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How to Start a Sports Blog That Makes Money Online?

Would you like to start a sports blog or any kind of blog? This easy-to-follow step-by-step tutorial will get you all set up in less than 15 minutes.

How to Start a Sports Blog

It might feel tricky finding the right path to start a profitable blog. That’s why I’ve gathered all the essential info right in this comprehensive guide.

Long post ahead, but it’s packed with everything you need!

I’m a blogger, and I know the ins and outs of how to start a successful blog. Believe me, when I say, I’ve been there. I’ve guided many to start their blogs and make money. Now, I’m excited to share that know-how with you.

When I jumped into blogging, I was clueless. But after weeks of reading and learning from mistakes, I figured it out.

Sure, my first attempt was a bust — I lost time and money.

But, I didn’t give up.

I soaked up knowledge from countless blogs, and that hard work paid off.

I believe this guide is your ticket to transforming your website into a money-making machine, even if you’re starting from scratch.

So, grab your favorite drink, find a quiet spot, and let’s focus.

You’re about to dive into a well-researched, in-depth guide that’s all about helping you launch an amazing blog from the ground up.

Let’s get started on this step-by-step tutorial on how to start a blog.

Whether you’re interested in how to start a sports blog or want to explore other niches, this guide has you covered from start to finish.

However, in this article, we’ll mainly focus on Sports Blogging.

In this article, you’ll find:

So, let’s dive into the topic of sports blogging, learn how to make money from your blog, and build a profitable business online.

Step 1: Select Your Sports Niche

Deciding on the right niche is a big step for beginners. Before you dive into blogging, you need to choose a niche that suits you best.

Many new bloggers look at income reports from top earning blogging sites and think they can achieve the same success.

But, let me tell you, this is where many beginners stumble.

Importance of Niche Selection

Selecting the right niche for your blog is crucial as it defines your audience, sets the direction of your content, and influences monetization potential. A focused niche helps you become an authority, attract a dedicated readership, and stand out in a crowded blogosphere, ultimately helping you succeed.

Remember, it’s crucial to write about what you know.

If you’re knowledgeable about your topic, readers will come.

For example, if you love books, consider writing book reviews, or if you’re into travelling, start a blog about travelling.

The key is to focus on what you’re passionate about.

Don’t start a blog in an area you’re not familiar with.

Remember the saying, “A jack of all trades is a master of none.” Understanding yourself is vital when you choose a niche for your blog.

This isn’t just about picking any topic.

It’s about finding one that resonates with you. Ask yourself what you love, what you’re good at, and what could potentially make you money. Jot down a few ideas and see which one ticks all these boxes.

If you have many interests, consider a personal or self-branded blog. This way, you can explore various passions. Think about those moments when you were incredibly engaged in a discussion with friends or during a class debate. Those are the topics that might ignite your blogging fire.

However, be cautious not to cover too many topics.

A few well-chosen areas that you’re passionate about will suffice.

Remember, a blog is like a long chat with your readers, who are smart and informed. If you stretch yourself too thin over multiple areas, your writing might suffer, or you won’t have enough time to create detailed posts. Your readers will notice if the content doesn’t seem genuine or well-informed.

So, when you’re ready to create a blog, think carefully about your main subjects. Choosing 1 niche that you’re passionate about is usually enough. This focus will help you establish yourself as an informed source in your chosen niche.

  • Football game analysis
  • All things basketball, from NBA to college hoops
  • International soccer
  • Fitness and Training
  • Skateboarding, BMX, and snowboarding
  • Running and Marathon
  • Tennis tournaments
  • Golfing tips
  • Hiking, rock climbing, kayaking
  • Motorsports
  • Water Sports like swimming, surfing, diving

Each niche offers a unique angle on sports and can be a rich source of content for a dedicated blog. Just don’t focus on multiple sports at the same time. While this method of blogging can work in many cases, it’s not recommended for someone who has never started a sports blog or any blog before.

How to Research a Profitable Niche?

Finding a profitable niche for your blog might seem tricky.

But with a few steps, you can nail it.

First, think about what interests you as I already discussed. It’s way easier to create content about things you know about.

