to sign up for a blogging course and doubtful whether you’ll get a good return on your investment, this article is going to clear out all your confusion.

I’m not going to lie, deciding whether or not blogging courses are worth it in 2021 is a tough question. Like any course, some of them are good and others aren’t so much.

For years, blogging has been a popular career choice, and it’s just getting more popular as more individuals create their own blogs.

But what if you’re just getting started and have no prior experience?

Is it worthwhile to take a course to learn how to blog?

The short answer is a resounding yes!

While it can be difficult to find the motivation to learn something new on your own without any guidance, blogging courses have proven to be one of the most powerful ways for beginners to get started with online publishing.

Let me share my perspective.

Honestly, there are plenty of benefits of taking paid blogging courses if you are a beginner starting from zero. Below are a few good reasons to take blogging courses.

1. Free Resources are Not Enough

The number of bloggers is rapidly increasing, and keeping up with the quality of content being published is becoming increasingly difficult.

Bloggers are always looking for fresh ideas, strategies, and the latest blogging tricks on how to improve their blog in every possible way. The internet has become a goldmine of free blogging resources that can help you in starting a blog or growing an existing one.

However, there are a number of factors that can prevent someone from being a successful blogger: You may be short on time, having trouble identifying new blogging topics, or simply confused about what to do next.

It’s difficult to consistently come up with new content ideas and figure out how to drive visitors to your website (especially if you’ve never done it before).

Taking paid blogging courses will help you speed up the process so you can start earning money sooner than you thought possible.

Read – The Blogging Game: How to Monetize Like a Pro

2. Learn the Secrets of Blogging

Woman Placing Her Finger Between Her Lips

Most new bloggers launch a blogging business with the greatest of intentions, yet they frequently fail to achieve their goals. This is due to the fact that running a successful blog takes time, effort, and dedication.

However, I’ve been blogging for a while now, and these are some of the most useful blogging tips I’ve picked up along the road.

Provide Value and Build Trust

You can’t expect to make a difference in the world until you put in some effort.

Blogging is an excellent method to deliver value and educational content to your readers, but the quality of your writing will be determined by how well you remember these two main factors: trustworthiness and providing something valuable.

Writing blog posts with “value and trust” in mind will have a positive effect on your readership and it will also strengthen your audience’s loyalty.

Read – Is Starting a Blog Worth It?

Blog What Your Readers Want and Need

There are numerous factors to consider while starting a blog.

It’s not only about how much knowledge and expertise you have that others could find useful or fascinating; but also what your readers want and need.

Treat Your Blog Like a Business

If you’re new to the blogging world, you might find this funny.

But believe me when I say that knowing that your blog is a business from the beginning is one of the keys to long-term blogging success.

Create a Steady Stream of Traffic

Blogging is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

It takes time.

So, if you stick with it and have patience, you can make money blogging. Before anything else can happen, you must first get enough visitors to your blog, therefore work hard.

There are no shortcuts in life.

And it takes time to build enough traffic. And you need a decent amount of traffic to become successful in blogging and make a career out of it.

3. Avoiding Top Blogging Mistakes

Worried Young Woman Covering Her Face

Not all bloggers have the same goals or expertise.

Some want to make money and become influencers, while others simply want to share their passions with like-minded people.

And, here’s the fact:

You’re bound to make mistakes along the way, no matter what your goal is.

As a blogger, the best thing you can do is learn from other fellow bloggers’ mistakes before making your own. The experts and their paid blogging courses can help you avoid some of the most typical blunders made by beginners.

Here are some of the most common mistakes that you should avoid and get started with your blogging venture on the right foot.

Not Focusing On Target Audience

One of the most effective ways to create a blog that people will want to read is by understanding who your target audience is, tailoring your content for them, rather than trying and appeal to everyone.

That will help you build an engaged community of followers!

A great way to start building up readership on our website is making sure we understand more about what they are interested in reading or learning from us.

In short, their interests drive everything.

Not Using a Self-hosted Blog

When deciding between a free blogging platform and a self-hosted blogging platform like WordPress, the most important thing to ask yourself is:

“How serious am I about making money from my website?”

If it’s only a side project, a free WordPress or BlogSpot blog can be sufficient.

However, if you intend to make money from your blog, particularly as a side hustle, it’s essential that you host your blog. Self-hosting is super essential when you want to own your blog and of course, make money blogging.