But, don’t just stop there – You need to check if others are interested too. This is where topic research tools come into play.

Start by using SEO tools like Semrush. It’ll show you how many people are searching for specific topics or keywords you’re interested in. The more people looking, the better chance your blog has to be noticed online and make money for you. Also, look at the competition. If there are tons of blogs on the same topic, you’ll need to work harder to stand out.

Don’t forget to consider blogging niches that make the most money. Some topics, like personal finance or health, often do better when it comes to earning. But, you need to balance what pays well with what you love to talk about.

One of the biggest blogging mistakes is not listening to your audience.

Once you start getting readers, pay attention to what they like. See which posts get the most views and comments. This feedback is gold.

Lastly, keep learning and tweaking. What works today might not work tomorrow. Stay up-to-date with trends in your niche and the blogging world. It’s all about connecting with your readers and providing them with value. If you can do that, you’re on your way to a profitable blog.

Step 2: Understand Your Purpose

You might have many reasons to start a blog.

Maybe you’re dreaming of the freedom I did. Freedom from a regular 9-5 job, freedom to spend time with family, or freedom to travel.

Blogging takes time, but trust me, it’s worth more than the regular desk job. Who doesn’t want the liberty to do anything from anywhere?

Yet, most are hesitant to leave their 9-5 routine.

Perhaps you’re looking to earn some extra cash. If that’s your aim, starting a sports blog or any other could be the perfect side hustle. I’ve seen many bloggers earning big, though reaching that level needs dedication.

Remember, blogging’s more flexible than most day jobs.

But you’ve got to commit a few hours daily, and it’ll pay off.

Or maybe you’re aspiring to make a mark, to become a well-known author. Blogging can be your first step, just like it was for famous writers. With extra effort, your name could shine in Forbes or other top magazines.

Imagine working from anywhere like digital nomad – your cozy room or a new city.

Sounds exciting, right? Picture yourself sipping coffee on a mountain, blogging under the stars. That’s the life!


I get it, we all have our reasons to dive into the money-making world of blogging. But remember, don’t just focus on the cash. The quality of your content is what really matters. Aim to provide top-notch content to your readers.

Read ➔ How to Write The Best Blog Posts?

You might think blogging will earn you more than your regular job, especially if you feel underpaid or undervalued.

Passionate writing about topics you love can indeed lead to substantial earnings.

But understand, making money through blogging isn’t instant.

It requires time and passion. Yet, if you love what you’re writing about, it won’t feel like work but a fun, relaxing activity.

Before diving in, you should know the cost of blogging.

It’s not just about the emotional and time investment but also the financial aspect. From the top web hosting services to design and marketing, being informed helps you plan better for the future of your blog.

Also, consider blogging vs vlogging. Both have their merits and can be rewarding. Choose what suits your style and audience best.

In all, remember, great achievements need hard work.

If you’re ready to commit, the blogging world awaits you.

It’s not just about making money; it’s about creating something you’re proud of. So, what’s your reason to start blogging?

When your reasons to start a sports blog are clear, it’s time to set clear goals and objectives for your blogging activities, define your audience, create a unique value proposition and finally, conduct competitive analysis.

Setting Clear Goals and Objectives

You see, knowing what you want to achieve is like having a roadmap. It guides you where to go and helps you not get lost.

Ask yourself, “What do I want to achieve with my blog?”

It could be sharing your passion, connecting with others, or even turning 1K into 10K or more – Well, I’m talking about investing in your blog.

Just be sure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. It’s about making your dreams clear and reachable.

Also, knowing who you’re talking to through your sports blog is huge.

Defining Your Target Audience

If you’re chatting with friends, you talk one way. If you’re talking to your grandma, that’s another. It’s the same with blogging. Define who you’re creating content for. Are they sports enthusiasts, beginners, or professionals?

Understanding your audience helps you create content they’ll love and keep them coming back for more. Plus, you know exactly what to write about.

Additionally, creating a unique value proposition.

What makes your blog special? There are millions out there, so what makes yours stand out? This is your unique value proposition.

Maybe you have a new take on sports, or you share personal stories that touch the heart. Whatever it is, it’s what makes your readers choose you over others. Think about what you offer that no one else does.

This will be your magnet, attracting traffic to your website.

Next step? Conduct competitive analysis.

It’s the process of identifying your competitors and evaluating their strategies to determine their strengths and weaknesses relative to your own. It involves researching and understanding the market landscape, which helps you pinpoint opportunities for differentiation and improvement.

Essentially, it’s a critical tool for staying informed and maintaining a competitive edge in your industry or niche.

Conducting Competitive Analysis

Ever heard of Semrush or Moz? These are all-in-one SEO tools that can help you peek at what others in your niche are doing.

It’s not about copying; it’s about learning and getting better.

Look at other blogs in your niche. What are they doing well? Where could they improve? This isn’t just about being nosy. It’s about understanding the landscape. By knowing your competition, you can find ways to be different and better. It’s all about finding your edge in a crowded space.

Finally, it’s time to set up your blog. Creating a sports blog involves the same process of making any other types of blogs.

Step 3: Set Up Your Sports Blog

The very first step of making a blog is choosing a platform.

Choose the Right Platform

Picking the right platform for your blog can be tough if you’re just starting. Sure, you might hear about services like Wix or Squarespace, but from my own blogging journey, I’ve learned something crucial:

WordPress is the top choice for bloggers. It’s not even a debate why you should pick WordPress over others like Weebly.

Most of the web runs on WordPress, and every pro blogger I know uses it. They wouldn’t even think of switching.

You might wonder, why WordPress?

Well, one blogger put it perfectly: “Why change when you have the best option out there for the same value?”

Think about this: 34,286,295+ websites are using WordPress. It’s the biggest CMS (Content Management System) globally.

Since 2003, WordPress has led the market.

And, I’m not just talking about any WordPress. I mean, not They’re quite different; is hosted by WordPress, while is self-hosted.

Why Is WordPress the Best Platform?

Here’s why is the best choice for anyone looking to create an online blog, especially if you’re learning how to start a sports blog:

  • Biggest CMS in the World: With millions of active users, stands as the largest CMS. This fact alone makes it a smarter choice over platforms like Squarespace or Weebly, which can be expensive.
  • Most Powerful Platform: WordPress has been leading for over 20 years. They’ve got the experience, and they offer tons of plugins to grow your blog. While free blogging platforms might limit your options, WordPress provides thousands of plugins, almost 59516, while I am writing this. Just remember not to overdo it, as too many can slow down your website.
  • Professional Choice: Over 35% of the top 10 million blogs use It’s user-friendly and offers a wide range of themes. But, with so many options, picking one can be tricky. But, it won’t be an issue, right?
  • Stability and Trust: WordPress isn’t going anywhere. They’ve been around for over 20 years and are here to stay. So, your content is safe.

And yes, there’s often confusion between and (they’re different, remember?).

When comparing WordPress vs Blogger or any other platforms for blogging, stands out for its versatility and community support. Whether you’re looking to turn a hobby into a profession or just share your thoughts through blogging, is a solid foundation.

The next step to create your self-hosted WordPress blog is to get the right hosting service to host and manage your blog.

Get the Right Hosting and Domain

If you’re thinking of starting a sports blog with WordPress, the self-hosted version, you’ll need two main things:

  1. Web hosting
  2. A domain name

Let’s talk about getting the right hosting first.

This is where your blog ‘lives‘ online. It’s important because it affects your blog’s speed, performance, and how much traffic it can handle.

There are a bunch of hosting services out there, but for new bloggers, some are better than others. Here are some great options:

  • Hostinger
  • Cloudways
  • A2 Hosting
  • Scala Hosting
  • Verpex
  • WP Engine
  • Kinsta

Confused about which hosting to choose?

For bloggers watching their budget, I recommend Hostinger. It’s very affordable, less than $3 a month and a great place to start. But if you’re need great speed and performance of your website, Cloudways is a top choice.

Don’t get me wrong, Hostinger isn’t bad at all for speed; it’s just that Cloudways has that extra oomph. You can try Cloudways free for 3 days.

So, why pick Hostinger, especially if you’re just starting?