To be honest, it doesn’t have to be expensive.

You can host your blog using HostGator hosting for only $2.75/month. And, you’ll also get a free domain name when you purchase hosting.

Quite an amazing deal, right?

Not Blogging Consistently

It might be tough for new bloggers to establish a realistic publishing schedule.

It will be difficult when you first start blogging, and if you are not careful, you may burn out. Learning how to constantly publish useful content for your audience is essential if you want your blog to be successful in the long run.

Not Having a Subscriber List

Do you wish to become a successful blogger? You must have an email list.

Collecting emails is one of the most efficient ways for bloggers to build an audience, but it is also time-consuming. Fortunately, there are tools and services available that can make this process more efficient and straightforward than ever before.

Email marketing services like Moosend, Getresponse, Aweber, Convertkit, and Sendinblue can make email marketing easy at an affordable price.

I personally use Moosend and recommend it for beginners.

It doesn’t cost anything until you have 1000 subscribers. So basically you can get started with Moosend completely free and enjoy its services.

Bloggers have more alternatives when it comes to coming up with new blog posts or topic ideas when they have an organized database for contacting future customers or subscribers. Because their audience may provide feedback or offer advice which helps in improving blog content and bringing in more loyal readers.

Read – Detailed Moosend Review, Key Features, Pros, Cons and More

Depending Too Much on Traffic

Not the search engines, but your audience should be the focus of your content creation. Most new bloggers forget it while focusing too much on SEO.

Yes, SEO is essential if you want to have a strong online presence that will expand over time and convert more visits into leads or sales.

But, don’t rely solely on it though.

You’ll also need to have excellent writing skills. At the same time, you should know that Google doesn’t always reward excellent work straight immediately.

It takes time.

So, diversifying traffic sources can often lead to better results. Increase your reach by using social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, which are becoming increasingly important in today’s online marketing.

4. Achieve Special Blogging Skills


You’ll need a variety of skills to become a successful blogger: an editor, graphic designer, content producer, and digital marketer are all needed.

These are skills that are difficult to master with only free resources.

Engaging Content Writing

Content writing is a skill that should be taught to everyone in school.

It is an important and valuable skill that can help you to create appealing content for various audiences, whether it is a blog or any website.

Basic Photo Editing Skills

Photo editing is a talent that takes time and effort to master.

However, in the digital age, it has a lot of advantages.

Many individuals take photos with their phones or cameras to share, but those pictures often require some editing to look good.

Photo editing can be used to make an image more appealing, whether you’re publishing holiday photos online for family members to see or making professional-looking photographs for business purposes.


HTML and CSS skills will be in high demand for many years to come. Many bloggers design their websites using HTML and CSS. If you want to be a professional blogger, mastering HTML and CSS can be an added advantage.

SEO And Digital Marketing

Every blogger should be familiar with SEO and digital marketing.

It’s not just about having a website; it’s about how you use the internet to reach out to your target audience. Without any prior knowledge of SEO or digital marketing, it can be pretty tough to comprehend. A good blogging course gives you an added advantage.

The more you learn about SEO and digital marketing, the more effective you can become as a blogger. Premium blogging courses can really help in this matter.

5. Learn How to Scale Your Blog


Many bloggers start their blogs with the sole purpose of making money.

Also, for many bloggers, building a profitable blog is an intimidating and difficult job. With the right blog and business plan, you can turn your passion into a profitable business venture. Successful bloggers understand how to grow their blogs and turn them into profitable online businesses.

Start by deciding what kind of website you want to build, such as fashion, travel, or food blogging, so that you can figure out the right strategy for scaling.

But what exactly is scaling, and how can you scale your blog?

These are some critical things you’ll need to understand if you want to grow your blog to a seven-figure monthly income.

It’s challenging to learn the arts and techniques for growing and scaling your blog business all on your own. You’ll need someone to guide you.

You may now confidently say that taking blogging courses is surely worth it.

Here are some techniques to scale your blog business.

Passive Cash Flow Management System

Any business that wants to expand should invest in a cash flow management system.

When you’re hiring more people and spending money on advertising, a cash flow management system will be essential to ensure that your bank account is getting payments on a continuous basis.

Convert Your Text Content Into Video

Creating online videos is a wonderful method to turn your existing blog content into a more consumable format.