Let me give you some reasons:

  • Affordable: Less than $3 to start. Seriously, that’s less than a cup of coffee!
  • User-friendly: It’s really easy to use, even if you’re not tech-savvy.
  • Reliable: Even at a low price, you get 99.9% uptime. This means your blog is up and running smoothly most of the time.
  • Excellent features: Free SSL, free domain, free CDN, unlimited bandwidth, free email, fast NVMe storage, daily backups, and more.
  • Support: Great support team to help you out if you get stuck.

I recommend giving Hostinger a try. It’s perfect for beginners, and your wallet will thank you. Click here to get your special Hostinger deal.

Hostinger Landing

Now, about domains.

Your domain is your blog’s address on the web.

Picking the right one is crucial.

When you’re thinking about how to choose a domain name for your sports blog, make it catchy, easy to remember, and relevant to your niche.

Here are a few places where you can buy domains:

  • GoDaddy
  • Bluehost
  • Namecheap

Hostinger also gives you a free domain if you pay annually.

But, I like to keep the domain separately from my hosting account. This way, you can save more money in the long run.

I personally recommend Namecheap for buying domains. They’re affordable, reliable, and making purchases there is a breeze.

When you’re picking a domain, try to keep it short, avoid numbers and hyphens, and use keywords like ‘sports‘ if you can. This helps people understand what your blog is about just from the name.

When you have your hosting and domain ready, it’s time to install WordPress. It’s where you’ll be able to manage your blogging activities.

Get Your WordPress Ready

No matter which hosting service you are using, the basic steps to install and set up WordPress is the same. Considering that you’ve bought hosting service from Hostinger, as I suggested, here’s how to install WordPress:

Using Hostinger’s WordPress Onboarding

This is super easy, especially for beginners.

Just log in to Hostinger’s control panel, hPanel, and navigate to ‘Websites’. Choose ‘Create or migrate a website’, then select WordPress. Fill in your details, choose your language, and add any plugins you might want.

After picking a theme and setting up some content with their AI-powered tools, register your domain, and you’re good to go!

Using Hostinger’s Auto Installer

If you want to install an older version of WordPress, or the newest version, or set it up on a subdomain, this method is for you.

Go to ‘Website’ → ‘Auto Installer’ in hPanel and select WordPress. Enter your website details and preferences, then click ‘Install’.

So, as you can see, setting up WordPress on Hostinger is pretty straightforward. And, it shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes to get it ready.

Configuring Your WordPress Site

Once you’ve installed WordPress, you’re ready to start shaping your blog. Here’s how to get started with your new WordPress site.

Logging Into WordPress

First, you need to log into your WordPress dashboard.

Just type ‘’ into your browser, replace ‘yourdomain’ with your actual domain, and enter your login details.

Choosing the Right Plugins and Themes

Next up, you need to pick a theme that reflects your sports blog’s vibe.

Go to ‘Appearance’ then ‘Themes’, and click ‘Add New’ to browse. For plugins, which add extra features to your site, head to ‘Plugins’ then ‘Add New’.

Essential plugins for beginners include ones for security, SEO, and caching. Here’s a list of the top WordPress plugins and best themes.

Installing is a breeze.

Just click ‘Install’ then ‘Activate’ on the theme or plugin you like.

For themes, you can also customize them to fit your style by going back to ‘Appearance’ and selecting ‘Customize’.

Permalinks are how your post URLs look.

You want them neat and easy to read. Go to ‘Settings’, then ‘Permalinks’, and choose ‘Post name’. It’s clean and great for SEO.

Search Engine Index Setting

You’ll want people to find your blog through Google, right? Make sure search engines can see you by going to ‘Settings’, then ‘Reading’, and uncheck the box that says ‘Discourage search engines from indexing this site’.

Other Essentials

Don’t forget to set your time zone under ‘Settings’ then ‘General’, and create categories for your posts under ‘Posts’ then ‘Categories’.

Writing Your First Blog Post

Now for the exciting part!

Go to ‘Posts’ then ‘Add New’. Here you can write your title and content, add images, and when you’re ready, hit ‘Publish’.

Congratulations, you’ve just made your first post!

I know, I know things can be overwhelming at this moment. Take your time, explore the features, and have fun with it.

It will soon become easy to use WordPress. Trust me!

Still need help?

Look for relevant videos on YouTube. There are hundreds of free videos already available showing you everything from start to finish.

Step 4: Create High-Quality Content

When you decide to create a sports blog, having a solid content plan is crucial. Think about what you want to share. Is it news, tips, or personal stories? Plan your topics ahead and create a content calendar. It keeps you organized and ensures you always have something fresh to post on your blog.

It’s not just about what you post, but when you post. Consistency is key when it comes to blogging success.

Plus, you should create the best content for your sports blog.

How to Write Engaging Blog Posts?

To write the perfect blog post, first, know your audience.

Are they hardcore fans or casual followers?

Use a conversational tone, like you’re chatting with a friend. Share your passion and insights to make posts engaging.

Remember, stories captivate people.

So, include personal experiences or behind-the-scenes looks.

Keep paragraphs short and sweet for easy reading.

People love visuals!

Adding images, videos, or infographics can make your post more interesting and easier to understand. It’s not just about text; showing what you’re talking about can really bring your content to life.

For image SEO, make sure to use descriptive file names and alt tags. Videos and infographics can also break up long sections of text.

It really makes your blog posts more reader-friendly.

Read ➔ How to Royalty-free Legal Images for Your Blog?

And, of course, you can’t forget SEO.

Focus on SEO Best Practices

SEO is what helps you get noticed online.

To optimize your blog content for SEO, you should use relevant keywords naturally throughout your posts. Find them using Keyword research tools.

All-in-one SEO tools like Semrush can help with SEO. It’s Keyword Magic Tool can help you find the right words to target. Semrush reviews suggest it’s pretty useful for understanding what people are searching for.

Now, you may ask, “Where should I include keywords?”

Include keywords in your titles, headers, and throughout the content.

Also, link to previous posts and reputable sites.

Ai content writing tools like Scalenut or Rytr can help you create content faster and maintain a natural and engaging flow with SEO in mind.

Plus, don’t forget the power of social media for extra visibility!

Creating high-quality content takes effort, but with the right strategy and a bit of creativity, you’ll see your blog grow. Keep these blogging tips in mind to grow as a blogger and connect with your audience.

Your passion and dedication, combined with these strategies, will surely make your sports blog a go-to source for readers!

Read ➔ How Many Times to Use Keywords in Posts?

Step 5: Build Your Brand

Building a brand starts with developing a consistent tone and style.

Your blog’s tone and style are like your voice. They let people know what you’re all about. Are you informative, funny, or serious?

Stick to a consistent tone so your readers know what to expect. Your style includes how you write and the look of your blog. Keeping this consistent makes your blog feel more professional and trustworthy.

When you start a sports blog, the first thing people notice is your logo.

Your logo is like your blog’s face!

Make sure it stands out and reflects your blog’s personality. You don’t need to be a pro designer; graphic designing tools like Canva are there to help.

Choose colors and fonts that represent your style and use them consistently across all your branding materials.

It helps people recognize you and your sports blog at a glance.

Build a Strong Social Media Presence

Social media is a powerhouse for building your brand.

Start a Facebook blog page, share your posts, interact with followers, and join sports conversations. It’s not just about promoting your blog; it’s about being part of the entire community. Use platforms where your audience hangs out, like Twitter for quick updates or Instagram for visuals.

And remember, consistency is key here too. Post regularly and keep your blog’s look and feel the same across all platforms.

Network with Other Sports Bloggers

You’re not alone in the blogosphere! Connecting with other bloggers and influencers can really boost your brand. Comment on their posts, share their content, and maybe even collaborate.

Tools like Scalenut can help you create social content faster and grow easily. Read this Scalenut review to find what this tool can help you with.

Use marketing tools to find influencers in your niche.

Don’t be shy to reach out to them. Most bloggers love to connect and share tips. Plus, their followers might become your followers too!

Building a brand takes time, but it’s worth it.

With a memorable logo, consistent style, strong social media presence, and good networking, you’ll be well on your way.