While most internet users are now watching or listening to their preferred content online rather than reading, creating videos from blog posts can be a smart choice. I recommend Lumen5, simple drag-and-drop software that makes the process easy.

Landing Page Optimization

Landing pages are a crucial part of optimizing your digital marketing strategy.

They help you achieve higher conversion rates and ultimately more sales.

There are many different types of landing page strategies, but it all comes down to how well your message resonates with potential customers, the design of the page, and where on the page they’re directed next (whether that’s email signup or something else).

Landing pages will give you an opportunity to convert your subscribers into customers.

6. Latest Blogging Trends

Latest Trends

As new trends emerge and old ones fade away, the blogging industry is continuously evolving. In the last few years, the blogging landscape has changed drastically.

In 2020, it was predicted that due to a rise in social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook, blogging activity may fall.

Influencers who are celebrities, bloggers, or have a large following on YouTube or other video-sharing sites will be the next trend in 2021.

There have been various blogging trends in recent years, and paid blogging courses can help you become successful, regardless of your hobbies or expertise.

7. Get Ahead of The Competition

Athletes Running on Track

Blogging has been dubbed a dying industry, but the truth is that it has never been more profitable. The internet continues to expand at an exponential rate, with new blogs popping up on a daily basis.

The most successful blogs on the internet are those that are updated frequently and provide fresh content to their readers.

It’s critical to stay ahead of the competition in the competitive blogging industry, but most beginners fail to understand this when they first start out.

It’s a smart choice to consider taking some valuable blogging courses if you want to take your blogging career to the next level.

Best Blogging Courses

Want to create a money-making blog?

Of course! you do.

While there are plenty of free blogging resources available online, taking a blogging course can offer you an edge.

It doesn’t make sense to start from the beginning and learn everything from scratch; instead, it’s a wise decision to learn from someone who has already walked the road you wish to walk. This is how the odds of success will skyrocket.

Udemy is one of the best online learning platforms where you can learn how to blog. You’ll find lots of blogging courses suitable for beginners as well as experts.

The best thing?

Udemy often offers up to 95% discounts on its courses.

So, even if you don’t find a fantastic deal right now, you can keep looking to see whether a course is available at a discounted price.

Below are some of the top-rated blogging courses on Udemy.

Best Blogging Courses on UdemyPriceBest forMore details
Blogging Masterclass: How To Build A Successful Blog In 2021$197BeginnersClick here to learn more
Blogging for a Living – Perfect Small Budget Project$147BeginnersClick here to learn more
2021 Blogging Bootcamp: Build a Successful & Profitable Blog$119BeginnersClick here to learn more
Blogging to Freedom: Create Your Independence with Blogging$119BeginnersClick here to learn more
Blogging For Beginners: Start a Blog Discover Passive Income$87BeginnersClick here to learn more

Final Thoughts

It’s incredible how rapidly time passes.

It seems like only yesterday that the Internet and blogging were just getting started, but both have now been around for more than two decades.

Blogging has come a long way since its inception!

Mobile-friendly design, responsive site designs that work on any device, and interactive elements like polls and quizzes are among the most recent blogging trends.

This is certainly an exciting time for new bloggers because there are so many awesome blogging tools available now to help them grow their readership and build meaningful relationships with their audiences.

This year, I think it’ll be even more important than ever before to invest in some valuable blogging courses or learn from top-class mentors who are crushing this industry. So definitely, I can finally confirm that blogging courses are really worth it.

That’s all for today. And of course, thank you so much for reading.

If you want to launch your blogging business now and need someone to guide you, you can read my ultimate guide on how to start a blog.

And, start your blog with Bluehost for just $2.75/month.

It’s the best web hosting option for beginner bloggers.

Get Started with Bluehost

Full Disclosure: Please note that if you decide to buy hosting using any link on this page, at NO additional cost to you (none whatsoever!), I may get compensated, by the hosting company. Will this be a problem? In fact, if you click and buy, thank you. It really motivates me to create more quality content like like the one you’ve just read, free of charge.

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About the author

I am Tamal Kr. Chandra, a passionate blogger and the creative mind behind Digital Millions. From blogging and affiliate marketing to e-commerce and SEO, I write easy-to-follow guides and give honest advice about the best tools to build a business online, grow your business, and get financially free.