Step 6: Make Money from Your Blog

Starting a sports blog isn’t just about sharing your passion; it’s also an excellent way to make money from your blog.

Whether it’s through affiliate marketing, selling products, or other methods, there are plenty of ways to turn your blog into a source of income.

Even the highest earning blogs started from zero.

Affiliate Marketing in the Sports Niche

Affiliate marketing is one of the top ways to make money online, especially in the sports niche. You can promote products or services from sports brands and earn a commission for every sale made through your unique link.

To get started, join affiliate training platforms like Wealthy Affiliate. They’ll teach you the ropes and help you find the right programs for your blog.

Sell Merchandise or Products

Got loyal readers?

Why not sell them some cool sports merchandise or products? This could be anything from branded T-shirts to sports equipment.

Setting up an online shop on your blog is easier than you think, and it’s a great way to make extra cash while strengthening your brand.

Companies love to connect with engaged audiences.

That’s where sponsored posts and advertising come in. You can work with sports brands to create content that promotes their products or services. Just make sure to keep it authentic and disclose the partnership to your readers.

Display ads are another option. They’re easy to set up with platforms like Ezoic, and you’ll earn money each time someone clicks or views the ad.

Read ➔ Ezoic Requirements to Get Approved for Ads

Premium Content

Consider offering premium content or a subscription model if you’ve got a knack for creating in-depth, valuable content. This could be detailed guides, exclusive news, or special features. Readers pay a fee to access this content.

It can give you a steady income stream. Think about sports niches that make the most money and tailor your premium content to those areas.

The types of blogs that make money are the ones that diversify their income streams. So, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Try different methods and see what works best for your sports blog.

Step 7: Scale Your Sports Blog

Growing your sports blog means more content, and better content at that.

Start by planning.

A content calendar helps you organize and schedule posts, so you’re always ahead. Utilize AI copywriting tools to speed up your writing process and generate new ideas. These tools can help maintain quality while increasing quantity of your blog posts. Remember, consistency is key in blogging.

Hire Freelancers to Write for Your Blog

As your blog grows, it’s tough to do everything alone.

Consider hiring freelancers or contributors.

There are loads of websites to hire writers who are passionate about sports just like you. They can bring fresh perspectives and new ideas to your blog. Make sure to find writers who understand your blog’s tone and style.

A good team can significantly boost your blog’s quality and quantity of content.

Don’t limit yourself.

Explore related niches or topics to attract a wider audience.

If your blog is about football, why not explore fitness tips for football players or the latest football gear? This not only brings in more readers but also opens up new opportunities for affiliate marketing and sponsored content. Just ensure the new topics align with your blog’s overall theme and mission.

Scaling a sports blog isn’t overnight work. It requires a clear plan, a bit of help, and a willingness to explore new areas.

With the above-mentioned strategies, plus a focus on content marketing benefits, your blog could soon be among the top earning blogs out there.

So, dream big, plan well, and keep pushing your blog to new heights!

Related Reading:

Final Words on Sports Blogging

Now, let’s wrap up this post on how to start a sports blog. I’ve discussed almost everything you need to know to get started right now.

And, I hope you’re feeling ready to dive in!

Starting your blog is like kicking off an exciting game. You’ve got the playbook now, so it’s all about putting those strategies into action.

If you’re still a bit unsure, that’s okay!

Everyone starts somewhere.

And, it’s your unique journey that’ll make your blog special.

I strongly recommend trying out tools and services that make blogging easier. Hostinger is a great starting point if you’re watching your budget. Or, if you’re curious about other options, why not try Cloudways free trial? It’s a fantastic way to see what works best for your blog without a commitment.

Free trial hosting options are out there, so take advantage of them!

Be patient, keep learning, and don’t be afraid to tweak things as you go. If you liked this article useful, please share it, thanks. 🙂

About the author

I am Tamal Kr. Chandra, a passionate blogger and the creative mind behind Digital Millions. From blogging and affiliate marketing to e-commerce and SEO, I write easy-to-follow guides and give honest advice about the best tools to build a business online, grow your business, and get financially free.